Chapter 95 - The Transformation

Six years ago, a summer night, 

Li Juan woke up from the nightmare, panting and profusely sweating.

"What happened?" The man who sat next to her asked in an anxious voice. 

"It's her again, I need to save her!" She tried to get up from the bed, but the tubes and needles attached to her body restricted her movements.

"I need to go and she needs me," her voice broke down into tears while she struggled to unclasp herself from various medical equipment kept for monitoring her condition,

"Okay, okay let me help you," he grabbed her fragile arms to stop her from moving, 

"You will help me?" She looked at him hopefully," Then promise me, promise me that you will take me to her,"

"I promise that I will be the one who is going to take you to your queen," he linked his pinky finger with her finger and sealed the promise.

"You cannot break a promise,"

"I will not break the promise," He assured her and helped her to lay down on the bed. "Close your eyes and sleep some more,"

" Whenever I close my eyes, she appears before me." her big black eyes held sorrow and helplessness, "She is not letting me sleep,"

He gently caressed her forehead,

"Next time when she appears, promise her that you will save her, tell her that you'll come for her,"


The misty morning in the Tu valley had a refreshing and revitalizing aroma of the freshly bloomed flowers and moss-covered woods. 

Li Juan slowly stepped into the sparkling waters of the smoothly flowing river, occasionally hopping over giant boulders in the valley,

The moment her silky smooth skin came in contact with the ice-cold water, a low squeal slipped from her mouth,

Li Juan gently brushed away the waves with her arms and let herself sank into the water, soaking her ebony tresses,

It felt refreshing,

With a childish delight, she scooped the water and splashed on her face and body,

Well, stepping into the water brings back the kid in an adult,

The sky had a gloomy bluish light, intending that the sun has not risen over the mountains, other than the rippling of the waves, and occasional chirpings of birds the only sound resonated in the river bank were the rustlings of leaves.

Li Juan deliberately came earlier to take a bath, to avoid crashing into someone whom she does not want to meet, 

However, her efforts went vain,

"You look happy, sweetheart."

A masculine voice doused with a trace of playfulness came from behind,

Li Juan didn't dare to turn towards the direction from which the sound originated. 

It was Tang Wei Sheng.

"I heard that this place is known as heaven, but I never expected that I would run into a goddess, early in the morning,"

Tang Wei Sheng's walked towards the river in poise and sat on a boulder. 

"I wanted to have a conversation with you, but you were busy,"

"I don't want to talk to you," She retorted.

"Okay, then go away," He chortled,

Li Juan gritted her teeth in anger, she was stark naked. 

"Not leaving?"

"What do you want?" She sneered,

"I just wanted to talk,"


Li Juan turned to face him, revealing her drenched face.

Under the faint lights, her wet face and shoulders were only visible above the water. 

But it was enough to set Tang Wei Sheng's mind on fire,

"Why are you doing this?"

"What, am I not allowed to take a bath?"

He let out a chuckle and gazed into her face flaring with anger. 

"Turn away," She ordered, "Let me change,"

He obediently turned away while a placid smile lingered on his lips,

Li Juan swam towards the boulder where she kept her clothes. She took the towel, covered herself and got out of the water. In a lightning speed, she put on her clothes and asked him with a plain face,

"What do you want to say?" 

"Why did you came back?" His question was direct,

"The question must be, "how did you manage to escape from the cage that I have built for you?"

"If you want to frame it like that, then go ahead, blame me as much as you want," He sounded gentle, just like the Tang Wei Sheng she used to know in high school.

Li Juan remained silent and warned herself,

Don't fall for his tricks,

"You left the team on your own. When I came looking for you, you refused to come with me,

And now you are here with someone else. Don't you think I deserve an explanation?" He patiently elaborated his question.

"I left the team due to my poor health, when I wished to return, I found that my scholarship was cancelled and I was refrained from returning. Since this expedition is an important part of my research, I sought help from someone else." 

