Chapter 6 - This is Mine

Name:Doted By The Alpha Author:lesson101
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Daniel quickly rested his body the second he arrived from the party and the next time he woke up it was the next day.

Daniel woke up and had felt incredible nausea kicking in, it feels like the morning sickness had gone worst and worst every day that he needs to skip class.

The suspicions he had on mind had made Daniel very nervous and scared, so he tried to push that thought away from his mind. He doesn't want to think about it anymore, to clear his mind, he came to the hospital earlier than scheduled. He wanted to prove his thoughts wrong.

At the same time, a piece of news coming from a private investigator was sent to a certain tycoon.

The tycoon had suspicions and hired a private investigator to follow the Omega and to do a background check. Now that the investigator had messaged him about the Omega's whereabouts he felt an incredible pain creeping to his head. He had come early in the office and had already been upset with his brother.

He just recently discovered that the Omega that he had slept with was not the one Mo Hanlu had to arrange for him when he was drugged. After further investigation, he finally discovered that it was purely coincidental that they had found each other that night. Coincidentally the Omega had also been drugged by someone and he had yet to find out who was the culprit. Now that all of this happening, if indeed that night had made a life, he does not want to turn his back from his responsibility. He was about 100% sure he had knotted the Omega a couple of times that night.

"Brother, what happened? It's very rare for you to have a headache." Hanlu teased his brother. It was true that Mo Laotian had rarely had a headache or even fall sick. He was the perfect image of a healthy man. Hanlu had almost never seen his brother have a headache and when he does he knew something has gone against his brother's perfect plan.

"What is it ?? Is this project really that difficult?"

"No." the tycoon stood from his chair and left, he walked to a different direction from the meeting hall where he was about to have a meeting so Mo Hanlu had become really confused. He stood up as well and followed his brother in a hurry. Whatever it is that is making his brother have a headache is always worth to watch for the mischievous Mo Hanlu.

"Theresa cancel the meeting and reschedule it some other time." Hanlu quickly says not even listening to his brother's secretary inquiries.

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At the hospital.

"What? I'm sorry doctor, but I think I heard you wrong can you please repeat that?" Heartbeat racing. Daniel knew it was coming but he never thought it would really happen, especially to him.

"You did not hear me wrong Mr. Sullen. Your test results indeed say you are at least 9 weeks pregnant .. Congratulations!! I'm going to refer you to a gynecologist and have that little one looked at. " the doctor repeated. Daniel did not know if he should laugh because he was right or cry and feel sad for himself and his future baby.

"Are you okay Mr. Sullen? How about I'll ask someone to assist you to the gynecologist. I have a lot of patients who have the same reaction but I recommend you to at least see the baby before you decided on things." the doctor slowly explained to Daniel causing the Omega to snap out of his thoughts. Daniel was having a conflicted reaction and the doctor was very familiar with this kind of reaction so he had to act and try to induce his patient into not making rushed decisions.

"I'm sorry doctor I was just really shocked about this whole situation but I am keeping this child in me. Thank you so much, doctor." Daniel finally smiled. The doctor who had been worried about his patient now smiled. He wrote something on a small piece of paper and called a nurse before sending Daniel out to a gynecologist. When Daniel arrived and a female gynecologist smiled at him.

"Hello, Mr. Sullen! Doctor Mendez just called and informed me about you coming, please take a sit."

" Thank you." Daniel was still utterly shocked about the situation he's in at the moment. He could not believe he's there talking to a gynecologist. It feels like he was dreaming and it is still debatable whether it's a good or bad dream.

"Okay let's do it? Please follow me." Daniel followed the doctor to a room separated by a pastel green curtain.

"Please lay down. Is it okay for you to hold your shirt and unbutton your pants for me? " The doctor asked nicely. Daniel just nodded and unbuttoned his pants before pulling his shirt up. He still could not believe there is life growing inside his tummy.

"This is going to be cold." The doctor warned before Daniel felt the cold sticky gel against his skin. His heart was beating so fast while he watched the black and white screen. He could not understand what was the images on the screen but as the doctor explained which is which he understood right away.

"Oh, here it is our little champ. See this here? This is your baby, it's as big as a lime! Mmm heartbeat is normal very good that's a good sign. You're in your third month of the first trimester so your morning sickness will get worst and worst during this time and I suggest you take a rest when it gets really really bad but don't worry it's very normal and some even start to feel it sooner than others, it will probably stop on the 3rd of the 2nd trimester some sooner or later... " Daniel chewed on his lips nodding at all the guidelines and suggestions of the doctor. For a reason unknown he was feeling excited, he is still conflicted but he could not deny the fact that he was happy and excited about this shocking news.

The doctor gave Daniel a guideline brochure for first-time Omega mommies, his prescriptions and a couple more of talks about the dos and don'ts.

" Being pregnant is a lot of work and its very dangerous for both the mom and the baby so if you can't take it anymore you can ask your husband, friends, and family for help, you are not alone in this." The Doctor said a couple more of encouraging speech. Daniel just slightly laughs and nodded. Just when they were about to finish two tall figures walked inside the room.

