Now it seems that everything is his fault, he is the most heinous person in the world.

He is sorry for his father, Xiao Bai, Gu Ma and Xiao Bai's dead father.

He really wanted to stab himself. Maybe only in this way can he feel better and feel less guilty for her.

Even if he took his own life to compensate her, I'm afraid it's not enough to make up for the hurtful things he did to her.

"Xiaobai." At the moment of his tears, heart only regret, just want to hurry to her side, distressed want to hold her tightly in his arms.

He really hates himself and loves her.

Surrounded by too much hatred, he did not dare to love her easily.

But now, it is found that he is the one who should really hate and revenge.

He has missed too much, he owes her, I'm afraid this life is not over.

He ran out of the door and drove to the hospital like crazy.

He loved her to the core. When he learned the truth, he felt even more guilty and wanted to exchange his life for her happiness.

He did not allow her to be taken away by the disease. As long as she could get better, he would love her twice as much as he Zhan.

This incident, and his blow, is even greater than when he first knew the truth of his parents' death.

He couldn't express how he felt at the moment.

Why don't you let him know this fact earlier? Why don't you let him know it when he scarred her? Is it setting out to make his life worse than death?

When he finally arrived at the hospital, he even had no time to wait for the elevator to come down, climbed the stairs to her ward, pushed the door and entered, but the needles and instruments were all hanging alone, and the room was empty.

He was a little confused. He walked quickly and searched the whole room. He even looked around the room, but he didn't see her.

Was the doctor transferred to the ward? Why didn't you tell him.

"Nurse! Nurse Gulsey cried out, trying to find her fate.

"Mr. Koo." When he heard such a flustered cry, the doctor and nurse rushed over.

"What about people? What about Xiaobai? " Guysy asked, pointing to the empty bed.

As soon as the medical staff saw that the patient had disappeared, they were all panicked and rushed to find him.

At the sight of their expression, guysy's face darkened.

They don't know. So they didn't do it?

Where did he Xiaobai go!

In the ward, the temperature she left was slightly hot, but I searched all the places where she might appear, but I didn't see her.

She was so sick, so weak, so difficult to sit up. Where did she go alone?

"Mr. Gu, I'm sorry. Today I put a drop on he Xiaobai. She said she was sleepy. If someone didn't want to disturb her, we went back. We don't know how suddenly the man disappeared. " The nurses were crying.

"Look! You all go to her! Get her back He yelled with red eyes.

At the moment when he opened the door but didn't see her, he knew how much loss and panic he felt.

The hospital is almost crazy. Half of the medical staff put down their work and went to find a woman in sick clothes.

"Look, Mr. Koo." Suddenly, a nurse handed Guyi a mobile phone. Guyi took it and saw a recording lying in it.