Chapter 896 She Got Into Her Head

The news that Elizabeth delivered to Jean bothered her very much. The fact that she could not get a hold of Zed made it feel worse. She felt as if she were on a tightrope.

Compared to what Jean had gone through in the past, it wasn't really so grave. Being pregnant, however, her threshold of stress seemed to have been less. Pressure was not something she could easily deal with anymore.

Benjamin's concern somehow helped her calm down. She managed a smile and replied, "I'm okay, grandpa. I just wanted to walk around and get some fresh air."

After the kidnapping, Jean realized that it would be best if she avoided going out all by herself for security reasons.

If she insisted, Toby would surely do his best to ensure her safety. Still, there was only so much he could do. If there were people who were determined to harm her, that would hardly keep them away.

Jean almost made a huge mistake. Bumping into Benjamin brought her back to her senses.

No matter how worried she was, it was not a reason to risk her life. The best thing for her to do then was to wait for Zed to come home.

Putting herself in danger would not help anyone, especially Zed.

"You wanted to walk around by yourself?" asked Benjamin. He frowned. Sighing, he said, "This was supposed to be your vacation. Yet, Zed is too busy with family matters that he's still not spending time with you. I am sorry about that. After Kirk's wedding, I will be sure to ask him to show you around."

Jean smiled at him and didn't say a word.

Benjamin was really worried about Jean's safety. People had their eyes on Sky International, and Jean was the easiest target. He really did not want to meddle but he could not resist. In his concern, he said, "With the rate things are going, I think it would be the best for you to stay in the house. Elizabeth is home today. She would be happy to keep you company."

Jean was already quite aware of the danger that she almost put herself in. She appreciated Benjamin's concern. "Alright..." she conceded.

Benjamin's expression softened after hearing Jean's

Falling from nobility, Zen Luo became a humble slave and served as a human punchbag for his former cousins. Inadvertently, he found a way to refine himself into a weapon and a legend started because of that. With a strong belief in never surrender, he strove for revenges and pursued big dreams. Warriors from various clans contended for hegemony and the world was stirred. Relying on the body that was comparable to a powerful weapon, Zen beat his numerous enemies on his way to the immortality. Would he succeed eventually?

explained Sean.

Hearing this gave Jean much shock. She looked at Sean with disbelief. She just had to ask, "Father, forgive me for having to ask, but have you been following Sara the past few days to find out who she is working with?"

Reluctantly, Sean replied, "I have." Shaking his head, he gave Jean a weak smile.

"Oh, don't worry about me. These are hard times. Whoever is behind this needs to be careful so we don't catch him,"

Jean said reassuringly.

"I know," Sean smiled at Jean and continued. "Things are tense. You need to be careful too! Don't go out if you don't have to! Can you keep that in mind?"

Jean blushed with embarrassment with his remark. "I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking clearly earlier. I didn't know that Zed already knew what was going on. I was only trying to help," she shifted uncomfortably.

"I know you mean well. Just know that this is much more serious than it seems," Sean sighed. "There might be more people behind this. The deeper we dig, the worse I feel. But we can't just give it up. I really don't know where else would be safe apart from this house. Jean, please promise me you will keep yourself safe for your baby, Zed, and the whole family. Okay?"

Sean said, looking at Jean straight in the eyes. Jean could feel the gravity of his words. Tense, she nodded. "I promise. I will not give them the chance to harm my family."