At the bar, when Jiang arrived late, Zhou Beishen was already waiting at the door ahead of time.

"I knew you wouldn't have the heart to leave me alone." The man stepped forward with a smile, took Jiang Wan's bag, and led her into the bar.

"Stop being so sentimental, I'm here to keep an eye on you so that you won't do anything wrong to me." Jiang Wan said, and followed Zhou Beishen to the second floor.

Zhou Beishen was not angry, but nodded and said, "It's good, I just need people to watch."

If Jiang Wan didn't come, his bad friends would really find him a few female publicists. Although he wasn't interested, he would feel uncomfortable sitting next to him.

Fortunately, she came.

Pushing open the door of the box, everyone inside turned their eyes to the door.

Zhou Beishen took Jiang Wan in and introduced him, "My girlfriend, Jiang Wan."

Everyone laughed and called sister-in-law one after another. Jiang Wan smiled and nodded as a simple greeting.

Sitting next to Zhou Beishen, the man introduced them one by one: "Those three people from left to right are Qin Ling, Xiao Xusheng, and Jin Yan. They have known each other for many years, and they often drink together. The relationship is not bad."

To Zhou Beishen, they could be regarded as friends, but they definitely didn't have such a good relationship with Murong Fei.

Jiang Wan nodded, feeling somewhat impressed with the three of them.

All three are well-known rich second generations in Jincheng. She had investigated these before coming to Jincheng, so she had a little impression.

"sister in law."

Xiao Xusheng came over with a glass of wine, and said with a playful smile: "Sister-in-law, you are the first girlfriend that Beishen has admitted openly, and I respect you with this glass of wine."

He drank it down as he said, and Jiang Wan also raised his glass to take a sip, only to realize that there was juice in his glass.

"Hello." She greeted with a smile, knowing that Zhou Beishen must have prepared the juice.

"In the future, we will come out to play with Beishen more, we will get along very well." Xiao Xusheng said again.

Jiang Wan nodded: "Okay."

Then Xiao Xusheng went back and sat down, Qin Ling also came over with a wine glass, and also greeted Jiang Wan.

The last one to come was Jin Yan, but he had a cold face and seemed reluctant.

Jiang Wan could feel that this person didn't like her almost immediately, but she didn't know exactly why.

"Miss Jiang is capable of bringing Beishen to our brothers." Jin Yan said angrily after finishing his drink.

Jiang Wan hooked her lips, smiled and said nothing.

The other party was Zhou Beishen's friend, and he always wanted to show Zhou Beishen some face.

"I heard from Beishen that Miss Jiang is a doctor?"

Jin Yan suddenly asked again, but without giving Jiang Wan a chance to answer, he continued, "How much money do doctors earn these days? I'm afraid I'm happy to find Beishen as a boyfriend?"

Jiang Wan's face turned ugly in an instant, she couldn't understand the meaning of this man's words.

Just as he was about to question him, Zhou Bei shouted angrily, "Jin Yan! If you can't speak, just shut your mouth, no one wants to hear it."

"Am I wrong? If it wasn't for your identity, would she be with you?" Jin Yan was sure that Jiang Wan was a woman who worshiped money. After all, Zhou Beishen had the most such women around her.

It's just that those women were not as successful as her before.

Zhou Beishen's face darkened, and when he was about to get angry, Jiang Wan calmed down a bit: "Then why did you become Beishen's friend? Are you also interested in his money?"


"As a friend, but you don't give him face in public, a friend like you is really unattractive." Jiang Wan interrupted him with a sneer, who wouldn't say bad words?