Chapter 231 - Going Overseas

Name:Blossoming Flowers Author:Tinalynge
Everyone within the hall had expected to see Han Qingshan, Han Liqiang, and Yan Meilin descend from the stairs together, but this time there was an additional person with them.

The four people were walking in two pairs; both pairs were holding hands. It was clear that this woman, who had appeared out of nowhere, was important to the Han family.

The people observing were all stunned by what they saw, but upon a closer look at the woman, they instantly recognized her.

They had seen her together with Madam Han in the mall, being bullied by He Yuyan. She was the alleged girlfriend, but why would she appear here?

As they reached the final step of the stairs, they all stopped in their tracks, and Yan Meilin raised her voice.

"Dear family members, welcome to this year's family gathering. As I am sure many of you have noticed, Dear Yingyue is with us today, that is because we have an important announcement to make for you all.

"Jiang Yingyue, Qingshan's girlfriend, will be introduced to you all today. She is the woman that we, the Han family, has decided upon to be the future madam of the family, and she is now to be introduced to the family.

"Next year, at the next family banquet, we will be holding an engagement party between Han Qingshan and Jiang Yingyue.

"And two years from now, we will be holding their wedding ceremony. We look forward to sharing these happy and intimate moments with you all."

The words Yan Meilin said, sent a shock through everyone in the Han family. They had never imagined that the woman was so skilled that she would end up as the young madam of the Han family.

But there was not much objection to this. Instead, they were all looking at Jiang Yingyue as if they had seen a treasure.

The men instructed their wives and children to try to get closer to her in an attempt to have her help them later on.

Many of the young misses were somewhat envious, but because they were family members, they did not feel anything special for Han Qingshan, and thus, they were not jealous.

They just wished they had the same luck, and that perhaps someone of equal status to Han Qingshan would take a fancy to them. Someone like Zhou Yan.

Jiang Yingyue saw that the majority were polite and friendly towards her, and she took a deep breath in relief.

Although she was not from a prestigious background, these people did not mind it too much. The Han family was already much stronger than any other family apart from the Zhou's, and they had no women in their younger generation, so for him to marry the Zhou family, that was impossible.

Since they could not make ties with the Zhou family, they did not mind too much that Han Qingshan had not picked one of their own suggested partners, because he had not chosen a partner suggested by a rival either.

There was, however, one person in the hall who was filled with jealousy and hatred. Tang Meixing was standing at the corner of the hall; her teeth were gnashed tightly, her hands clenched into a fist.

Her nails were digging into her palms; the pain that it brought made her somber up slightly, however before she had the time to change her facial expression, a gentle touch arrived at her shoulder.

Stunned, Tang Meixing looked up into the eyes of her mother. "Dearest, I understand you have special emotions towards Han Qingshan, but you cannot be with him. He is your cousin, and it is not right to have such feelings towards your own blood-related family.

"Not to mention, Han Qingshan has always treated you like a sister. Ever since your father died, big brother Liqiang and sister-in-law have been looking after us well, but they have no improper thoughts about you.

"Now that Han Qingshan has found his own lover it is time for you to face reality. You need to let go and move forward. Otherwise, you will suffer even more in the future."

Tang Meixing's mother, Han Yue'er, was very quiet while she spoke, and only the two of them could hear the words she said. However, her words still caused Tang Meixing to feel her heart beat rapidly.

How did her mother know of her emotions?

Had she not hidden them well enough?

Did Han Qingshan know of them too?

Her face paled noticeably when she thought of this, and she could not help but tremble slightly. Although she was not happy, she had to admit that it was likely that they already knew.

She looked up at Han Qingshan and Jiang Yingyue unwillingly; she was not willing to give up, but she understood that her feelings would burden Han Qingshan.

She had to admit that she had been blinded by jealousy when she saw Jiang Yingyue last time, and looking at the two of them now, they seemed so perfect as they stood side by side; happiness was radiating from them both as their hands were clasped together and their fingers interlocked with one another.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she looked at the two of them. She had a moment of clarity and took a deep breath. "Mother, I wish to go to another country to study," she said with a bleak and saddened voice. "If I stay here, I do not know what I might do.. It is better to leave and come back when I am more in control of my emotions."