Chapter 247 - Barking Dog

Name:Blossoming Flowers Author:Tinalynge
Jiang Yingyue and Xun Huiyin turned around only to see a woman around the same age as Xun Huiyin standing behind them with a group of other women.

The other women were behaving as if they were watching a play, while the woman who spoke was in the middle.

Jiang Yingyue looked at the woman, her eyes turning cold, and her mood plummeting.

It was clear that this woman was looking for trouble. But Jiang Yingyue was never afraid of trouble.

Raising her chin, she looked at the woman and snorted, "mother, dear, who is this barking dog?"

Xun Huiyin was usually a gentle soul, but she was not going to let others insult her, so she glanced at the woman with a bit of shrewdness in her eyes.

"I do not know her," she said with complete and utter disdain. It was clear that she did not even consider the person important enough to be remembered.

"You!" The woman was clearly angry, her nostrils flared in anger, and her eyes were bulging out.

She was unable to hold back her anger as she lifted her hand and pointed at them, her finger trembled.

"Me? What about me?" Jiang Yingyue laughed slightly as she looked at the angry woman, her eyes displaying utter ridicule.

"Xun Huiyin, is this how you taught your daughter? To not respect her elders?"

One of the women who had planned on just observing could no longer help but cut in. She had sensed that they were the ones who were being insulted, and many were giving them strange looks, as the woman who was pointing looked like a shrew in the streets.

Xun Huiyin looked at them with complete disinterest, but a gleam of something unexplainable flashed by.

"Who are you to tell me how to teach my daughter?" Xun Huiyin asked casually. But still neither her nor Jiang Yingyue were aggressive, nor were they jumping around or causing a scene. However, they were immensely condescending.

"Why should I respect you just because you are old?" Jiang Yingyue supported her mother, "if you want to be respected by me, then you have to prove that you are worth my respect! Coming up to my mother, looking for trouble, who do you think you are?"

The women were tongue tied. They knew that what Jiang Yingyue said was correct, and they began to feel ashamed. Not because they had done something wrong, but because they could not argue back. It was so embarrassing to come looking for trouble but be scolded in return.

"As to where my mother went? Do you really want to know? We went to the capital to give me the best environment to become a success. Fighting for the best chances for your children, that is what a true parent ought to do!"

The woman was fuming with anger now, when suddenly a voice came from behind, "Mother, you ought to have a filter. Although you like to bully others, you cannot go out and use your status to pressure others."

A young man stepped forward and nodded apologetically to Xun Huiyin and Jiang Yingyue before he looked at the woman who had started the whole situation.

Jiang Yingyue was still in a bad mood because of the woman clearly targeting her mother, but as the young man had spoken out, it would seem petty if she held onto it. Also, the one who had been suffering was not her, nor her mother, but this other woman and her group.

"In that case, we will leave," Jiang Yingyue said as she nodded to the young man. She had no hostility towards him, but she was not very pleased with his mother. As such, the only result was that she wanted to continue their shopping spree, to cheer up once more.

Seeing the young woman left in the distance, the young man who had scolded his mother frowned slightly before he turned to look at the women. The amiable and gentle expression on his face had become solemn.

"I already told you to behave!" he said, annoyed. "This woman has not harmed you, why do you have to use your background to pressure others, not everyone will be intimidated, so you will end up embarrassing yourself!"

His eyes followed Jiang Yingyue as she was walking away, his eyes deep, and it was impossible to see what he was thinking.

"Tell me everything you know about them," he ordered his mother.

He had been observing the argument from it started, and his heart was moved by this woman. She was very different from any other woman he had ever met, she was graceful and elegant, and she was strong and not easy to be bullied.

He was interested in her.

His mother was scared of her son, and quickly said everything she knew about Xun Huiyin.

"That is Xun Huiyin's daughter. I think her name is Jiang Yingyue. The translation of the title means the reflection of the moon. She had a brother named Jiang Fengmian, but he died, and they left after that, apparently going to the capital according to what they said just now.

"I just saw them returning, but I assume they are living in Luoyi Village again, as that is where the brother was buried."

The young man nodded his head. He was not in love with the woman, so he was not desperate to meet her again, but he was very interested in her, and did not mind making some situations happen where he might come across her again.

It was hard to find an attractive woman in the country, most were either interested in him because of his background and wealth, or because he held political power in the administrative region.

This woman was different from those fawning over him; this breath of fresh air touched him.