Chapter 255 - University Entrance Exam

Name:Blossoming Flowers Author:Tinalynge
Jiang Yingyue came out from the university entrance exams; her face adorned with a great smile and happiness fluttering in her heart.

She had not been given the results yet, but from what she could guess, she had done very well.

She was feeling so happy and hopeful about returning to university. This had been her goal for the majority of the year.

It had been almost a year since she had returned to her female appearance, and since then, everything she had was because of Han Qingshan, and her dreams had come true.

Even if she did not get the highest rank this year, she was sure that she had gotten high enough to join the university.

As she left the university, she found that a conspicuous luxury car was waiting, it was a car she was immensely familiar with, it was Han Qingshan's black Porsche.

Smiling, she hurried to the car, and when she saw Han Qingshan inside, she hurriedly entered.

"Congratulations on your exams," Han Qingshan smiled at her, reaching out his hand and gently pushing a bit of unruly hair behind her ear.

"I haven't gotten my results yet, but I am sure that they are good enough to let me enter Imperial University." Jiang Yingyue was smiling brilliantly as she spoke. Her happiness made Han Qingshan smile as well.

As they finished their talk, Han Qingshan and Jiang Yingyue went to the grocery store and purchased a lot of ingredients. Their kitchen was somewhat empty and they lacked many ingredients that were required to cook a delicious dinner.

They walked side by side in the grocery store, pushing the trolley as they found the most delicious and fresh ingredients.

"What would you like to eat for dinner?" Jiang Yingyue asked gently as she looked at some various meats, but Han Qingshan shook his head. "It is you we are celebrating, so tell me what you want, and I will get it for you."

"I want us to eat at home tonight," Jiang Yingyue said, "I will cook since you don't know how-to, but it should be a nice evening with just the two of us."

Han Qingshan rubbed his chin as he could not say anything to Jiang Yingyue. He was indeed unable to cook food, so he had to depend on Jiang Yingyue to do so for them.

He would have offered eating out, but he knew that Jiang Yingyue was very keen on eating at home, where she cooked the food herself.

She was not as thrifty as she used to be, but she was not a big fan of spending money unnecessarily.

Eating out was fine to do once in a while, but doing it too often would make the special feeling of it vanish, and it would become ordinary.

She knew that Han Qingshan often had to go to dinner parties and things like that with his job, so when he was free, she wanted him to feel her love for him as she prepared home-cooked meals for him.

As they had bought all the food, they hurried back to the condo. Here Han Qingshan was busy unpacking their items, while Jiang Yingyue went to change her clothes and wash her hands.

When she wanted to walk through the sitting room, she saw that Han Qingshan had turned on the TV while working in the kitchen, likely to hear the news.

At this moment, the news was about a politician who had been judged guilty in a corruption case for selling multiple official and confidential information for the sake of personal gain.

She was initially not paying any attention to the tv, but when she heard which region it was from, she paused her steps. Wasn't this the region where her parents lived?

Turning to look at the TV, she saw a somewhat familiar face, and she frowned. Where had she seen him before?

It took some time for her to recognize the figure as that person who had caused her some trouble when she visited her childhood village.

She did not have to think twice to know that Han Qingshan had a hand in this matter, but she did not mind.

If Han Qingshan had not taken action, this man would have continued to harass her, not to mention he had done illegal things, it was only natural that it got discovered, and he should be punished.

She did not pity him one bit.

After knowing who it was, she finally knew what it was that had preoccupied Han Qingshan back when they were at the Luoyi Village.

She felt a strange sweetness knowing that he was taking so much care that he would not even let anyone harass her, and with renewed vigor she hurried into the kitchen, sent Han Qingshan out, and began making dumplings.

Jiang Yingyue loved making steamed dumplings in varying shapes and with different fillings.

This time she made vegetable dumplings, and various other dishes, including pork belly and pork and vegetable soup.

When she finished cooking, she had made a full seven dishes, so many that they would be unable to finish them all, but they had to celebrate this day. And every time they had extras, she would make a delicious lunch box for Han Qingshan to bring to work with him on the following day.

Jiang Yingyue was in a brilliant mood, she was humming a few songs as she set the table, and when she was done, she fetched Han Qingshan from the study to come and eat.

Together, the two ate their dishes while talking, and the atmosphere was so warm and full of love.. There was no space for anyone else in their lives at the current point in time.