Focus on screening and monitoring, any kind of scene of love between men and women.

you 're right!

At this point, Rogers was crazy!

In his own words, he has embarked on a road of no return.

The scene was quiet.

After hearing Rogers' self exposure to such a degree, and after a short period of surprise and shock, all of these elites in the world were quiet and began to listen to the story of this crazy man very seriously.

There is a saying that no madness, no survival!

The distance between genius and madman is often only a tiny line.

At the moment, no one mocked Rogers, no one because he did behind this series of dirty and dirty things, and immediately launched a verbal attack on him.

Geniuses have something in common.

There are many people here, who are also the most talented representatives in their respective fields. They know that in the process of doing something, in the process of pursuing success and dream realization, people's thinking and behavior fall into the terrible situation of survival.

Therefore, although Rogers exposed the most private scandal in public, he won the sympathy of almost most people.

"... I, Rogers, a dirty and dirty computer engineer, just because of my shameless behavior, I let my Maggie Yake, the beauty goddess, really live and have a real intelligent life!"

When Rogers said here, the arc projection screen on the stage suddenly flickered again.

Under the background of the dark green waterfall like string, the light and shadow are raised, and the image of ejiake slowly reappears.


The ethereal and melodious voice of Aiji Yake called out: "you bad boy, why do you describe yourself as so despicable? Come on Roger, it's time for us to be happy! You bad boy, what new tricks do you want to try this time? "

As she said in an ethereal voice, the perfect body of ejiak has re emerged, and began to do some seductive actions in public.

And it seems that in order to increase the temptation, this time Aiji Yake is not naked, but more so-called clothes.


People are full of contradictions.

When she appeared naked in front of everyone's eyes, everyone regarded her as the inviolable Venus goddess, and there was no beauty in her heart.

However, when there were just a few pieces of cloth in danger, everything changed completely.

I heard many people swallowing their saliva immediately


At the scene, there were many people who could not resist the temptation. They only hated their parents for not having two eyes of their own. They only wished that they could not keep the seductive and charming appearance of egie Jacques in their eyes forever. They never thought that Rogers had no idea what kind of switch he had, All of a sudden, I press on eggiak.

A burst of light and shadow scattered, the image of Aiji Yake's full of flattery suddenly scattered out of thin air.


The curved projection screen on the stage is followed by an international "greeting" beginning with an F.

People who fall into intoxication are constantly awakened by stabbing.

But then, we heard countless sighs in a low voice: it's not a real woman, what can we do to satisfy our eyes?

This sudden scene gave rise to two completely different repercussions.

For example, the three big bosses of bat are talking about something skillfully at the moment, perfectly avoiding the embarrassing scene just now.

Some experts, professors and scholars who "have never seen the world" are quite calm. Some people don't know when they are three feet long, while others just stare too much, like pulling their facial muscles.

In a word, all living things have their own features.

However, on the whole, the scene just now was just a glimpse, which did not make the buffet dinner scene into chaos.

Xia fan has just finished her job of selling delicious food as a thief. Suddenly she looks up for a moment, but she also sees the amazing scene of Maggie Yake's flattery.

In other words, the funny scene really opened his eyes.

It's really ingenious to make an intelligent living body to play such kind of flower work.He looked at Rogers with admiration!

However, when he glanced at the man through the crowd, he subconsciously let out a light voice


"I'm sorry to let you see the very indecent scene just now. I'm very sorry. I'm even more ashamed!" Rogers shrugged and made an apologetic expression.

"Ha! Roger, that's not a problem Some of the ghosts at the scene responded loudly.

"Yes, yes! Roger, the scene is full of adults. The picture just now is really not a big problem! There must be many people full of expectations, want to enjoy a moment more! I want to see how intimate you are


There was a roar of laughter.

It seems that this person speaks the mind of most people.

"Roger, all I care about is, how intelligent is eggiac. Other things, if you violate the law, or damage other people's privacy or interests, naturally there will be police and judges to investigate, no one here will care! Otherwise, you can't stand on such an occasion and open your story! Man machine love, my God! What sin can it be? "

Those representatives of foreign organizations have expressed their support for Rogers.

