"Well, well, I'll be careful."

"Okay, let's have dinner together in two days."

Jiang Tian held the mobile phone and was perfunctory to Jiang Wan on the other end. From the corner of her eyes, she couldn't help but look at Murong Fei on the opposite side, feeling extremely nervous.

She didn't choose to tell Jiang Wan that Murong Fei was right in front of her. She also saw the news in the past two days and knew that the Jiang family was in chaos now. She didn't want Jiang Wan to worry about her at this time.

What's more, Murong Fei just sat across from her and didn't do anything to her, even the two of them haven't spoken yet.

After hanging up the phone, she put the phone on the table, carefully picked up the cup on the table, took a sip of water, and barely suppressed the fear in her heart.

But no matter how hard she pressed, Murong Fei could still see her fear of him at a glance, "Are you afraid of me?"

Jiang Tian's hand holding the cup unconsciously exerted force, and it took a long time to slow down: "No."

"No? You look so nervous, it doesn't seem like you don't." Murong Fei sneered, not seeing each other for a few days, this woman's lying skills really haven't improved at all.

Jiang Tian put down her cup and looked at him: "Are you okay?"

"I can't find you if I have nothing to do? Or do you think I can sit back and relax when I come to the capital?" The man sneered, his eyes staring at Jiang Tian, ​​which made people suffocate for no reason.

Jiang Tian was a little out of breath from his gaze, but she still insisted and said: "Murong Fei, what kind of woman do you want? Why do you have to stare at me? How did I offend you?"

She didn't understand, because of this man, she had already fled Jincheng with her parents, but why did he keep chasing her?

"You have offended me too much." Murong Fei could see the anger in her heart, and felt a little panicked inexplicably.

If it wasn't for you, Jiang Tian, ​​who wanted to escape again and again, would he press on every step of the way?

What he said made Jiang Tian uncontrollable and wanted to get angry, "Tell me, how can I offend you? Tell me!"

She was very emotional, and she had already stood up from the chair, "Isn't it miserable enough for me now? It's fine to leave my hometown, but don't be chased by you, are you trying to force me to death?"

Murong Fei had never seen Jiang Tian so out of control, and his heart was aching: "I didn't want to force you."

"You didn't? Then what do you want to do now?" From the moment Murong Fei appeared, Jiang Tian couldn't control herself.

She felt that she was probably sick, and she would have a stress reaction when she saw Murong Fei.

The man pursed his lips and said after a while, "I just came to say hello to you and ask how you are doing recently."

His tone was much more relaxed, not as aggressive as before, but Jiang Tian still didn't relax because of it, "Before I saw you, I was fine, very fine."

Although she would think of this man in the middle of the night, most of the time, she enjoyed the days without him.

"You hate me that much?" Murong Fei didn't understand, this woman had said that she loved him before, how long has it been, how can she change so quickly?

Jiang Tian thought his words were ridiculous, and she slowly sat back in her seat, trying to control her emotions: "Shouldn't I hate you? If it wasn't for you, my parents and I wouldn't have to leave the place where we grew up, wouldn't you Don't you feel any guilt?"

Before Murong Fei could answer, Jiang Tian laughed to herself: "I'm so stupid, how can a person like you feel guilty? I'm afraid in your heart, you still think that I don't know what to do."