Just as Cao Yan was about to leave the examination hall, one of the doors suddenly opened. A candidate walked out with his head hanging low. It was the overaged candidate Cao Yan had met the last time.

What a coincidence to be able to meet the same person on two separate trips here.

The overaged candidate also saw Cao Yan. His expression changed, and the gloomy and defeated look disappeared instantly, replaced with a bright and cheerful countenance.

What exaggerated acting. It’s obvious he didn’t pass. Cao Yan thought to himself. He walked out of the exam hall without even stopping.

The overaged candidate watched Cao Yan leave. He was glad that he had reacted fast enough, putting on a successful act so that Cao Yan could not tell he had failed again. Otherwise, that would be very embarrassing.

The overaged candidate was upset because of what Examiner Xu said the last time. On top of that, there was a direct comparison with Cao Yan, and that hurt him. It had taken him a few days to pick himself up and come here. However, he did not expect Examiner Xu to be so spot on. He failed once again. The worst part was that he met Cao Yan the moment he stepped out of the door. It was so awkward that he could only pretend to be in high spirits. After all, he still had his pride.

Cao Yan left the exam hall and waited at the door for a while. Soon, a butterfly with beautiful patterns came flying over. It was the guiding butterfly he saw the last time he came for his test.

Any staff of the Pet Trainer Association could command the guiding butterfly. All they needed to do was concentrate on the association badge on their chest. They would then be able to send out a mental signal through the badge to command the guiding butterfly over to show the way. It was very convenient and efficient. At the same time, it could also bring out the uniqueness of the Pet Trainer Association.

The guiding butterfly gracefully fluttered in front.

Cao Yan leisurely followed it towards the logistics department. When he passed by a corridor, he paused to take a look and frowned a little. “You didn’t even pass the test again. Why are you following me?”

The overaged candidate was tailing Cao Yan from a distance. When he heard that, his face flushed red immediately. What did he mean by “again”? AHAHAH! “Didn’t pass the test again”… How infuriating.

Cao Yan turned around and walked off, leaving the overaged candidate standing there blankly. Since he was already discovered, he would continue following him.

He did not have any ill intentions. It was just that he failed while Cao Yan passed and even joined the association. So he wanted to follow Cao Yan to see what he did around the association.

Not long after, the guiding butterfly led Cao Yan to the logistics department.

“Hello.” Cao Yan greeted one of the logistic staff upon walking into the room. He got ready to ask about the demon ball materials.

While speaking, he looked around the department and realized it was expansive, like a big storage space. It had an open concept. There were rows of glass dividing the room into neat sections. In each section sat two people, burying their heads in work and fiddling with something in their hands. Their behavior made the place look like a car workshop.

The person, whom Cao Yan called out to, looked close to 40. He was wearing a white coat and appeared to be a technician. He replied Cao Yan, “Oh, are you new? What are you good at?”

What was he good at?

The only skill Cao Yan had grasped was knowledge of cryptography and space smithing. That could be considered his strength. “I can make demon balls.”

“Alright, then. The association’s hunting team was out these few days to hunt. They have used up a lot of demon balls, and many of them are sent here for servicing. Come and give us a hand. Follow me.” The middle-aged man turned around and walked in a hurry.

Cao Yan thought that the man might have mistaken him as help. He actually just wanted to get some materials to make demon balls.

On second thought, it did not seem nice to ask someone for something right off the bat. If he helped out, it would not look too bad to ask for some things in return. Therefore, he followed the middle-aged man without saying a thing.

The middle-aged man walked briskly and arrived at a transparent sectioned room. He said, “Wait here for a while.”

He went in and retrieved a little box. “There are four demon balls here for repair. Take a look and see if you can fix them. If you can, start working right away. When you’re done, let me have a look. There are tools on the table. Oh, you can call me Master Liu.”

The Pet Trainer Association was an organization that served all pet trainers. Although pet trainers usually knew how to make demon balls, there would still be a difference when it came to more technical parts. As each trainer leveled up, his skills would also develop more in certain areas. Most people would choose to put their attention in rearing their demon pets; therefore, they would not continue working on other skills.

Thus, once their demon balls were damaged, they would need expert technicians to do the repairs.

The logistics department was responsible for fixing the different pet trainer tools and gadgets. Pet trainers part of the association would only need to pay the cost price, while the outsiders would have to pay an extra service fee. That was also one of the ways the association made money.

Cao Yan glanced at the four demon balls Master Liu gave him and sat down.

There were demon bone pens specially used for repairing demon balls in every section, and one was placed on the table in front of Cao Yan. He picked up the demon balls and took a look. They were all elementary demon balls, so they should be quite easy to repair.

There were also different types of potions in the section. These were used to change the patterns on the demon ball’s surface.

Master Liu sat in the adjacent section and also picked up a demon ball. He started to study the patterns on the demon balls and was about to start repairing them.

He thought carefully over what would be the best way to repair it. Just as he was about to start, he recalled that Cao Yan was new here, so he glanced over worriedly.

“Hm?” Master Liu was shocked.

Cao Yan, who was beside him, was drawing boldly on the demon ball’s surface, as though he did not need to think about how to draw the patterns. Double cryptography method… Single continuous cryptography… They were all professional applications of cryptography. In just two or three breaths, Cao Yan had fixed a demon ball and moved on to the next, going on and on.

Master Liu was dumbfounded. Although not many were familiar with the applications of cryptography, the Pet Trainer Association was a place full of experts. Still, most of the good ones were middle-aged. To see one so young was rare. Besides, he appeared so randomly that it caught Master Liu off-guard.

“Master Liu, these four are completed. What else do I have to do next?” Cao Yan turned his head and asked.

“Completed… completed just like that. I haven’t even started yet,” Master Liu mumbled to himself. He walked over to Cao Yan and picked up a demon ball from the table.

The pattern on the ball’s surface was completed seamlessly. If he used his spiritual energy, he could sense the stability of the space within the ball. Obviously, Cao Yan had done an excellent job in overlapping the space. He could not find anything to nit-pick on.

Master Liu glanced at Cao Yan. After that, he picked up the remaining three balls to check. The missing patterns on the balls were indeed completed.

This was a top-notch standard deserving praise.

Master Liu was assured, and he thought with delight. Finally, a good one came. He ran out merrily and brought a box of demon balls pending for repair. “Here. You’re a fast worker, so you can do more.”

Cao Yan: “…”