One minute

Two minutes

Three minutes

Five minutes

Ten minutes

The men and women at the scene are all crazy. You clap me, and you ring me louder. You are not afraid of hand pain. I don't know where my hand is for a long time.

Inertia, powerful inertia!

When individual individuals are exposed to a certain situation, even the most rational people usually make crazy moves.

At today's buffet dinner, all the guests invited here are, to tell you the truth, highly renowned in the society, with a huge reputation, well-educated, or with a life and work that the world envies.

They represent the smartest, the best and the most valuable people in the world. They are the real elite. It's no exaggeration.

It's no exaggeration to say that they are the representatives of the group who are the least easily bewitched by outsiders and have the most independent will to have their status, wealth, value, achievements and reputation today.

Far from it, like bat's three technology leaders, Li Honghong, Ma yunyun and Ma Huahua, which one of them can easily be controlled by others' will?

What's more, among all kinds of experts, professors, scholars and relevant leading cadres in the domestic science and technology circle, which one can easily be brainwashed and willed by others?

Not to mention the other group, the ghost boss of multinational companies in the global field.

This group is more than one good at bewitching others and doing ideological work for others.

These three kinds of people, though not all of them at the buffet dinner, are the most representative groups.

Ten minutes later, the applause continued.

It's horrible!

The applause of these people at the moment is no longer purely for the amazing projection illusion of just now. For example, there is a subtle psychological competition between them and each individual on the scene.

For example, I always want to use my own applause to beat everyone's applause.

It seems that as long as you do this, you can become the king of the scene.

Such a group of the most rational, just at this moment, inadvertently, but began such a crazy strange psychological repression competition.

All of a sudden!

With a loud thump, an old and frail scholar fell down on the ground, causing a panic around him. The applause of the people around him was sparse. The unique atmosphere of the scene was interrupted because of this. The crazy applause stopped in an instant.

The organizers of the banquet heard the news and quickly came up with a group of people to carry away the scholars who fainted because of clapping their hands madly and take them outside for disposal.

A man with a western face came on stage with a microphone.

He said in the international common language: "thank you for your applause, thank you all! From the applause of all of you, I believe you all feel a wonderful belief, a subconscious that may never have been deliberately thought about, but always exists in your heart.... "

The man with a western face is a white man. He is very tall and has a beard, so it is difficult for people who don't know him to judge his age from his appearance.

His voice is very magnetic, very penetrating, is a good baritone.

It must be more pleasant to listen to when singing.

The man continued to say: "from the applause that each of you unconsciously clapped for 13 minutes and 55 seconds, I can hear the inner yearning cry of each of you when your subconscious is aroused!"

"I don't think anyone will deny the beauty of the lady who just walked out of the projection screen!"

"I think everyone here, men and women, will be eager to have such an outstanding lady around you and in your life!"

"I think when I heard her wave her arms to each of you and say that, Hello!, At that moment, none of you will deny that she is a very fresh life

The words of white men are very inflammatory.

And hearing his words, the people on the scene, unconsciously, seemed to fall into the state of crazy applause just now.However, when someone wants to clap his hands again, he suddenly realizes that his hands are swollen and painful. If he claps them again, they all feel like they are about to break.

So, even if someone wants to support the white man's agitation with action, it's not enough.

As for the shouting and cheering, in such an occasion, it doesn't seem too disrespectful.

Yes, of course!

Because white men always use the international common language, not everyone of the guests at the scene has very fluent and good foreign language communication skills. So hearing the white man speak with excitement and foam splashing in his mouth, some people who don't understand are quietly asking the people who understand.

"Who is this man? What is he talking about? Everybody's listening so seriously? "

The questioner happened to be near the big three of domestic technology companies.

Just now, during the 13 minutes and 55 seconds when everyone clapped wildly, the distance and position between them had already changed. Unconsciously, they all left the table and got close to the distance in front of the stage.

At the moment, the opportunity for white men to take the stage is also very abrupt, and as soon as they come up, they use his words to firmly attract the people on the scene, so almost everyone is still standing disorderly.