"Brother! What are we doing here?" Mo Hanlu asked his brother in confusion because, in all his life, a gynecologist is the very last person his brother would ever think of meeting. He was about to tease out the answer from his brother when he saw a couple of light brown eyes staring at them confusingly. Mo Hanlu smiled at the Omega staring at them.

"Hey, cutie! I remember you. You're from that time, the one who bumps us at Secada." Daniel remembers that day quite vividly because it's not every day he could meet Alphas like the two brothers. Daniel nodded to Mo Hanlu before his eyes landed on the icy figure walking towards the chair across him and sat there.

"Uhmmm how may I help you, sir...?" The doctor asked the tycoon. All of them are confused at the moment.

"Mo. Mo Laotian. I am the father of this baby." Mo Laotian simply said to the doctor. Everyone was shocked. The doctor was shocked because Mo Laotian is a very popular businessman, a wealthy tycoon at the age of 35, he is very influential in the country and even abroad. He is also the main investor of the hospital and many other infrastructures across the country. It was said that this person is the kind that you never wanna mess with and not many have really seen his face, unlike his younger brother.

"WHATTT? H-HOW? WHEN? BROTHER HOW COME I DID NOT KNOW THIS!? THIS IS BIG !!" Mo Hanlu had become hysteric causing the older tycoon to raise his finger.

"Shut up and wait outside Hanlu." Mo Laotian commands with a poker face. Mo Hanlu still wants to say a lot of things but he knew his brother would kill him so he had no other choice but to stump his feet and walked outside.

"M-Mr. Mo! Y-Yes I was just telling your-" the doctor was about to explain when Daniel suddenly stood up. His heartbeat was fast as he stares at the tycoon in horror and rushed out without saying anything. Mo Laotian rubbed his temples as he felt yet another headache coming.

"Send me all the details as soon as possible. Talk to my brother for further questions." Mo Laotian ask the doctor and walked out following the rushing Omega.

"Talk to the doctor, I want all the details later today." Mo Laotian said to Mo Hanlu. Without complaining he nodded his head. He wanted to do the task as soon as possible so he could still follow his brother. There is just no way he would let this news slip out of his hand.

Daniel rushed out of the hospital building. He kept cursing internally while waiting for the taxi as he regretted not driving his car when going to the hospital. Just when he was about to call one, a hand immediately stopped him causing the Omega to pull his hands away with an extremely shocked expression.

"L-let go!! You got the wrong person. T-This is mine." Daniel said trembling as he held his belly. The tycoon just stared at the helpless Omega, he knew he was an intimidating person but there is no need to tremble.

"I will not abort this baby I can raise it alone. I will not ask for support j-just leave me alone." Tears started to flow out of Daniel's eyes as he chewed on his lips to prevent his loud cries escape. Daniel was not sure if this man was really the man that night but he does not think a dominant Alpha would even lie to an Omega who's not even in any kind of special.

"I think you got the wrong idea, Mr. Daniel Sullen. I want the baby too, I will not ask you to abort my child." Mo Laotian explains himself carefully not to furthermore scare the Omega but instead of calming the Omega down Daniel had actually started to cry louder.

"N-Nooo .. This is mine. Y-You got the wrong person. This is not yours! This is not yours!" The tycoon sigh while closing his eyes. He gently walked towards Daniel which he never really does. He was never the gentle kind of person, or so he thinks he is. He had never found the person who he would treat gently until today.

"Shhhh, Okay, let's go somewhere else where we can talk privately. Okay?" He cooed. Daniel shakes his head sobbing.

"No. No. I don't want to. You're going to take my baby away from me. I don't like you so leave me alone." Daniel stepped backward. A couple of nerves snap in the tycoon's brain but he still manages to act as gentle as possible. He heard about Omegas being overly protective towards their child but this is the first time he had experienced it.

"I will not take your baby away. I just want to talk to you in private." The Tycoon cooed again.

"You're lying! You're definitely lying." Daniel accused.

"That's a baseless accusation. I am not lying and I am a man of his words."

" lie, it's a lie. You're lying."

"Am not, Come on. How about I treat you something delicious and if you really think I'm lying then you can leave." The Tycoon negotiates. Daniel chewed on his lips still sobbing from his cries. It took more than 5 minutes for Daniel to finally nod being tempted at the offer as he was kinda hungry at the moment. Mo Laotian finally had a breather. He was never used to coo someone and especially an Omega crying. He is the kind who never cares if someone is crying or not and mostly he is the reason why they even cry but for a reason unknown he does not want this one to cry in front of him. The Omega just looked so helpless like a small animal trapped in a corner that he could not help but feel sorry for him.

The two walked towards the parking lot. Daniel was having second thoughts about whether to follow the man or not. Honestly, he felt guilty because what if the man has a wife or a girlfriend? It was never Daniel's fault that he was drugged by his twin but it was also never this Alpha's fault. He just got mixed up with his twin sister's scheming.

The Tycoon opened the door for Daniel. It took a couple of seconds before Daniel finally decided to get inside.

"Brother! Brother! Wait for me." Just when Mo Laotian was about to enter his car Mo Hanlu rushed to them causing the older tycoon to knit his brows.

"Drive your own car Hanlu." The Tycoon said before getting inside his car and drive away.

"Oh right, I brought my own car."