Chapter 222 - Rescue

Name:Blossoming Flowers Author:Tinalynge
The news of Jiang Yingyue's escape landed in Han Qingshan and Zhou Yan's news network an hour after her escape, and their hearts were beating rapidly when they heard what she had done to the Mu family's mansion.

"She's still quite wild," Zhou Yan commented with a low voice, his eyes displaying his shock. How much courage and guts had she needed to be able to flee like this from an underground force?

Han Qingshan was equally shocked. The Jiang Yingyue he knew was gentle and loving, she was sometimes dazed, and although she was intelligent, she was always so ditzy when she was together with him.

Seeing her reacting so fast and decisive was like discovering a new side to her, and he was intrigued.

While the two of them were talking to one another, Lin Qiang suddenly appeared with a band of bodyguards and two bound up people.

The two people were the Mu brother and sister.

"You dared to attack our Yingyue?" Han Qingshan asked with a frown as he looked at her, "but how did you possibly treat her, for her to run away like this?"

This was what made him most worried. Jiang Yingyue had ran away, had something happened to her in order to go to such lengths instead of waiting for them to save her?

"We didn't do anything," Miss Mu snarled, "My brother wouldn't let me, but I would have her ruined if it was up to me!"

"You would want her to be ruined?" The eyes of both Zhou Yan and Han Qingshan flashed with murderous intent, neither of them held any good impression of this miss Mu, and with her current words, she had more or less signed a death note.

"Who asked her to seduce my fiance? It is only natural that I return her in kind. If she doesn't have enough men, why not give her so many men that she would be unable to hang on!" Miss Mu began laughing out loud, but suddenly a gunshot sounded in the room; her laughter turned to a gurgling and the woman's eyes were filled with disbelief.

Had they truly acted against her? Truly wanted to kill her? She was the magnificent miss of the Mu family!

Unfortunately, it was too late. Blood gushed out of her chest and her mouth. She had not been shot directly in the heart, but very close to it, and she would not survive.

Fear and regret finally started to spread in her heart, but she was unable to change anything.

At the same time, young master Mu, her brother, was silently waiting for his own death.

"You protected her?" Han Qingshan suddenly asked, and the young master raised his head perplexed.

"She is innocent, I cannot let my insane sister act out on her whims," he said, partly honest.

Both Zhou Yan and Han Qingshan looked at the young master with penetrating eyes, trying to gauge what his honest thoughts were.

"Let him go," Zhou Yan said after a bit of thinking.

"If the Mu family still wants to fight us, then we will follow through till the end, but if not, then we will also let go now that Miss Mu is dead." Han Qingshan did not forget to warn them, and young master Mu understood well what had been happening.

The rest of the Mu family were likely to hold back now that Miss Mu had died, they were not willing to offend both the Zhou and Han families at the same time.

Young Master Mu realized that they had not intended to let any of the Mu family go, but because he had protected her, they repaid him and his family in kind.

Although the Mu family was magnificent, they were not in a position where they could face off against those two families, so anyone with a bit of a brain would know that this was already the best solution.

While Han Qingshan and Zhou Yan were dealing with Miss Mu and Young Master Mu, they had sent a lot of people out to search for Jiang Yingyue. Both of them were filled with worry as they did not know where she had gone. They searched in every direction, even helicopters were used in the search; thousands of people were out in the forest and in the fields looking for her.

The ruckus had woken Jiang Yingyue up, but she dared not say a word, she was mum as she tried to lower her presence at the top of the tree.

It was impossible to say if the people searching for her were indeed from the Han and Zhou families, or if they were from the Mu family, so she was extremely cautious.

Like this, the hours went by. She was famished and thirsty and feeling faint, but she was holding on while waiting for the people to leave the forest.

Slowly, the people who had been walking through the forest started to ebb out, and she was feeling relieved until she suddenly heard the sound of dogs.

These clamoring dogs were not of the wild variety, but instead tracking dogs, who had caught the scent of Jiang Yingyue.

Her heart went cold and she felt as if she had fallen into a millennium-old glacier.

It did not take long before the dogs surrounded the tree, barking and jumping at the tree trunk, and the people who were guiding them noticed her.

"Miss Jiang, please come down," one of them said politely, but Jiang Yingyue shook her head wordlessly. She was horrified that they belonged to the Mu family.

Like this, time went by, the rescuers dared not force her down, and Jiang Yingyue did not descend from the tree.. Still, after two hours, another helicopter landed outside the forest, and Han Qingshan quickly descended from it, rushing into the forest.