However, in this way, the distance between several groups is no longer so clear.

"Shh..." Ma Huahua indicated in a low voice and didn't want to answer the question of this noisy person.

Ma yunyun was beside him, but with a kind smile, he whispered: "this white man's name is Rogers, the most outstanding scientist in the field of artificial intelligence and AI in Millikan. He is giving you a lecture on the birth road of the goddess, ejiak, before that, all the video clips you saw, It is said that they were all made by aijiyak himself... "

Li Honghong also whispered: "I really didn't expect that our QianDu technology has been very advanced in the field of deep learning of artificial intelligence. Our intelligent small robots have reported good results in a series of recent human-computer intelligence big battle games. However, we didn't expect that our opponent is so powerful that we have solved the technological problem of holographic projection, and we have been able to treat virtual robots as real life! "

At the same time, in the corner of the buffet dinner, there has always been a calm figure, engrossed in eating haisai.

This person, naturally, is Xia fan.

I don't know how many times he's been walking around the food areas of the buffet with his plate.

Anyway, no one paid attention to his existence at this time.

But no one knows, Xia fan is not self-care to eat, he this Hu eat haisai posture, is just a trick. He's stealing the delicious food he's bringing. He's putting it on Skynet again and again for a limited time auction, once every 30 seconds. After a while, he's successfully won more than 10 million "stolen money.".

In addition to the last deposit, his account now has nearly 20 million virtual money assets.

However, it is obvious that there is still a long way to go for a capital gap of 100 million.

At the moment, Xia fan turns a deaf ear to the bustling atmosphere of the buffet dinner. In his heart, he has no choice but to come to auction as soon as possible.

Great food is awesome, giving him great help, organizing fans group, and chowhound his products.

If not, there will be a round in 30 seconds.

There is a big gap in the demand of fans for delicious food, and the demand is always in short supply. But it's a pity that when the manpower is poor, Xia fan has stolen so many waves one after another. Xia fan's mental power has almost been consumed.

Moreover, on Skynet, peerless eaters also gave him feedback. Many big men who came to grab the food said that although the food captured today was also delicious, it was obviously not as magical as the fruits and vegetables captured last time.

Xia fan heard this and knew that it was enough

At this time, the situation on the court has changed, white man Rogers after a long talk, suddenly changed the subject.

"Life is born evil, life is born hypocritical and greedy. In paradise lost, Adam and Eve, because they could not resist the temptation, ate the forbidden fruit and created human beings. And I, Rogers, in the eyes of all of you, the so-called gifted engineer, can't resist the temptation to possess the goddess like digital intelligent life body of egiac! "


There was a big uproar at the scene. Obviously shocked by Rogers' sudden exposure.

Everyone thinks they heard something wrong.

Because no one is willing to believe that a person in public, will expose their absolute privacy in public.Then Rogers, with a change of the subject, confessed the whole process of his creation of eggiac.

It made all people feel sick. To some extent, Rogers admitted in public that it was because he couldn't meet his special physiological needs for a long time that he came up with the idea of creating a perfect partner himself.

After such an idea came into being, in the past nearly ten years, he was engrossed in the development and design of AI programming.

The outside world regards him as the most talented new scientist and engineer in the field of AI deep learning.

However, who can believe that all his original intention is to create a tool to satisfy his desire.

It is said that interest is the best teacher of human beings.

Rogers said that in the past ten years, in order to make his egiac have real life instinct, he has collected almost all the life action movies in human society and all the erotic novels since the history of human civilization.

And all of these are the materials he collected for his in-depth study.

Even in order to enrich the material library, he spared no effort to guest star as a hacker in his spare time to invade the Internet world. Every computer, mobile phone, and any kind of necessary electronic equipment in human life that may be broken or monitored.

And the purpose of doing all this is still to collect the material library for her deep learning.

Even in the later stage, after AI intelligence reaches a certain level, agiyak will transplant its copy into the mainframe server of the scientific research institution it works for, so that agiyak will have the right to monitor all human electronic devices.