The detailed war report is sent back to Beijing!

Who would have thought that a rich young master who was not optimistic about at the beginning would have such a record!

"I did not mistake him!"

In chuigong hall, Jiang Chengli, the emperor of Zhao, looked at the war report. He read it in detail, and every word would not be missed.

This is the real war report.

It was his agent who brought it back.

There is no slightest omission!

Every step from Wang Kang to feng'an city is recorded in detail.

I've sent someone to meet him, but he stayed for the sake of the people's resistance, which is beyond his expectation.

There are such results!

Empty city plan!

It's such an empty city plan that the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces of Yue dare not enter.

You can imagine what kind of scene it was at that time, even the calm Jiang Chengli was also excited!

According to reports from the Imperial Palace, his majesty, who has been frowning since the chaos, drank a few drinks for the first time

The next morning.

Jiang Chengli issued a decree, appointed Wang Kang as the general of Pingxi, responsible for the whole northwest war, controlled the local army and people, and had the power to recruit troops!

This is the right to be a big man!

In wartime, it was comparable to the duty of provincial governor!

Wang Kang also broke the record and became the youngest Pingxi general since the founding of the state of Zhao!

Of course, there are also voices of opposition.

When Wang Kang was still a master and guest doctor, he was crazy. If he wants to become a general in Pingxi, is it lawless?

But Jiang Chengli just went back with one word. If you have the ability, you can kill more than 90000 Vietnamese troops.

All the court ministers were speechless.

A great victory is, of course, a great victory.

But it has not greatly improved the overall bad situation.

Before the Vietnam army was removed, the rebellion of the northern Xinjiang provinces continued. At this difficult time, the state of Yan attacked on a large scale, and the border was in urgent need!

Yan state is in the south of Zhao state, bordering on Xishan province.

The south is also the economic center of Zhao state, with fertile land, silk textile, salt and iron developed

If it is occupied, the loss will be too great.

At this point, the court hall, which was originally warm, fell into a deep illness.

Yan is not a big country, and its national strength is worse than Zhao.

But now if the state of Zhao is a broken sieve and exposed everywhere, the mess in the West has not been cleaned up.

How can we have the energy, material resources and financial resources to start again? In fact, there are still soldiers

At this time, a minister said: "outside of Kyoto, there are four city defense forces guarding the capital. They are all complete and elite. It's better to send two of them to the front line to resist the state of Yan."

"I agree!"


All the ministers were admonishments.

This is the only force available today.

"It can't be done."

Wu Zhirong, Minister of the Ministry of war, said: "the four city defense forces are the last line of defense to defend the capital. If they are transferred out, where is the safety of Kyoto?"

Officials in the DPRK and China have been talking endlessly.

Jiang Chengli coughed and turned to an old man who was the head of many ministers.

The old man was a very old man with a white beard, turbid eyes, and a loose and wrinkled face.

Other people are talking about it enthusiastically, but he looks sleepy.

He was Sun Bo, the right Prime Minister of the current Dynasty.

He was also the Prime Minister of the former dynasty and the Minister of brachial shares.

Hearing Jiang Chengli's question, Gongsun Bo's muddy eyes flashed a trace of fine light. Then he moved to the hall and said in a low voice: "in my opinion, the four city defense forces in Kyoto can't be transferred when they are less than ten thousand. It's better to delegate power to Xuanping Marquis Zhang Ao, who will be the general."

"The government and soldiers of the provinces and prefectures in the western mountains were recruited to govern the military affairs."

"To be sure!"

Jiang Cheng left and said, "let's do as the right prime minister says. Zhang Ao has been governor of Xishan province for many years and has outstanding ability. I believe I won't be disappointed."

"In addition, I'd like to announce one more thing. I'd like to appoint Li Canghai, the leader of the Li family, as Uncle Nan Yan. I'd like to recruit private soldiers of my family and follow Zhang Ao to the border to resist the Yan army within the time limit."

A word of surprise!

The whole court was shocked.

There was no sign of this enfeoffment.

Some people may not be familiar with the name of Li Canghai, but everyone knows his son.

That is the famous martial arts genius, Li Yuyao!

Cangzhou Li family, Wu Dao family.

There are many martial arts practitioners in the family.

Today, however, the emperor of Zhao suddenly granted Li Canghai the title of nanyanbo.

The significance is extraordinary.

Because this is what Jiang Chengli has sealed since he succeeded to the throne: "this son is my great enemy. If he is not destroyed, my heart will not be at ease..."