Chapter 7 - In One Condition

Name:Doted By The Alpha Author:lesson101
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In a private room in a famous restaurant where you have to book months and months before you can get a table, sat one Omega and two dominant Alphas.

"I will state directly what I really wanted to say, Mr. Daniel Sullen. I just wanted to be there for my child along the way." The Tycoon sitting across the table where Daniel had sat have started talking a couple of minutes after their food had arrived. Daniel had stopped eating and peak at the tycoon through his eyelashes.

"I-I'm okay with that but are you sure this is your child?" Daniel put down his fork and asked because honestly even him, he does not know who the father is and he does not care who he is either.

"That's right, brother. Are you sure what he's carrying is your blood? I mean no offense cutie but we did not know if you slept with other people aside from my brother." Daniel was hurt at what the other tycoon had said that his eyes started to water but it is true. Even though that time was the first time he didn't have proof that he did not sleep with other guys after that night plus he had a boyfriend during that time.

"Hanlu!" After seeing the Omega's pained expression Mo Laotian warned Mo Hanlu causing the younger to shut his mouth.

"I-I don't have the obligation to prove myself to you but that night was my first time doing that kind of thing with someone and I have not done it with anyone but that man... If you don't believe me, I will not force you and I don't care if you do or not. Honestly even I myself did not know the face of that man but one thing I am certain about is that he is the father of my child. I don't care either if that was you or not and it would really help me a lot if he wasn't you. I just want to raise my child and give him or her all my love. " Daniel explained. Mo Laotian nodded and Mo Hanlu just stared at the Omega. For the first time, Mo Laotian admired an Omega. He admired the courage and good attitude of Daniel. For all he knows, he would understand if the Omega wanted to abort the child the moment the doctor said he was pregnant but he didn't. He was willing to raise the child of a stranger at a young age.

"Tell me, Mr. Sullen, why do you want to raise this child? You don't know the father. You're at your 2nd year in college yet you are willing to give that up to raise a child, a stranger's child? "

"It is also my child... There are a lot of people who are not blessed enough to get a child plus this baby did not do anything wrong... It was not his fault, I wanted to show him the world, give him everything. I'm still young, College is not a problem. I can still study when the child turns maybe 4 or 5 or I could still be a student and a mom, I'll try figuring it out. " Daniel said as a matter of fact. He did not understand why would the tycoon ask him that. As a mother, it is obvious that he would choose his child no matter what.

"Hmmm... Mr. Sullen, do you consider marrying me? I am no doubt the father of your child. I also wanted to give everything to this child and be with him as he grows." The tycoon said causing both to stared and him, wide eyes.

"No! No! Brother, are you listening to what you are saying? First of all, you hate Omegas, second, there is no need to get married! You can still raise this child if it's yours." Mo Hanlu reasoned to his brother. He looked up to his older brother like he is his idol and hearing these words coming out of his brother's mouth he could not believe it. His brother was never interested in either man or woman so this whole thing really shocked him and made him worry.

"I agree with your brother Mr. Mo I don't think marriage is an option here and I don't want to get married to a person I don't love." Daniel almost whispered. Mo Laotian nodded but he knew that if this comes out, sooner or later they will eventually be forced to get married.

"Mr. Sullen to tell you honestly if I had a choice I didn't want to get married either but I figured sooner or later we will be forced to do it either way. We have a child and you must know our father had been expecting me and Hanlu to give him a grandchild as soon as possible. " The tycoon explains, Mo Hanlu also could not deny it. He knew the moment his older brother marries, the Elder would then force him to marry too. Daniel was speechless.

"I'm sorry but I had your background checked and discovered you're the long lost grandson of Elder Sullen. My father and Elder Sullen are great friends from way back. If they discover this, we will eventually be forced to get married so I hope you are as ready as raising a child. "Mo Laotian did not beat around the bush and said right away.

"C-Can we keep this a secret at the time being, please? I'm not ready to let people know this yet." Daniel was silent for a couple of minutes then he asked.

"Sure but in one condition. I want you to live with me from now on." The Tycoon declares like there is no other option. Daniel chewed on his lips thinking for a long time. Mo Laotian did not rush the Omega, he sips on his wine giving Daniel a lot of time to think. Mo Hanlu had become silent too, too busy thinking about his own self when his brother gets married. He likes women and men too but he did not want to marry ever in his life. He feels like it was never his cup tea.

"W-when my belly gets bigger I'll come and live with you but as of now I want to stay in my own place and semester is about to end I want to at least finish the 2nd year before I focus on becoming a parent. "Daniel finally said. Mo Laotian nodded, he did not want to pressure the Omega. Indeed he does not like Omegas but Daniel was an exemption. He was okay with Daniel and he could not deny he liked the way the Omega smells now.

"Contact me if anything happens, I would gladly help." Mo Laotian said giving Daniel his personal contact number. Daniel accepted it and nodded.

Before both parties had separated. Daniel had enjoyed himself trying every food that looks delicious. The Alpha treated him and did not complain how big his appetite is and that made the Omega happy, already forgotten that he was depressed earlier when he discovered he was indeed pregnant.