This mobile phone is hers. No one will leave such a thing except her.

Intuitively, this recording must have something to do with her disappearance.

For some reason, his hands trembled slightly, and he didn't even have the courage to listen.

He is so afraid that he will hear some bad news.

Finally, the middle of the play was pressed. After a while of Zizi's voice, the familiar voice appeared slowly.

"I'm sorry, easy. I want to say goodbye to you. No, maybe never again. My body is not good, and I don't even know whether I'm breathing or not. I think I can't wake up in my sleep many times. Take medicine, injection, chemotherapy, operation everyday It's really painful. I don't like it. You know what I'm afraid of, I can't make it. Thank you for your efforts, and please forgive me for my selfishness I have to go, even if you have been very bad to me, I don't hate you at all. After all, you are still Duoduo's father. That day, I cried when I heard you say that you always loved me. In fact, you are the only one I have ever loved in my life. Yixi, please take good care of me. The fate of this life is over. If you still love me in the next life, and I just love you, goodbye... "

Then there was a blind sound.

Guysy was already in tears when he heard her words.

He always boasted that he was a strong man, but at this time, even if he closed his eyes tightly, he could not stop the unrestrained tears.

At this time, she is still thinking about him, standing in his position, to understand him and tolerate him.

Is she doing this to make his life worse than death?

He is very selfish, in order to let her live a few more days, every day try every means to let her accept all kinds of treatment, how can he not think about, does she hurt? Can the body take it?

He only hated that he could not bear the pain for her, but he could not watch her leave.

"Mr. Gu, I've looked up and down the whole hospital, but I didn't see Miss He."

The news the Dean brought to him was cruel. His heart was shaking and he was afraid that he would never see her again.

Even if he uses all his power and money to search H City, he must find her and get her information.

Gu Yixi tightly holds the mobile phone, but in his heart, it has already been a river of tears.

Those days, he was almost all day long in search of her news.

Her departure made him feel as if the whole world had collapsed.

He couldn't eat anything, even water didn't come in for several days, he couldn't sleep at night, because when he closed his eyes, her pale face appeared in his mind.

He had a ragged beard and no energy to shave. His hair was in a mess. He didn't take a bath for several days.

Even when Xu Miaoyun saw him, she was startled. She had never seen him in such a mess. There was no big difference between falling and falling and the tramp on the roadside.

He tried every means to find her whereabouts.

What is available is always disappointment.

He watched the surveillance video all day long, and even went all over the corner of H City in person.

How he hoped that when he closed his eyes and opened them again, he suddenly looked up and saw her standing not far away, smiling and busy with his own affairs, just like before.