Chapter 955 Alcohol Intoxication

"What are you listening to?" James came over and took the earpiece from one of her ears and put it in his own.

A sad song was playing. He listened for a while and then returned the earpiece to her and turned the music off from her phone.

While he did this, he noticed that her cell phone was on flight mode. James instantly knew that she was trying to cut off contact with Zed.

"The floor is clean enough, so stop and come and do the math for me. Several new trainees signed up today, some of them with discounts. Come and help me keep a record."

"Sure." Jean agreed without hesitation. She was eager to keep busy all the time to keep her mind off Zed and put her in a better mood.

They both made their way to the front desk. After sitting down, they began to sort out the list of trainees as well as their tuition fees.

When James went to hand leaflets out today, there happened to be a university nearby. To his surprise, a few male students showed great interest and accompanied him to the venue. Once they saw the equipment and gym, they immediately paid the registration fee, so did several female students who came around to the gym later on.

"There is more than fifty thousand now. You did a great job, much better than me. I spent all day handing out leaflets and didn't bring a single trainee in!" Jean paid him a sincere compliment.

James scratched the back of his head with embarrassment. "It's nothing. I was just lucky. I never thought about the downside of the business before. I just blindly expected a bright and successful future. It had never occurred to me that it would be so difficult to achieve it."

"It might disappoint your father, I guess." Jean stared at him with her chin in her hands.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because his original plan was to put you in misery by cutting off your living expenses. He thought that you would surely come home and plead with him. He would then bribe you into helping him run the business, which you would have to agree to. After all, you were in trouble, and your dream was over. He would never have guessed that you would be able to grow your career so well. So he is bound to be disappointed because his plan didn't work out."

Jean's words brought a smile to James's face. "Yo

The Mighty Soldier King is back!

With the original intention to protect his beautiful boss, he accidentally gets involved in dangerous adventures and trouble.

Will our Mighty Soldier King be defeated? Or will he sweep away all obstacles?

Are you free now?" Before Julie could finish, Zed interrupted her. "Here's the thing. Can you bring me some food to the hospital?"

"The hospital? What's wrong with you? Are you hurt? You didn't fight with Jean, did you?" Julie asked, anxiously.

"No. Forget it if it's inconvenient." Zed was by no means in the mood to explain it all to her.

"Of course it's convenient. Tell me which hospital you're in, and I'll bring the food to you right now." Julie immediately agreed.

After writing down the name and address, Julie went to buy plenty of food nearby and rushed to the hospital.

With her arms loaded with food, she pushed open the door to the ward with her shoulder. Once she was inside the room, her heart broke when she saw Zed with the intravenous drip in his vein and his pale face while he lay helplessly on the bed.

As soon as she neared his bedside, there was a strong smell of alcohol in the air. She reached for the clipboard with the medical notes that hung on the side of the bed and read it. "What were you thinking, Zed! It's alcohol intoxication! How many drinks did you have?"

Zed ignored her comment and reached for the bags of food and promptly began to wolf it down.

Julie pursed her lips and held up her phone to secretly take a picture of his profile. She then quickly posted it on WeChat Moments, setting the access only for Jean and wrote a comment to go with the picture.

"We quarreled again. Zed drank a lot and went to the hospital. I was so distressed..."