With the Han Yuan Yi's command, the taxi driver behind him moved quickly, surrounded luochuannan and the nobles in front of him.

And the guards around them were all on guard for a moment, confronting each other.

"What are you doing? What does that mean? "

Asked Viscount Litton in a panic.

"Yes, Mr. Yuan Yi, you gave the wrong order."

People are all muddled. Originally they were together. How can we take them down instead?

Won easy light way: "I did not give the wrong order, I just want to catch you."


Several people looked at each other, or did not understand what this is?

But the soldiers around are holding bright weapons, but they can't fake it. Are they real?

"Won Yi, are you crazy? What are you doing? "

Someone yelled and scolded.

Luochuannan asked with a overcast face, "where's Han Yu? I want to see Han Yu! "

"Yes, and your father? We want to see Uncle Yongding! "

Won Yi shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, my father won't see you!"

"What are you going to do? We are our own people

"Yes, what do you mean by that?"

"My own people?"

Korean won Yi sneered: "you recruit private placement, gathered rebellion, treason, how can I be your own people?"

"You are not Han Yuanyi."

"No, you are not the son of yongdingbo!"

Luochuannan asked coldly, "I want to know if this is what your father means, or..."

"That's what I mean."

Han Yuan easily opened his mouth: "now the count of Yongding has the final say."

"By the way, I'm from Master Kang!"

"Master Kang?"

The pupil of South Luochuan shrinks, startled voice way: "you are Wang Kang's person!"

"It's impossible, it's impossible!"

Everyone shook their heads. It was unbelievable.

Everyone knows that yongdingbo has a hostile relationship with count Fuyang's house, but how can his son be Wang Kang's person.

This is just a fable!

"Well, don't talk nonsense to them, just take it!"

At this time, Zhang boguang said directly.

A group of soldiers began to come forward.

These nobles, including those from South Luochuan, were sent out with only a few bodyguards. In front of so many people, it's not worth mentioning at all.

But in a moment, they were slaughtered.

And they're under control.

In this form, luochuannan was also hard to calm down and yelled: "I'm the Sheriff of Jiangxia county. You dare to arrest the official of the imperial court. How dare you!"

"Court officials? Now I know you are the official of the imperial court? "

Han Yuan Yi Leng snorted: "put on shackles to them all, and take strict care of them!"

After that, Han Yuanyi and Zhang boguang sent their own troops to wipe out those noble allied forces!

The most elite soldiers are the people in the south of Luochuan, who have been killed by Shenji camp.

There are only a few mobs left.

Under the attack of Fuyang Earl's mansion, Han Yuanyi and Zhang boguang, they were soon defeated. They fled and surrendered

So far, the action of eight nobles to carve up the count's house of Fuyang has just ended.

At the same time, the bodies inside the tunnel were also cleaned up. Won Yi and Zhang boguang came to the tunnel entrance.

Soon, Wang Dingchang led the people from the count's house of Fuyang to come out.

"Uncle Fuyang."

Won Yi smiles.

"You are Yuanyi. On the day of kang'er's wedding, you also came, but at that time, we didn't communicate."

Wang Dingchang said: "this matter can be solved so quickly, but also thank you."

"I just fulfilled my promise to Master Kang!"

Han Yuan said in a deep voice: "at that time, I said that as long as Master Kang helped me up, the Yongding Earl's house under my control would have a lasting friendship with Fuyang Earl's house."

"Yes, friendship lasts forever..."

Wang Dingchang sighed and said, "it's just that kang'er didn't come back..."

"Master Kang is a man who does great things."

Won Yi said, "when he comes back, I believe he will surprise all of us..."

It's amazing for everyone that a vigorous action ended in such a situation.

In advance all people are not optimistic about the Fuyang Earl's house has become the biggest winner!

In this incident, Dong Yiwu, the governor of Yangzhou, who was not in Xingye, Sima zhengqigong, and even luochuannan, the governor of Lianjiang Xiajun, were all arrested!

Wang Dingchang wrote memorials to the imperial court, and escorted all the traitors to the capital, waiting for their release!This is obviously not the only shock.

At the same time, Yongding Earl's House announced that Yongding Bo Han Yu abdicated, and his title was inherited by his second son Han Yuanyi, who was the head of the family!

It was also specially announced.

Yongding Earl's house and Fuyang Earl's house will be renovated, the offensive and defensive alliance!

This news is a shock!

Who would have thought that such a hostile party, the old aristocracy and the new aristocracy, would come together

It's so weird!

After the outbreak, the governor of Xishan Province, Xuanping Marquis Zhang Ao, began to suppress the rebellion of the old aristocrats in various places without mercy.

Everybody knows that.

In this rebellion, Zhang Ao's position is that the imperial court

Xishan province returns to stability!

The chaotic situation in the state of Zhao has finally been alleviated, but it is not long before it falls into a bigger crisis!

In recent days, Zhao's domestic and foreign troubles have been worrying and chaotic, and this situation is known by other countries. Naturally, this opportunity will not be missed.

September 16, the first year of Yuanwu.

Yan, a neighboring country in the south, used troops against Zhao.

The banner they played was that they could not bear to see the state of Zhao fall into war and the people were in dire need of livelihood. They specially sent troops to help fight the rebellion and restore peace.

It's high sounding.

But everyone knows that the state of Yan just wants to take advantage of this opportunity to take advantage of it, or divide up the interests!

The state of Yue and the state of Yan invaded one after another. However, the chaos in the northern provinces has not yet been settled. The nomads in the north also smell the opportunity and are ready to move

All parties are in a hurry.

Bad news comes back to Kyoto every day!

The court hall was dead and silent, and the upper capital was covered with clouds.

At the same time!

The complete war report of what Wang Kang did was finally sent back to Kyoto!

For the border between Vietnam and Zhao, the imperial court basically lost control, because of the division of Northern Xinjiang provinces, the news was difficult to spread.

So, it's only been so long.

Gucheng resisted the Vietnamese army for five days. It attacked and killed nearly ten thousand light cavalry and three thousand heavy cavalry. The rest of the arms and services together destroyed nearly half of the Vietnamese army, more than 90000 people!

At last, he put forward the empty city plan and took all the people of Fengan city to flee out of the city

Great victory!

An indescribable victory!

The total annihilation of more than 90000 Vietnamese troops has been a rare success since the beginning of the war between Vietnam and Zhao for many years.

Not to mention in this special period, it is exciting!

According to legend, the whole country is jubilant!

People finally saw a glimmer of hope, but they didn't expect that this hope was brought by Wang Kang, who was once notorious