Chapter 94 - Betrayal

"Tell me, why did you do this?

Why did you betray us?" Han Guang couldn't control his anger and disappointment.


It is the word which he disliked the most, 

Born in a middle-class family as the youngest among the four children, Han Guang also had a fair share of experience of being a part of the underprivileged community.

His elder brother and sisters only had basic education and used to work as soon as they finished high school.

Their only hope was on Han Guang, who was an intelligent student.

They used to believe that once he gets into a stable job, their hardships of life will be solved.

Everyone used to think that he will become a doctor or a civil servant, which were considered as one of the highly paid and reputed jobs. However, he chose to study history and wished to become an archaeologist.

His poor parents weren't even aware that such a job exists.

That was the first time his name was associated with betrayal.

A son who ruined his parent's hopes,

A brother who crushed his sibling's dreams,

He was called a traitor by everyone,

But he had reasons,

Whether it's his family, friends or colleagues, everyone used to call him a lunatic who dwelled on dreams.

Even from his childhood, Han Guang used to have vivid dreams, in which he appeared like a master from an ancient school, training various warriors.

Almost every dream of his was laced with an ancient backdrop, 

However one day he saw a dream which changed his life.

He saw a pregnant woman in his dream,

A woman wearing a jade hairpin of five coloured gemstones,

She asked his help to find her home,

She said that her home is situated somewhere in the mountain valley, but matter how hard he tried, he was unable to find her home.

In the beginning, he thought it was just a dream, but she reappeared again and again with the same request,

At that time, Han Guang was going through the biggest crisis of his life.

At one end, he had his responsibility and another end his dreams which almost pushed him into insanity,

He almost quit his studies and decided to look for some office job,

That was when his senior Su Wu, asked him to work as an intern in the national archaeological centre. He was the one who helped Han Guang to clear out his mind and encouraged him to manage his responsibilities without ignoring his passion.

While working with Su Wu, he came across the hidden land in Tu mountain ranges.

Somehow it was similar to the land which he was searching in his dreams.

Nobody believed him,

Every single research proposal he submitted, was ruthlessly rejected,

No one came forward to fund his project, he reluctantly put an end to his dreams and started working as a professor in Jing City.

But one day he was approached by a man who introduced himself as the secretary of Chairman of Tang Corporations and shared their interest in funding his research.

They only had one demand, "Everything should be kept confidential,"

For others, he was a madman who searched for a non-existing place, students refused to work under him,

However, one day, a student appeared in his lab with a bunch of old historical texts, in order to clear her doubts,

She looked similar to the woman who appeared in his dreams,

but her mannerisms and behaviour reminded him of his own self.

A poor soul troubled by haunting dreams.

When Han Guang came to know about her struggles and sufferings, he loved and cherished her as his family,

Su Wu and Li Juan, two important people in his life, whom he loved and respected the most,

They betrayed him. 

The dream which they saw together was tossed into some mercenary corporation's hands.

Once again proving that betrayal never came from enemies.

Han Guang looked at the girl who stood like a statue in front of him.

"Why Li Juan, it was our dream, how can you simply share it with some money-grubbers?"

"There is a point in life where everyone choose to remain selfish, professor." Li Juan said in a calm yet poised manner.

"And this is the moment which I choose to be selfish."

Selfish! Han Guang couldn't believe her words. Is this the same Li Juan whom he taught for years, whom he considered as his family?

"You disgust me, Li Juan." 

Han Guang's eyes glared in anger," You, you are no longer my student." 

"Whatever commitments you had with us, it ends now and be prepared to face the legal penalties for breaching the confidentiality agreement," Han Guang warned her and went back to the tent,

Even Cheng Tao who always took Li Juan's side had a bitter face.

The expedition team members looked at her in disgust. 

"What kind of woman is she? How can she betray her teacher?"

"No wonder she left the team without a word."

The people whom once worshipped Li Juan for being a good leader muttered.

Even though Li Juan's current team members were unaware of the situation could conclude that she has done something unapologetic.

Li Juan remained stoic. Even after hearing all the blame, she remained calm and indifferent, such a thick-skinned woman. Liang who stood next to Li Juan held her shoulders and directed her to the tent. 

This man! Tang Wei Sheng's eyes slightly narrowed.

Is that the man whom he saw in front of his office with li Juan?

Li Juan's new boyfriend! Why is he here? 

How is he related to Bai Corporations?

Tang Wei Sheng went to the tent where they kept the satellite phones.

"Can you connect to my secretary?" He asked one of the men who are in charge,

"Yes sir."

"Assistant Yang, did Li Juan come to Jing city?" As soon as the call got connected, Tang Wei Sheng inquired.

"Boss, how did you know?" Yang Xiong was left dumbfounded,

He was about to inform his boss about meeting Li Juan.

"Just tell me, did you meet her? Did she come with manager Zhang?" He was getting impatient,

It was sure that Zhang Zhi Zhong is one helped Li Juan to get away,

"Boss, I was unaware of the fact that Miss Li left the team. Three days ago, I saw her in front of your condo." 

"Did she come to my place?" Tang Wei Sheng was surprised,

"No, she came to meet the person who stays opposite to your condo. The film star Zhang Zhi Jun,"

"Zhang Zhi Jun?"

"Hm, Miss Li seemed quite close to Mr Zhang."

" Boss, miss Li has cancelled the lease of her house and shifted her things,"

"To where?"

"Yun city, It was Zhang Zhi Jun who helped her with shifting,"

"Assistant Yang, it is clear that Manager Zhang and Zhang Zhi Jun are related, but still, try to look where did they take her ?"