Li Juan hid the fact that she is related to Bai Corporation and surprisingly Tang Wei Sheng's next question was about the same.

"Why Bai Corporation? Are you aware of the business done by them?"

"They are the giants in the mining industry," Li Juan replied.

"So you are aware of it," 

"They are not going to destroy this place,"

Tang Wei Sheng scoffed at her words, "What do you know about them?"

"I don't know anything about them and I don't want to know either. All I am concerned about is getting my work done." Li Juan stated her purpose of visit and give the impression that she is not here for patching things with him.

"Watching you work for another group is distracting professor Han." Tang Wei Sheng let out his other trump card,

"He is a professional, he won't let his personal feelings get into his work." Li Juan ruthlessly refuted back.

"Why do you have to refute everything that I am saying?"

" I thought you want to have a conversation, if you don't want to hear my part, then feel free to scram," Li Juan's words, her gaze everything appeared colder than the frosty morning.

Tang Wei Sheng was taken back by her reactions. She used to be a silent girl who was shy to talk to him, but nowadays her words have become so sharp, that it could leave a deep wound. The look in her eyes always had a welcoming and submissive feel, but it was replaced by defensive and intimidating aura.

Somehow his narcissistic ego refused to submit to her. 

"He seems quite remarkable, that man who roams around you," Tang Wei Sheng changed the topic, 

"He came looking for you in Xi city, even arranged an expedition,"

"Too much for a one-night stand." His voice had a tinge of mockery. 

"Getting involved with giants like Bai corporations, I think I have underestimated you, Li Juan."

"I have spent a few nights with you and what did you give me?"Li Juan retorted back with an unexpected question,

"A bunch of meaningless promises and the title of homewrecker?" Her lips curled to form a scornful laugh,

"Li Juan!!!"

"Don't raise your voice,"

"Why? Are you scared that you will get exposed?" Tang Wei Sheng asked her,

"Not everyone is blessed with a rotten mind like yours, CEO Tang." Li Juan snickered,

This is not going to end well,

He stood up and graciously walked towards her. He gave her enough chances to yield,

"I don't know sweetheart, somehow I like this version of you, bittersweet,

He grabbed her jaw and caressed her wet lips with his thumb. "It makes me curious,"

There wasn't a single response from Li Juan,

She didn't struggle nor reciprocate towards his advances, 

She just remained stoic,

"You have put on some weight," He lustfully sized up her body and reached out to touch her.

"You are done?" Li Juan took a step back and wiped her mouth with the back of her palm,

"I wish to continue," He licked his lips and leaned in,

"You are right, I have actually put on some weight so that when the right time comes, I can," she paused her words and stared right into his eyes with an enticing smile,

Tang Wei Sheng went numb for a moment, 

Finally, she decided to give in? He unconsciously let down his guard against her,

Li Juan took advantage of his dazed state and punched right into his face and pushed him into the water in swift movements. 


There lies, the almighty CEO of Tang Corporations, drenched in ice-cold water,

It was totally unexpected. He only wanted to tease her, but he didn't expect that Li Juan would punch him,

"I am warning you, don't you dare come closer to me. I seriously don't refrain myself from killing you," She flexed her paining knuckles and glared.

" It would be an honour to die by your hands,"

Tang Wei Sheng sensuously smiled and splattered water on her. 

"I hate you," Li Juan yelled at him while picking up her dirty clothes and walked away. 

What is wrong with him? 

He almost killed her last time and to be honest, she was a bit scared that would happen today as well. However, he acted like a complete jerk.

Li Juan walked towards the camping grounds,

"JingJing, Look who is here!" An arrogant voice broke the serenity of the misty morning, 

"Long time no see, Miss Li," Mei Lin haughtily greeted her,

Ning Jing glared at her like she is an object of disgust.

"To be honest, I am surprised, Li Juan,

I did everything to stop you from getting closer to Wei Sheng and yet you followed him here, despite all my warnings."

