"Comstock is a real scum. You are my daughter, Anna, my Anna. " Booker gently stroked the scar on the back of his right hand. "Anna DeWitt, this is your name."

"No, I don't understand."

"But you already understand. You understand better than each of us. If you really don't know, I'll explain it again. Next, my daughter, I can't guarantee that it's the truth. What I'm talking about is my experience, but my Anna, not you. "


"I remember 1892, when my Anna was just born. I run a detective agency and rent a small house with one room and one living room, which is not only my studio but also our home. At that time, when you were in the bedroom, I would put you on the crib. You were wrapped in cloth, your body was small, and your eyes were as beautiful as they are now. You were like your mother. "

"My mother, where is she?"

"She died in childbirth. I was about to collapse. Everything deserves it, doesn't it? Of course not, but I just like to put all my sins on myself. In fact, I'm not a responsible person. I lied to your mother with sweet words and quickly enlarged her stomach. Your mother is an inexperienced country girl, but she is beautiful and nice. I am a scum and a criminal. The reality makes me very painful, but I take the initiative to bear this pain. Because of this, I feel alive and I didn't die in the past.

"Comstock, he is different from me. He surrendered in the face of pain. He chose to let God forgive his sins. It was no longer me who came out of that river. This is our difference. Perhaps in countless parallel worlds, there are always two selves, one named Booker and the other named Comstock.

"It's reasonable to say that I should continue to indulge in pain, drink and gamble all day, and spend all the money I earn. Then you will face a miserable childhood. The father of an alcoholic gambler will not let you live. You will become a wild girl loved by no one. But someone bought you from me.

"That man is not Comstock, so you are not my daughter. Of course you're still Anna DeWitt, but not my Anna. My Anna was bought by a man named Lu Zongping. He gave me a lot of money, enough to make me the richest man in the United States. With this money, I moved to New York, invested in business, donated to charity, and finally lived a little like a person, but I couldn't put it down. This is the difference between me and him. You already know that I am a nostalgic person.

"I must find Anna. That day, lutes and his brother found me. They said they could help me find you. So I was taken to Colombia. Now I understand that my time and space is not the original one. You're the child Comstock bought from another Booker. But you are also my child. Anna, can you forgive me? If you can forgive me... "

"No." Elizabeth whispered back. She pursed her mouth as if she were thinking about a major proposition. She just said, "no, I won't forgive any of you."

Booker gave a long sigh. "It's understandable."

Comstock smiled with satisfaction. "Fate is always impartial."

The atmosphere of the room fell into a strange and embarrassing silence, and the three had no more verbal and fierce communication.

At this time, the strange man and woman appeared. They stood behind the door as if they were always here.

Rosalie lutes: "it seems that they have understood."

(male) Robert lutes: "no, I don't fully understand."

Woman: "it's always good to understand."

Man: "understanding can bring pain."

Woman: "you want to say that war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is power."

Man: "yes, George Orwell."

Woman: "but George is a fool. It's better to understand. "

Man: "I see. The story is coming to an end."

Woman: "is it over? Still haven't started yet? "

The three of Booker stared at them.

Comstock: Lutus, do you still believe in God

"Long time no see, Comstock." The lutes brothers and sisters said in unison, "since you murdered us, today's situation has been determined."

Buck asked, "are you here for revenge?"

Female lutes: "no, on the contrary, we are here to save."

Male lutes: "save the girl, she's always innocent, isn't she?"

Elizabeth: "am I Anna or Elizabeth? Why can I see cracks? "

Lutes: "the truth doesn't matter to you. What matters is not who you were in the past, but what you want to do in the future."

Woman: "we'll wait for you."

Man: "as an eternal observer."

They disappeared, came and went without a trace. Moses must have been as confused as Booker when he saw the burning thorns.

He looked at Elizabeth, a mysterious girl like the sea, "Anna, let's go."“ Where are we going? "“ Let the secrets of the past pass. We still have life to live. I swear I'll make it up to you. "“ You don't owe me anything. You're just an accident in my life. "“ Anna! " Elizabeth shook her head. "Let me be alone. Go live. If we still need to meet, I'll come back to you."“ Is that it? Is that the result of my efforts? Anna, I beg you, don't abandon me like this. "“ Just as you abandoned me? "“ That's not me! "“ But his name is also Booker DeWitt. Forgive me for not being able to live with a... " Elizabeth's flying bird badge glittered on her chest. At this moment, across the thick wall, the three people in the room suddenly heard a dull explosion, like thunder flying across the sky. In the rumbling shock of the atmosphere, the statue of the Lamb on the memorial island was blown up and the siphon device was broken. Nothing can limit Elizabeth's ability. It was at this moment that the tired and sad Booker DeWitt realized that the girl in front of her really came out of the cage. From today on, the heavy and solid past like a tower will no longer bother her. Nothing can trap birds. That's the truth. Elizabeth has become a God beyond time and space Seven days later, the former Colombian political leader Zachary Comstock was tried by the commune court. He was sentenced to death and deprived of personal property and political rights for life. His hanging was carried out on the same day, and then his body was hung for three days. People from the commune came and went and made some irrelevant suggestions on the white haired and bushy bearded God stick“ He looks like a mouse. "“ No, maybe a dandelion. "“ You can't say he's like a dandelion or more like a mouse because he's white. "“ Did the prophet anticipate his death? "“ There must be. "“ Look at his face. It's ugly. "“ Yes, the prophet will die. " That day, Elizabeth stood on the Bank of a lighthouse in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and looked down at the Nightingale on the reef. He was dying. The injury of cutting off his arm led to his massive bleeding. The collapse of Fink industry made him no warranty, and the great biochemical monster Nightingale was going to die. Elizabeth was standing here. The wind blew from the ocean. The Nightingale's oily green eyes stared at her flying skirt. Finally, after giving the last disappointed cry, he turned over and threw himself into the sea, and his heavy body fell to the bottom of the sea. The woman on the sea sang a sad song to see off her only friend in childhood. Everything dies in the sea, and the sound cannot penetrate the thick water body. Death and darkness are no exception. At the deepest seabed, a brightly lit city sends a faint song.