Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After class, Su Junxin headed to the vending machine by the corridor to fetch a cup of water. When she had just returned, she noticed that her seat was already heavily surrounded by a crowd.

To be exact, it was Qin You’s seat that was surrounded.

After slightly raising her eyebrow, Su Junxin raised her hand to tap on a woman’s shoulder at the crowd’s outermost area.

“Excuse me.”

The woman was startled for a moment before she hurriedly retreated. “Sigh, Su Junxin has returned.”

Thus, the rest of the crowd sighed the same way and gradually turned their heads to look at her. Moments later, the crowd dispersed. 

Su Junxin then sat down in her seat. She suddenly stopped drinking halfway to glance at Qin You, who was staring back at her. 

“What are you looking at me for?”

Qin You’s gaze scanned through the crowd that was just surrounding him moments ago, and a faint smile could be sensed in his tone as he said, “They seem to be afraid of you.”

Su Junxin curled the edge of her lips and did not seem to mind as she let out an “oh” noise.

‘They’re right to be afraid of me.’

Nevertheless, Qin You calmly sat closer towards her.

“Then… Do you not have any friends?”

The moment he said that, Su Junxin’s hand that held the thermos cup subtly froze for a moment.

Her breathing became a little heavier, and her lowered eyes quickly became bloodshot. 

‘Of course, I have friends, but they’re all dead.

‘They’ve all died right in front of me.’

After gently blinking, Su Junxin raised her eyes, and everything returned to normal.


“Is that so…”

Qin You stopped talking after that, and just as Su Junxin thought that he would not annoy her any further, he suddenly scooched closer towards her again. 

“Then, can I be your friend?”

Without thinking, she rejected him outright. “No.”

Qin You seemed to have expected that she would react that way, so he smiled as usual as he said, “But you ate my chocolate during class just now.”

Su Junxin slammed her cup on her table with a “bam.”

“You were the one who offered it to me.”

“But did you not eat it?”


Su Junxin paused for a moment; she suddenly realized that she was actually arguing with a little kid who was ten-odd years old. Thus, she helplessly pinched her nose bridge.

“Fine then, I’ll return your chocolate; stop bothering me.”

However, Qin You was not going to let her off so easily. He let off a sly smile and continued, “That was limited edition chocolate… plus, its sales channels have all been closed. So, it’s literally impossible to buy another one in this world.”

The air instantly turned silent.

Su Junxin’s innate skepticism instantly seemed to have caused her to think about something. She squinted her eyes and sized Qin You up seriously for the first time.

A moment later, she spoke with a deep voice.

“Are you doing this on purpose?”

Qin You seemed to have been a little shocked by her sudden seriousness and blinked his eyes in slight confusion. 

“You’ve misunderstood… how could I have any malicious intent against you? I was just…”

“Was just what?”

He pursed his lips and whispered, “I only thought that you seemed to hate me a little, so I thought that I would get on your good side with some chocolate… That’s all.”

Su Junxin’s sight shifted from his slightly reddened ears to his innocent-looking eyes before she regained her calm.

“You’ve overthought things; I don’t hate you.”

Qin You immediately squinted his eyes into a smile. “So that means you’ve agreed to be my friend?”

Su Junxin had learned her lesson that time. She refused to be bothered by him any further and merely took out her sketchbook and pencil.

‘The initial design of my safe zone is complete. Now, I just need to fine-tune some details. However, I didn’t study archeology in my previous life, and I’m worried I might get it wrong. It might be better if I could only imitate Cloud’s safe zone based on my memories.’

‘The outer layer of Cloud’s safe zone has a barricade which is about ten meters tall. There has never been a single zombie who was able to break through it in ten years; I suppose it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to call it a solid fortress.’

‘During a celebration party, I coincidentally heard a few sentences about the barricade’s defenses and alarm system. In fact, it even had a specific codename called YC…’


A voice suddenly barged in, interrupting Su Junxin as she recalled her memories.

She turned her head to look at Qin You, and her voice’s tone was unable to conceal her surprise. “What did you say?”

Qin You took a look at the designs again and let off a light “hmph” through his nasal cavity. Then, he turned his head to sit up straight.

Su Junxin pushed the sketchbook in front of him and pointed at the half-completed barricade drawing.

“Do you know what this is?”

However, Qin You casually picked out an exercise book and opened it up, pretending not to hear Su Junxin talking to him. His lips which were arched upwards which revealed his mood at that very moment, though. 

Su Junxin was startled for a few seconds before very quickly realizing the situation.

