Revealing sexy low cut dress, short skirt, black fishing net stockings She threw it all at the bottom of the box.

It seems that the sexy woman before was just imagined out of thin air. Now he Xiaobai is as beautiful and clean as a student who has just left school. How can he still see the shadow of a wine girl.

During that time, she took a lot of income and tips every day, and also spent money like running water. Beautiful clothes and glittering jewelry, whether you like it or not, as long as they were pleasing to the eye, she bought them all. Virtually, spending money has become a way to vent.

Up to now, the money she made has been wasted.

In order to survive, she must go out to find a job, a decent job. No matter how hard and tired she is, she will stick to it.

Xiaoshu gave her all her savings for her. What qualifications does she have to waste her hard-earned money everywhere.

Think about this, I really feel that what I have done before is unforgivable.

Without alcohol and tobacco, maybe busyness can make her forget the unhappiness and loneliness temporarily. In order to earn more money, he Xiaobai found several jobs at the same time. He was as busy as a top every day. He didn't even have the time to sit down and drink.

I get up at five o'clock every morning, deliver newspapers door to door, work in a home shopping mall during the day, and do hourly work in a fast food restaurant at night.

After a day's work, her legs were swollen and her feet were swollen and numb, as if they were not her own. She was very sore.

When I went home to soak my feet in the evening, I saw that the sole of my feet had been worn out. When I got into the water, I felt a pain. I really felt sad and wanted to cry.

Working three jobs a day may not be enough for men. Since childhood, she has been pampered. Even when her father was alive, he was afraid that she would be scalded with a cup of boiling water.

What about hard work? There is no one to rely on. She must learn to be independent.

He Xiaobai ruthlessly put his foot into the water until he slowly adapted to the pain.

All the strong are forced out, even if it is difficult, she will be hard to do, even in the quilt secretly shed tears, in front of others, she is always forced to smile.

A spoiled young lady, just used to such a life, has become a workaholic who is incredible in the eyes of others.

One morning, as usual, she got up at five o'clock and went to the printing factory to pick up the newspaper. At this time, the city was still in darkness. Only a few street lights and neon signs on the roadside were on, and few people could be seen on the street.

She shuttled through the streets of the city, with heavy newspapers in her bag in front of her car.

She had never touched a bicycle before. When applying for a job, the boss asked her to come to work the next day. She spent a whole day learning to ride a bike. She fell several bruises on her palm and arm. The next day, she successfully completed the work with her trembling riding skills.

Now, her cycling skills are becoming more and more skilled, and she can even release one hand when there are few people.

A breeze blowing, her forehead long hair was blown to the eyes, covering the line of sight, she released a hand to lift the hair behind her ears, and it is this moment, look up, but see a big rush from the side of the alley out, rampage, without slowing down.