Chapter 892 First Movements

"I just want to remind you of what you should be focusing on in your life right now. Get yourself a wife and start a family. Afterwards, you don't need to worry about anyone or anything else. Not to mention, Grandpa Benjamin would no longer nag you about this sort of thing whenever you come over for a meal,"

chirped Jean.

"You..." stammered Zack, his face darkening. "No wonder people always say that birds of a feather flock together. Are you enjoying teasing a singleton like me?" complained Zack.

"Yes, we do. I mean, I can say that I'm feeling much better now," answered Zed blandly.

"Alright, good for you," scoffed Zack.

Seeing Zack baffled this way made Jean laughed out loud heartily.

In truth, she was teasing Zack on purpose so that Zed would feel more at ease. Soon enough, her laughter made a difference, and the corners of Zed's mouth turned up the slightest bit.

However, Zack was no fool. He knew that Jean was just trying to cheer Zed up, and so he just let the couple make fun of him this way.

The tension in the air thawed out a lot. Glancing at his wrist watch, Zack saw he had been staying there for too long. "I've got to head home," he announced. "I'm afraid my parents will catch me here if I don't go soon. Plus, I don't want to stick around for your entertainment."

"Alright. You have to come and have dinner with us again as soon as you're free," said Jean. After a while, she felt a little bit embarrassed about making fun of Zack. Inviting him over was the least she could do.

"Jean, Zed mentioned that you're also a good cook. Do I have the honor to try out your food next time?"

joked Zack, laughing along with Jean.

"Zack, don't push Jean too much," said Zed, trying to stop Zack.

After doing a double take, Zack had just remembered Jean's bulging belly. He laughed in spite of himself and said, "Oh! I am such a stupid fool. I...I just forgot you... Please do not take it seriously."

"That is alright. Besides, Zack, I do not know how to express my gratitude to you. You really helped a lot today. I will cook a couple of specialties for you on my own next time you come here. But you have to promise me you will finish everything I serve you," said Jean with a smile.

"Well, it's settled then!" With a smug look, Zack threw a sidelong glance at Zed.

Since Jean had made her promise of the meal, Zed could say nothing but glare back at Zack.

With that, Zack

“Do you still want to run away after what happened last night?”

Their relationship changes overnight. She tries to keep her distance from him, while he comes closer and closer.

Spoiling her, he gives her everything she desires. His only wish is to keep her around. The whole world is envious of what she has.

“Never rush in a relationship,” she says calmly.

est baby... Out of all the people here, I have the most free time. Luckily I have you to talk with. I am worrying about your father, but we cannot let him know. He has a very important task entrusted to him by your great grandfather. I just want to say sorry on behalf of him that he won't be with us as often as before..."

The room was silent after she finished talking. Jean continued to gently stroke her stomach.

At first, she talked to their unborn son out of boredom—how bored she was!

But soon after, Jean felt calmer and more relaxed after she poured out her heart.

With a content smile, Jean gently patted her stomach. Suddenly, the smile on her face froze as she felt something different.

After a couple of seconds, Jean blinked and slowly stroked her belly again.

It was so quiet in the room that Jean could clearly hear her heart beating.

Most importantly, she finally feel her baby kicking. Jean was so excited. "

My sweet, is that you? Did you hear me talking to you? Are you trying to talk to me in your own way?" exclaimed Jean with great joy and excitement.

With that, she felt the baby move again, as if the baby was responding to her.

This time Jean could not help but shed tears of joy.

"My dearest baby, go and rest for now. We'll show daddy what you can do when he comes back, okay? I'm sure he'll be more surprised and excited than I am right now! When you come out to this world, mommy will definitely..."

Jean suddenly stopped to look around for something. Then she took out a camera from the drawer and found a proper angle to capture the momentous occasion.