Hence, she could not help but laugh a few times and pushed the top of her mouth with the tip of her tongue before she replied, “Alright then; I’ll agree to be your friend.”

After she said that, the edge of Qin You’s lips turned into a smile.

“Are you serious?”

“Of course,” replied Su Junxin very naturally.

Qin You had finally achieved his goal and was elated as he smiled in satisfaction.

Just then, the gold light from the sun entered from the window and shone on the side of Qin You’s face, covering it with a layer of gold light.

For a single moment, Su Junxin suddenly felt as though his eyes were dazzling as if they were filled with waters from the galaxy. However, she was only startled for a moment before she very quickly regained her senses.

“So, do you really know what this is?”

Qin You took away the pencil in her hand and added a few more details on the drawing in various areas before showing it to her.

“What do you think?”

Obviously, he was proving his ability to her through his actions.

Su Junxin only needed to glance at it to be able to confirm that it was really YC-2130!

“What else do you know?” Her voice was filled with a little panic.

“I’ll be able to tell you whatever you want to know.”

A second before the bell for their night self-study session rang, Qin You closed up his pencil case and slammed a stack of paper in front of Su Junxin. 

“The complete YC-2130’s system is all here.”

Su Junxin was in disbelief as she looked through the details; her fingers even brushed against some areas which still had faint ink marks on them.

“Is it really alright for you to tell me all this?”

When Qin You heard that, he was actually even more surprised than she was.

“Do you know, for a military fanatic like myself, this is the first time I’ve actually met someone who has the same level of interest towards YC-2130 as I do? So, it’s already an honor for me to be able to share it with you.”

He paused for a moment before adding, “Plus, aren’t friends supposed to help each other?”

Su Junxin was speechless.

She lowered her eyes to think for a moment before getting up to call out to Qin You, who was just about to leave.

“You asked me before if I was serious about wanting to be your friend; I would like to reanswer your question now.”

She looked at him with a serious expression. “Yes, I’m serious.”

Qin You let out a “pfft” and then laughed before he half-jokingly said, “A stack of papers in exchange for a true friend… sounds like I’ve got the better end of the deal.”

Su Junxin embarrassedly touched the tip of her nose when she heard that.

‘Previously, I was only considering the benefits he would bring me when I faced him earlier. Hence, it is no surprise that he was teasing me this way.’

Qin You took a look at his watch. “I’ve got to head back now; see you tomorrow.”

“Alright, see you tomorrow.”

At that time, there were only a handful of people left in the classroom; hence, Su Junxin very quickly packed up and left as well.

Not long after she exited the school gates, a familiar voice suddenly resounded in her ears. Su Junxin subconsciously stopped in her tracks and turned around to face towards the direction of the sound. 

A few tall men in her high school’s uniform were either standing or squatting in a dark little alley. All of them had a lit cigarette between their fingers.

Amongst them, Su Junxin could recognize the one with yellow hair. After all, she had just beaten him up that morning.

“You’ve got no money? Don’t you know how to ask your mom if you haven’t got money?” He then fiercely spat onto the floor and had his gaze fixed on a figure who was squirmed up at a corner in the alley. “If you haven’t got the money tomorrow, I’m going to break down your family’s stall!”

After he said that, he raised his leg and kicked the person, and then turned around to take a deep drag of his cigarette.

“Let’s go! Today’s such an unlucky day…”

When Su Junxin noticed that he had turned around, she quickly dashed and hid in a dark corner by the alleyway.

“What’s gotten you to be in such a bad temper today, Brother You? Are you in a bad mood? Which idiot has actually managed to anger you? Let the few of us teach him a lesson on your behalf!”

The yellow-haired man named Brother You glared at the person who spoke.

“Stay out of my f*cking business!”

When the man realized that he had failed to curry favor, he shrunk his neck and did not dare to utter another word.

When they had all left, Su Junxin entered the alley.

The young man who was squirming on the ground shivered as he heard the oncoming footsteps and tried his best to wrap his head within his arms.

When Su Junxin saw that, she could not help but feel a little tightening sensation.

After pondering for a moment, she took out a box of cream from her pocket.

The cream was still brand new and had not even been taken out from its packaging yet.

The cream was something that Su Junxin had noticed was in her drawer before she left. Obviously, Qin You was adamant about wanting to give that to her.

However, there was someone else who needed it more than her at that moment.

As the sound of footsteps faded away, Li Weize slowly let go of his arms. Then, his gaze landed on that little white box that was in front of him.

He was instantly stunned.