Booker and Elizabeth returned to Colombia.

They lived across the space-time fissure for a week. The revolutionary army has publicized them as martyrs and used them as a banner to launch a general attack on the main urban areas of Colombia. At this time, it has basically occupied all Colombia.

During the occupation, bloodshed was inevitable. Fortunately, most of the revolutionary army complied with discipline and did not commit crimes against the residents of the main urban area, which did not lead to cruel retaliation and large-scale ethnic cleansing. Those undesirable elements who committed robbery, murder and other criminal activities in the main urban area for their own selfish desires were detained pending liquidation.

Booker's return has brought another world advanced management means and science and technology, and the organizational structure of the voice of the people can be rapidly improved with the help of these mature theories.

Although the old prophetic forces were defeated, the power structure in Colombia did not stabilize in a short time. Because not everyone accepts the leadership of the proletarian vanguard, the voice of the people. Colombia is simply a small town with messy and weak resistance forces. They are basically running dogs of the bourgeoisie and the bourgeoisie, including the alliance of capitalists such as Fink industries and trade dealers, as well as technicians such as scientists and doctors.

After resolving the internal power distribution and personnel transfer, the voice of the people has freed up its hands to deal with the traitors and enemies who caused trouble in the process of occupation. Everything is going on in an orderly manner. It is expected that it will take another six months to a year to stabilize.

Booker did not take credit for himself, but in fact, he was the first thrust of change in Colombia.

He is half an idealist. The reason why he is half an idealist is not that he still succumbs to material life, but that he can't fully face up to his past. Booker didn't dare to think about the drama of a murderer turning into a hero. He was afraid that he had set a bad example for his latecomers. Admittedly, repentance is commendable, but his behavior is a great evil. No matter how repentance can make up for the lack of ethics.

After the establishment of the New Columbia commune, Booker met Comstock in prison.

This was the first time they met. Elizabeth, the daughter of the prophet, also participated in this private conversation.

Across an iron table, Booker was well dressed and his eyes lingered on the table. The prophet was in chains, in prison clothes and narrowed his eyes. The two men were a little tired. They didn't know what to say for a while. On the contrary, Elizabeth didn't know how to tell her heart in the face of her father Comstock, who had imprisoned her for many years.

The light bulb on the table emits scorched light. With the unstable current, the light is flickering slightly, and the three people's eyes are also beating with fine reflections. For a time, there was only a man's deep breathing. Elizabeth's low heel boots gently ground the powder and sand on the ground, making a dull friction sound from time to time.

Booker coughed because of the itching of his throat.

Elizabeth patted him gently on the back.

The prophet responded to the sudden voice, "false shepherd, your actions can't change the future. The sons of the prophets should sit on the throne, accept the support of all the people, and send a fire down to Sodom to cleanse sin. "

"Until now, won't you give up defending your stupidity?" Booker was neither excited nor angry. These emotions were left to the opponent, not to the loser. He just remained tired.

Elizabeth asked, "father, why did you lock me up in the tower? What did I do wrong? Who am I, who am I? "

The prophet smiled gently at Elizabeth, "my daughter, just know that everything I do is to protect your safety and let you safely usher in your own destiny."

Elizabeth: is that why you imprisoned me and limited my ability with siphons

Prophet: "son, you can't stop fate. Everything that is about to happen has already happened. I'm not creating a prophecy, I'm just repeating it faithfully. "

Booker: did you expect me to come

Prophet: "of course. False shepherd, I've been waiting for you for a long time, but I didn't expect you to be so cunning. From beginning to end, he hid behind the poor maid and lured the lamb away from the garden of Eden like Satan. But all this is not over. Just a simple truth can make the lamb recognize the true face of the false shepherd. Buck DeWitt, if you're so honest, why don't you say it, why don't you tell the truth, how did Elizabeth's finger break, huh? "

Booker: I don't know what you're talking about

He looked so quiet, but the prophet became more and more painful, "no, you're not that Booker! No, you're not Booker DeWitt! Who the hell are you? "

Buck shook his head. "It seems that you still haven't repented. In seven days, it will be your public trial. I hope you won't be so stubborn in court." He got up to go, and Elizabeth took hold of his sleeve and looked at him with a sad look.

"Oh, Elizabeth, we should go. Your father is just an asshole."

The prophet suddenly took two breaths and calmed down, "I'm not Elizabeth's biological father."

Booker and I were stunned again.

"I'm not Elizabeth's biological father. You are. No, it's another 'US'." Comstock covered his forehead. "Don't you understand? Buck, I am you and you are me. "

"What are you talking about?"“ In the battle of wounded knee River in 1890, Booker DeWitt was known as the white Indian because he was flowing Indian blood. After being ridiculed by his teammates, he ignited the tent of Indian residents and burned the women and children inside alive. Your cruelty will frighten even the most bloodthirsty racists. Did you hear them crying? You hear me? Buck DeWitt! " Booker said nothing and his cheeks turned pale quickly. Elizabeth sadly interrupted the prophet. "Stop it!" But the prophet was completely calm in body and mind. He made a winner's gesture and tidied the collar of his prison uniform, "no, child, let me finish the truth. After the battle of wounded knee River, Booker DeWitt, who could not escape his inner torture, participated in a baptism. The holy river will wash away all sins under the witness of the Lord. I was baptized and reborn! And buck DeWitt, poor man, you have rejected the Lord's call, so you will only continue to live in pain. " Elizabeth: "Booker! Your nose, you're bleeding! " There was a violent beep in Buck DeWitt's ear, and his brain finally began to recall something, some vital memories that he had forgotten. The prophet sighed, "Rosalie lutes is a genius. It is her quantum technology that enables Colombia to take off. It is also her that uses the crack to help me through time and space and see the future. I said to everyone that I got the revelation from God. Yes, God brought the revelation to me by the hands of lutes and his brothers. And you, you, the false shepherd who indulges in nothingness, you are unfortunate, but you are lucky. The fact is, after crossing time and space, I immediately lost... The ability to spread seeds, but the future will not change. The prophet must have great descendants. Then I need to find a descendant. " Buck DeWitt shook his head. "No, No." Prophet: "what? No, no? " Booker: "you are crazy and want me to admit the sin of abandoning Anna, but in fact, I am not Booker. Anna was not taken away by you, but a man named Lu Zongping. I fully understand. I fully understand. "“ What are you talking about? "“ Elizabeth the prophet. " Booker wiped off his nose blood and looked at her gently and embarrassed. "My Anna, dad is looking for you."