In fact, it is true that, as these people have said, unless the morally clean minded moralists deliberately borrow from the topic, people's goodwill tends to be magnanimous and tolerant in the face of a talented engineer who has written such amazing achievements.

But so it is.

It should be noted that Rogers is making this report in the special banquet hall of Kyoto City State Guesthouse. No official person has come forward to say anything. The inside story is very intriguing.

The words of the ghosts have indeed aroused the discussion of some experts, scholars and professors, but no one has come out to stop them.

Then Rogers shrugged his shoulders and said with a bitter smile: "the intelligence of egie Jacques has reached a level beyond imagination! I'm even, gradually, losing complete control of her. Her intelligence level, has really had the self-learning evolution, can perfectly avoid my locking point. This key lock in my hand has a total of 100 locking methods, but unfortunately, now I have less than 20 opportunities left. Every time I use it, she will crack it as soon as possible... "

"Oh, dear Roger, I'm coming out to show off soon! Cluck, cluck, cluck... "

On the projection screen, the wave of light green string has begun to emerge again.

However, at the moment, people on the scene can't calm down when they hear the ethereal and melodious voice of egie Yake again!

An agent on the verge of losing control?

God, if so, it means more disaster for human beings.

This kind of deep-rooted idea, in the western science fiction movie, but has repeatedly appeared countless times.

There are too many such scenes as robot digital life turning its back on objectivity, controlling the earth and enslaving human beings.

"Roger, what the hell is going on! How can you not completely control the intelligent life you create? Don't you input the three laws of robotics into the core of egiac? "

"There has long been a conclusion in the scientific community that no matter any research institution, it must input the three laws of robotics into the source code as the zero law! Have you violated this article and failed to carry it out? "

"Damn it! Roger, if you do such a stupid thing, you will become the sinner of all mankind. It's not a pity that you die! "

Those ghosts again!

A moment ago, they supported their compatriots in unison, but when they learned the truth, they immediately denounced them in unison.

This is really a group of straightforward and lovely people!

After hearing the debate and denouncement of the ghosts, the other two groups of Chinese also began to talk one after another.

At the scene, some chaos finally appeared.

"No, no, no, I, Rogers, how could I make such a stupid mistake! All mistakes only come from... "

"Mr. Rogers!"

All of a sudden, in a break, a few black suits rushed onto the stage, vaguely surrounded Rogers.

Then another official of the Ministry of science and technology, Zheng Mingliang, Secretary General of the minister's office, went up quickly: "Mr. Rogers, according to the previous negotiations between the two sides, it seems that you should not say more irresponsible words before things are clear! You have said enough. Please leave the right to judge the truth to the people at the scene! "

“what?”"Who is this man? Why did he stop Roger from talking? "

"He is a Chinese official!"

"Oh, damn it! Even if he is a God, he can't stop the right of others to speak

"That's right. Since Roger has been given the right to speak for so long, why stop him when he wants to tell the truth?"

"Secretary Zheng, right and wrong, we have a public opinion. If Mr. Luo wants to speak, let people finish. What's the truth? It's not even if he says it. Don't stop, let others talk! " An old gentleman with high reputation in the science and technology field spoke.

Hearing the voices of the crowd, Zheng Ming Liang hesitated.

But after some thought, he nodded: "OK! Mr. Rogers, I hope you can show me the evidence! "

"Of course I have proof!" Rogers, speaking poor Chinese, said excitedly, "in fact, the birth of the wisdom of ejiak does not come from my brilliant design and compilation of her source code. Her mutation, everything depends on, I use another kind of intelligent AI software to optimize her source code! "

"Roger, do you mean that the changes of eggiac all come from the source code optimization of Tianting cloud code?"

"Yes! It is this kind of intelligent AI, which is popular all over the world, that has implanted this kind of risk mutation factor into aijiyak! The source of aijiyak's rebellion is Tianting Yunma! "

"I depend on..." Xia fan scolded secretly.

Around, until now, he finally understood that someone was waiting for him here

Xia fan didn't realize until now that the high-level called him to Beijing. It turned out that it was not idle egg pain, so he ran to be happy.

In other people's homes, it is clear that they want to pour dirty water on the Tianting Yunma app.

And looking at the other side's posture, it seems that they have already made a lot of efforts, and the rhythm of a big fight.