Chapter 897 Something Bad Is About To Happen

"Okay," answered Jean. At first, Sean gently nodded his head, then continued, "Kirk's wedding is in two days. I really hope there's no disruption in it."

"Why, what's happened? Have you found something wrong?" Jean asked hastily.

Sean helplessly stared into thin air, letting out a deep sigh. "No, I didn't find anything wrong. But I have a feeling something bad is going to happen. I mean, haven't you noticed Elizabeth's attitude towards Zed? I'm afraid she will change her mind at the last moment about Kirk. And with that, your uncle Simon..."

More than anything, Simon was the one who Sean was most concerned about.

Seeing his worried face, Jean comforted him, "Dad, don't worry... I agree that Elizabeth is an irritable girl, but I don't think she would dare to risk her own marriage and Uncle Simon's life. If she doesn't marry Kirk, she would never get the chance to become a part of Qi family."

"I don't think she cares about that," Sean said matter-of-factly, sighing deeply.

"Dad, you're forgetting that Elizabeth has spent 3 years searching for Zed. At last, she has gotten a chance to meet him. Marrying Kirk is her only chance to get close to Zed," Jean explained.

"What are you talking about?" Sean's eyes widened at her words as he looked at her with a peculiar expression, and asked, "You mean she has only agreed to marry Kirk because of Zed?"

Jean nodded her head in affirmation.

"Shit! Since Kirk knows about her intention, why does he still want to marry her? I need to stop this from happening!" As soon as he said that, he started to walk inside to look for Elizabeth and Kirk.

Jean ran after him hurriedly, stopping him. "Dad, don't act so impulsively. Please sit and hear me out before you do or say something."

Sean gave her a helpless look, like she was a child who didn't understand anything. "Stop it, Jean. You've already made a mistake on such a matter. Why didn't you try to talk to Elizabeth when you found out she had no feelings for Kirk? Marriage is not a game. It could result in a life full of regret for both of them. None of them would ever be able to live happily."

Sean finished speaking and continued to walk inside with vigor.

His words made Jean very anxious but this was no time to give up. She couldn't help but raise her voice. "Dad, have you even thought of the consequences of what you are about to do? If you forced Kirk to cancel this wedding, you would ruin both him and Uncle Simon!"

At this point, Sean discontinued

“Who does she think she is? I won’t marry her even if she is the last woman on earth,” said Hiram Rong.

“Marry into a family with tens of billions of assets? How lucky I am! I won’t be so foolish as to break off the engagement. At worst, I can receive money as part of the divorce settlement,” said Rachel Ruan.

Their great-grandfathers made a pact about their engagement a hundred years ago...

mile on her face.

But inside she knew she would never include Sean and Jade if at all Zed messed up in the future. Nevertheless, she was grateful for the support and kindness.

It made her happy that they weren't prejudiced in Zed's favor, even though he was their son. Instead, they thought from Jean's point of view.

It was moving to be at the receiving end of such care once in a while.

But the matter at hand remained unresolved and worried her. She looked at Sean and opened her mouth to speak again, "Dad, Elizabeth..."

"Don't worry. I'm not a dotard just yet. I was just too angry and shocked. Thanks for reminding me that this is all for Simon. I really understand and cherish what you have done for him,"

Sean assured genuinely.

Jean was truly satisfied to see him reason. With a thankful smile, she said, "I feel relieved now. Sometimes, we just have to tell little white lies to protect the ones we care about. As long as we can make Uncle Simon's final wish come true, it'll all be worth it. Besides, I think Elizabeth could develop some feelings for Kirk in time."

"I don't care whether she has feelings for Kirk or not. But if she's going to marry him, she needs to control her feelings for Zed. Also, you don't have to speak for her anymore. I've promised not to say anything to her, so I'll keep my words,"

Sean interrupted with a serious face. He knew what was on Jean's mind.

Jean too knew it was time for her to shut her mouth.

If she went on talking, she would only make things worse.

"I'll go to my room now. If you're bored, you can take a walk in the yard," Sean said gesturing towards his room, and walked away.