"When did I said that I followed your fiance?" Li Juan huffed, "I came for my own interests."

"Don't even think about getting back to your old love," 

"Huh, Miss Ning," Li Juan touched her forehead in disappointment," Suppose one day all the men on earth suddenly disappears, except your fiance, still I won't go after him," Li Juan declared and walked out from the place with her head held high,

"That vixen!" Mei Lin cursed,

"Leave her, she has already become a traitor in front of others and getting called as a slut won't be any different for her,"

Li Juan walked towards her tent, to her surprise Liang was standing in front of her tent, with his medical kit,

"Good morning,"

"Huh, morning, you took bath?" He appeared in disbelief.

Li Juan nodded in agreement,

"It must be chilly,"

"I like it, It was so refreshing," Li Juan appeared cheerful. 

"I thought I will check for any differences in your blood pressure."

"In the morning?"


"Give me a minute," Li Juan went inside her tent to keep her dirty clothes and came back.

Both of them sat on a makeshift bench and Liang started to check her blood pressure,

"Thank you"

Liang looked at her in doubt.

"For talking to the professor. For looking for me, for taking care of me, I don't know how I am going to repay you." Li Juan's words sounded genuine. 

"Stay happy," Liang said with an honest smile,


"You can repay me by staying happy."


"Can't I wish for the happiness of my friend?"

Li Juan was at a loss of words,

"Why are you nice to me?"

"Well, I am nice to everyone." Liang casually answered her question.

"I somehow feel that you are being extra nice to me," Li Juan lowered her head and hesitated to continue,

"Do you have any-"

"No," Liang immediately cut her off, "I don't have any hidden motives,"

"You are my friend, that's it."

"Hmm, It is not that I doubt you, it is just I am not in a position to get into another relationship,"

"Did you forget that I already have someone in my mind?" his voice appeared plain,

"I am sorry," Li Juan immediately apologized,

"You don't have to be,"

Suddenly a pair of azure winged magpies flown straight towards Li Juan's head and sat beside the bench,

"Woahhh," Li Juan was startled for a moment, she clutched her pounding chest,

"I didn't know that they are friendly towards people."

Li Juan reached out for her hand and one of them walked towards her, 

"Miss Li, good fortunes are coming for you," Meng Yu, who came out of the tent said to her. It was a common belief in the oriental culture that Magpies bring good fortunes. 

"Try feeding them," Meng Yu went back to his tent and gave her some pine nuts,

Li Juan threw some of them and the Magpies hurriedly picked them.

"Jie," Bai Yu's shrill scared the birds and they immediately flew away,

Li Juan looked at him in disappointment,

"Why can't you keep your voice low," her face got filled with a sulky expression,


"I was just happy to see you," Bai Yu pouted his lips and looked at her with a cute expression. 

"Young master," Meng Yu was left dumbfounded, The second young master of the Bai family was known for his mischievous and haughty nature. But he never knew that Bai Yu can act cute,

Li Juan pulled his cheeks with affection,

"Uffoo bringing this fellow has become a nuisance, he just tails you around." Zhang Zhi Jun commented and looked at Li Juan's smiling face. 

"You look happy?"

"Very much, I did something which I wanted to do for a while," She smiled with a contented face.

On the other side of the tent, Tang Wei Sheng saw this scene and he felt a tug at his heart,

He was happy to know that she is back.

When he found that Li Juan left the team, it was a heavy blow for him.

He clearly knows how much Li Juan valued her project, that's why he went to bring her back to the team.

But Li Juan refused you to return with him and creating havoc, awakening the beast in him.

His alternate ego refused to listen to the pleas of Li Juan and locked her up. But she effortlessly got out of it and came back, even more, stronger. 

She appeared happy and contented unlike the Li Juan he was familiar with...

Tang Wei Sheng thought he could keep her locked until she yields in and submit to him, 

However, he fails to realize that his little sparrow has already transformed into a Phoenix and refuses to stay caged,

The phoenix belongs to the sky,