"And do you remember the tattoo artist who took Li Juan home? Try to find out whether he is involved with Zhang Zhi Jun or Bai Corporations?"

"Yes, young master."Yang Xiong agreed without any second thoughts. But he could not help but to wonder why Tang Wei Sheng is still concerned about Li Juan.

"Didn't they parted their ways?"


By the evening, temporary settlements have been made for the expedition team from Yun city.

After dinner, the team members discussed the schedule for the next day.

Li Juan was a bit tired, but she still participated in the discussion.

"It is alright, miss if you are tired please go and sleep." 

"No, it's fine." She refused,

The night in the Tu valley was extremely chilly, few of the team members went back to their tents and a few others stayed near to the bonfire.

Few of the team members had relatives who went for the earlier expeditions, they started to share their experiences and stories they had heard about Tu valley.

Li Juan was sitting next to Bai Yu and Liang. 

After two stories, Bai Yu who was tired from the journey began to doze off and finally found his way to li Juan. 

He kept his head on her shoulder and slept like a koala bear,

Everyone's attention was in them. 

Being the only woman in the group has already made Li Juan special in the team. But rather than that her relationship with the young masters in the Bai family and her friend was remarkable. 

It clearly showed that four of them had a close relationship,

Zhang Zhi Jun looked at his brother who has clung to Li Juan and tried to wake him up.

"No, it's fine, let him sleep for a while." Li Juan refused him, "He just dozed off,"

The expedition team from Jing city has already gone to bed. However, two shadows from one of the tents slipped into the darkness and walked towards the campfire.

It was Cheng Tao and Lee Tae Min.

Zhang Zhi Jun looked at them in surprise,

"Professor wants to meet her," Cheng Tao immediately informed their purpose of hidden visit.

"Huh?" Li Juan carefully moved the sleepy Bai Yu to Zhang Zhi Jun's side and stood up.

"Don't go alone, let me come with you." Zhang Zhi Jun said to her.

"It's alright," She refused him and walked towards them.

"Senior Cheng," li Juan called Cheng Tao who avoided looking her,

He was trying his best to hold his tears.

"Senior Cheng, I'm sorry," Li Juan apologised to him and tried to bow,

"When did you become so polite, you dumb Lilly?" He stopped her from bowing and pulled her into a tight embrace. 

"Ya, idiot, why did you suffer alone? Why did you hide everything from us?" He wept like a child in her arms.

"I am sorry Cheng ge," Li Juan was also on the verge of tears, it was merely two weeks since she left the team without a word, but it felt like a year,

"I, I missed you a lot." He released her from his embrace. "You know how hard is to follow the professor and supervisor Wang." He wiped his eyes and smiled. "I almost died because of those two perfectionist demons,"

"I am sorry." 

Li Juan's gaze landed upon the silent man who stood next to Cheng Tao,

"Tae Minah," she called him. 

"Don't talk to me," He said in a sulky voice, "If you had a little ounce of love towards us you should not have left without a word,"

"Tae Minah, noona was wrong. Noona didn't mean to hurt you, please don't be mad," Li Juan said in K language.

To be honest, that was the only sentence she knew in the K language, whenever she wanted to coax Lee Tae Min, she used it shamelessly.

"Tae Minah," Li Juan reached out for him

Like an obedient puppy, Lee Tae Min came closer and hugged her.

"Noona, I missed you" 

"I missed you too."

"Let's go and meet the professor, "Cheng Tao held her hand.

"I will be back in a while." Li Juan informed her team and walked towards the river bank.

"Li Juan, I was wrong," As soon as Han Guang saw Li Juan's lean silhouette he apologized," I thought you joined hands with some money-grubbers and betrayed us,"

"I didn't want to put you in trouble, once again," Li Juan confessed. Ning Jing clearly threatened her with Han Guang's position in the research team. 

"You, you are just," Han Guang struggled to find the exact words to reprimand Li Juan's actions. Li Juan wholeheartedly took all the blame to avoid Han Guang's dismissal from the team.

When he blamed Li Juan of treason and renounced her in front of everyone, she remained silent only to make others believe that she is no longer had any relations with Han Guang and his team.

"If that man didn't explain your purpose of visit, I would have continued to despise you," Han Guang started to explain.


"Your friend,"

"Liang?" There was a glint of surprise on Li Juan's face.

" He said that you are the long lost heir of the Bai family and they are conducting this expedition only for you. Is that true?"

"Hmmm, yes," Li Juan smiled in agreement.

"I was really worried when she said that your scholarship got cancelled, But God, why do you need a scholarship when you are the heir of one of the top five corporations in C country?"

" Actually, I did get a scholarship," Li Juan turned and gleamed at Lee Tae Min," An international scholarship"

"International scholarship?"

"Yes, the second master Lee of Lee corporations decided to sponsor me,"

"Yaaaa, I am struggling without a proper scholarship, you didn't even ask me," Cheng Tao faked sorrow,

" No no, it wasn't intentional, while I was talking to my brother, It just slipped from my mouth. I didn't expect that he will right away grant a scholarship,"

"Anyway, I want to convey my gratitude towards your brother,"

"I will tell him that,"

"I heard something else," Cheng Tao's gaze focused on Li Juan's face. " that you are getting married to Zhang Zhi Jun?" 

"Eh, who told you that?" Li Juan asked feigning annoyance

"Whoever it may be, tell me, are you going to marry him?" 

"Lilly, your life has turned into a fairy tale within a fortnight. You have become an heir of a business corporation and going to marry the man of your dreams." His voice filled with excitement.

"No, no, it is not like that." Li Juan immediately denied his claims,

"I don't care who you are going to marry," Han Guang's eyes narrowed in concern,

"Stay away from CEO Tang,"