Chapter 241 - Private Airplane

Name:Blossoming Flowers Author:Tinalynge
As the morning broke, Han Qingshan was unable to continue sleeping. He quickly washed and dressed before he began, for the umptieth time, checking their luggage and the items he was bringing with him.

Jiang Yingyue was woken up by him moving about, and she sat up in the bed and rubbed her sleepy eyes.

Once again, Han Qingshan had vented his worries the previous night, his energy levels were not at a point where Jiang Yingyue would be able to follow at all.

But because she knew why he was so worried, she had done everything in her power to accommodate him, she had been gentle like a clear spring, and it had just brought even more energy out of Han Qingshan.

Seeing Jiang Yingyue tired and rubbing her eyes, Han Qingshan felt that she was simply too adorable when she was dazed like this.

He quickly went to her side and hugged her to his chest. "Awake?" he asked with his mellow and pleasant voice.

Jiang Yingyue nodded her head, but after nodding, she rubbed it against Han Qingshan's chest, taking in the lovely scent that was unique to him, the scent that made her feel at peace.

Feeling her so dependant on him, Han Qingshan chuckled slightly and enjoyed the scene of intimacy, but after a bit of time, Jiang Yingyue finally woke up completely.

"We are leaving today," she muttered, feeling slightly excited. Returning home was something she was anticipating, but also scared of. How were the other villagers going to treat her? Were they kind to her parents?

Han Qingshan could feel her worry, but he just patted her back. "Yes, we are leaving today."

"Then let us get ready." Jiang Yingyue stood up from the bed and found some clothes in the closet. She quickly went to wash up and get dressed, after which they got ready to leave.

They would eat their breakfast on the way, and both of them were excited and looking forward to their trip.

As they left the condo, both of them were feeling the anticipation brewing inside of them; they could not wait to get to their destination. Jiang Yingyue missed her parents, and Han Qingshan was so nervous about their opinion about him that he was almost shaking.

Since he was so nervous, he was not in a position to drive the car, and Yan Meilin had already guessed her son's state of mind, so as they left the condo, they saw that the Han family's driver was standing outside a Rolls-Royce Phantom.

The white Phantom was resplendent and magnificent. Anyone who looked at it would take an extra glance.

Han Qingshan quickly helped Jiang Yingyue inside the car before entering it himself.

The car was spacious, but the two people were seated next to one another, their fingers weaved together by their sides, their shoulders touching one another, finding comfort in the other's closeness.

Neither of them was speaking; all they were doing was sitting closely and enjoying the other's presence. They could feel themselves calm down and feel much more comfortable now that they were together.

As they boarded the plane, Jiang Yingyue felt as if she was in a completely new world. She had never been on an airplane before. Back when they had left the village, they had driven the entire way. Now that she was in one, she suddenly felt as if she was in another world, especially since her first time was on a private jet.

Just a year ago, she had been a poor and unfortunate student, trying her best to keep her identity hidden, now she was on a private plane. It had changed too fast!

The plane's inside was very different from the regular planes; there were no rows of seats. Instead, one side of the cabin had a couch and a table, while the other side held two very comfortable leather chairs, with a desk in front of them.

Seeing that Jiang Yingyue had frozen in her tracks, Han Qingshan went to embrace her and dragged her into the cabin. "Don't worry; we will use this plane often in the future, no need to be unaccustomed to it."

Jiang Yingyue still could say nothing, but she absentmindedly nodded her head.

As they sat down on the couch, Han Qingshan dragged Jiang Yingyue's hand into his own, and he gently lowered his head to place a kiss on her cherry-like lips.

He simply could not hold back, she was just too adorable as she sat there, her expression puzzled, and her eyes filled with wonder.

Jiang Yingyue returned to her senses as she felt Han Qingshan's tongue tracing her lips, trying to ask for entrance into her mouth.

She was blushing furiously, as she had seen some flight attendants previously. But when she looked around, she found that they had withdrawn, vanishing completely, and Han Qingshan was no longer holding back.

He wanted much more than a kiss to calm his nerves, but if he really did something to Jiang Yingyue on the plane, she would never forgive him, so he held back, but he still kissed her with wild abandon, as if he was afraid that she would vanish from his sight again.

After the kiss, Jiang Yingyue was soft, her entire body had melted, and she was slumped in Han Qingshan's arms. Not wanting to risk their safety, Hang Qingshan took her to one of the seats and buckled her in before going to the one opposite and sat down also.

It was at this moment that the plane took off, and she could not help but look out the window with excitement.

Never before had she seen such an intriguing scenario, they were heading far into the sky, and she was feeling slightly nervous but also excited.

To Jiang Yingyue, the flight was quite nerve-wracking.