The slap just now was the first time for her to hit someone. It seemed that she was really angry. From the strength of the slap, he thought, she hated him to gnash her teeth.

How could he not hate her? He just wants to make her stay here!

Wearing sunglasses is just to cover up the red eyes. When he goes out of the door, he Xiaobai's tears are like broken beads, which can't be controlled.

Clenched his fist, long nails hard into the palm of the meat, there is a kind of deep pain, but how also hurt her heart at the moment.

Every word, every movement, every look of guysi is like a sharp sword, which deeply penetrates her heart. She repeatedly pulls it out and inserts it in, and does not care whether she is already bleeding.

He trampled her under his feet, humiliated her condescending, wantonly abused her self-esteem, repeatedly hurt her already scarred heart

Why did he treat her like that!

She has been rolling out of his sight, she did not get anything, and even his own children were ruthlessly taken away by him. He can know how she came over in those days. Every day she lived as if she were dying, and her spirit almost collapsed. She was just like a useless person.

After experiencing the purgatory like life, she finally came back to life, out of the shadow, self deception with this useless way to paralyze themselves, so that they will not be so sad, he, why not let her go!

Aren't they supposed to be strangers? Why does he still want to provoke her? Isn't all of her today thanks to him?

Seeing her like this, she is just like a dissolute bad woman, dirty, unbearable, and let men be frivolous. He should feel very happy.

The worse she was, the happier he was.

What kind of hate can make him so decisive. Did he hate her to death!

How could, how could, how could she let him do it.

He Xiaobai pulled out a self mocking smile on his face and wiped the tears from his chin with his fingertips.

Hidden in the heart of that sense of dignity was thoroughly inspired, the slap hit him in the face, but also awakened her own heart, awakened a girl should have pride and dignity.

How can she let him step on the soles of her feet and humiliate him as he wishes? Even if she is poor, she should be poor and dignified, and she should also preserve her personality.

At this moment, he Xiaobai's chaotic brain suddenly became very clear. And her seemingly weak appearance seems to be a lot stronger.

He Xiaobai stayed at home for several days without going out, and her mobile phone was turned off. She didn't think about everything, as if she was isolated from the world.

A week later, she adjusted her attitude and mood, and finally turned on her mobile phone again. The manager called to urge her to go to work, saying that many regular customers had come to the store to see her several times. She calmly resigned, the manager immediately promised to give her double pay or even better treatment, before he finished, she had hung up. The bright nail polish on

finger has been rubbed off by her, her fingers slender and slender, though plain, they are beautiful.

Long false eyelashes, rich eye makeup, red lip gloss These things, she did not use, and finally returned to the previous plain face, the whole person suddenly became fresh.