Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

With the completed YC-2130 drawings in her hands, the challenge for Su Junxin to build up her safe zone had been reduced by a whole level.

After burning the midnight oil to finish modifying her blueprints, she raised her eyes again to realize that it was already daytime outside.

Her brain had long but gotten used to not sleeping for a few days and nights during the apocalypse, but her current body could not adapt to it yet. She was only able to endure until the third session of class in the morning before her strong will lost to the attack of drowsiness.

The sound of the fan coming from the classroom’s ceiling had become the best lullaby. Despite counting to ten like how a little bird would peck on rice, she still gave in to her urges and closed her eyes.

Suddenly… “Su Junxin, please read the third paragraph.”

Humans were always very sensitive when it came to their own name; hence, the moment Su Junxin heard that, she reflexively opened her eyes and looked at the podium.

Jiang Rushi raised her eyes to look at Su Junxin; the former had a faint smile on her face as she repeated, “Please read the third paragraph from your textbook.”

Su Junxin calmed herself down. As she lowered her eyes, she swiftly scanned Qin You’s desk at the same time.

Qin You made a page-flipping gesture before pointing at the third paragraph of a particular textbook. 

Su Junxin understood what he meant and took out her textbook as she swiftly flipped the pages and cleared her throat.

The other people in the classroom were more or less anticipating a good show to come; they could even be heard silently whispering.

However, the moment Su Junxin opened her mouth, everyone was so shocked that they did not dare to say anything anymore.

Su Junxin had managed to speak English fluently, accurately hitting the pauses and various tones. Coupled with her innate cold voice, just listening to her speak was a form of entertainment on its own.

After she read the last sentence, Su Junxin put down her textbook and looked towards the podium.

Jiang Rushi had an expression on her face as if she had just found a hidden gem as she took the lead to clap her hands.

“I never expected that we would have such a professional in our class. I’m genuinely pleasantly surprised.” She smiled and then asked the crowd, “How was it? Did her speech enchant all of you? Don’t you think Student Su’s performance is worthy of all of your applause?”

After she said that, the crowd slowly realized what had happened, and the entire classroom roared as they clapped and cheered.

Meanwhile, Su Junxin very casually thanked everyone. 

Just as she sat down, she subconsciously glanced towards her left.

When she noticed that Qin You was staring at her again, the smile she had just shown was very quickly retracted.

“What’s wrong?”

Qin You did not seem to mind her cold attitude towards him at all as he curiously scooched towards her.

“Where did you learn how to speak English? You’re so good at it!”

Su Junxin paused momentarily while she was writing some notes. She remained silent for a moment before she answered, “Private tutoring.”

Qin You suddenly realized it and smiled again as he praised, “That was really pleasant to my ears; it’s like I was listening to a speech overseas.”

Su Junxin faintly tugged her lips but did not respond.

‘The person who taught me English wasn’t a private tutor but a companion who was with me at the end of the world – a professor from England.

‘The old professor’s name was Joseph, a very famous man who won Nobel laureates in Literature.’

‘During the time when the end of the world was incoming, he just so happened to be in China for an exchange. I just so happened to save him by chance, so the both of us became companions while we wandered around during the end of the world for about two years. I learned his language during that time.’

‘However, one time when we were on our way to search for food, Joseph’s legs had begun to fail him because of his age; he had unfortunately been scratched by a zombie, infecting it in the process. I had no choice but to pull the trigger against his head myself.

‘That was not the first time I’ve killed my own kind, but for almost an entire year after that incident, I’ve been haunted by nightmares every night.’

While she recalled her old memories, Su Junxin looked even more and more fatigued.

When the bell for the end of class rang, she was just about to wash her face to force herself to stay awake when Jiang Rushi had called her out.

“Su Junxin, could you come with me please?”

After Su Junxin followed behind Jiang Rushi and entered the teacher’s building, the former sat on a chair.

“Is something the matter?”

Jiang Rushi nodded her head. “Do you know that our school is going to hold an All-English Competition?”

Su Junxin thought for a moment and seemed to have some recollection of it. “Yes, I do know about it.”

“Your speech today really surprised me. I’ve also taken a look at your English results during your first year and noticed that you’ve got a very solid foundation, plus you’re able to write your essays pretty well.” Jiang Rushi raised her hand to push up her glasses. “So, I would like to recommend that you participate in the competition.”

As she said that, she opened up her drawer and took out a stack of documents; then, she picked out the flyer for the All-English Competition before handing it to Su Junxin.

“Your accent is very infectious and is very unique amongst the others who have a more American accent; this is your greatest advantage. I believe that if you’re able to perform at an average standard, the prize will surely be yours… Of course, it is completely up to the student whether they want to participate in the competition. So, if you refuse, I won’t force you to change your mind.”

Su Junxin swiftly skimmed through the contents of the flyer and made up her mind.

‘The most pressing thing for me at the moment is the construction of my safe zone; additionally, I have to take my studies into account, so I haven’t got enough time to spare. Moreover, this competition consists of three rounds of auditioning; just the preparations and training on its own is going to eat up a lot of my spare time.’

‘For me, there really isn’t merit to do this at the moment.’

Hence, Su Junxin raised her eyes to look at Jiang Rushi. “I’m sorry, I…”

Before she could finish, she paused. That was because she suddenly caught a glance at the piece of… ‘Tsing Hua University Guaranteed Admissions Application’ on the top of the stack of documents.

In the center of the document wrote the criteria to be fulfilled to be offered guaranteed admissions that were in bold. One of the criteria had caught Su Junxin’s eyes. ‘Provincial key high school student who has won an award in a foreign language.’

‘Shi Yan High School is considered to be a provincial key high school; this competition will be a large competition organized by my high school as well. Plus, it just so happens that it’s about a foreign language!’

‘If I’m able to be guaranteed admission, that would also mean that I would have even more time to build my safe zone for at least the next two years!’

Su Junxin’s eyes sparkled as she instantly changed her answer. “I’m willing to participate!”

Jiang Rushi revealed a gratified smile when she heard that.

“Wonderful! So, you’ve got to work hard and prepare yourself now. Come see me if you have any questions.”

After exiting the teacher’s office, Su Junxin’s steps became significantly quicker than before.

As she pondered about the competition, she took a turn after passing through the corridor.

When she turned a corner, she saw a scrawny little man who was squatting there.

He seemed a little frantic as he picked up the scattered exercise books and held them in his arms. Just as he got up, he noticed that Su Junxin was heading in his direction, and he subconsciously shrank his neck and lowered his eyes evasively.

Su Junxin caught a glimpse of him through the edge of her eyes; her swift reactions caught onto an exercise book that was about to fall and naturally placed it on the top of the stack.

Without saying anything, she brushed by the man.

Her movements left a hint of coldness as well as a fresh wind in the air, causing Li Weize to be caught off guard as the smell entered his nose.

Then, he fiercely raised his head, and his eyes widened in shock as he turned around to look at Su Junxin…

The scene of her back profile slowly began to resemble the figure that he had seen under the streetlamp last night.