Chapter 190 - Going To The Cinema

Name:Blossoming Flowers Author:Tinalynge
As they left the restaurant, both Han Qingshan and Jiang Yingyue saw that the day had turned to evening, the sun had set, and the darkness was looming.

Although it was dark, the streets were lit by the streetlamps, and with the many neon lights that were such a typical sight within the capital,it was still possible to see each other's faces.

"Should we head to the cinema?" Han Qingshan asked, and Jiang Yingyue nodded her head. She was feeling giddy and excited.

This date was not something she might have wanted, but after spending time like this with Han Qingshan, she felt like she was an ordinary girl again. She also felt that life was simple and ordinary, and all the negativity she experienced before had quickly vanished.

Sensing that her mood was lifting, Han Qingshan smiled. Although Jiang Yingyue had said nothing and acted indifferently, he could tell that she had been bothered by the words his grandfather had said to her.

They strolled calmly through the streets towards the cinema. The cinema was lit with many bright lights, shining on the different posters, making it possible for people to decide on what to watch.

Looking at the different movies, they were slightly overwhelmed. There were martial arts movies, action movies, dramas, romance movies, comedies, and even cartoons and documentaries.

In the end, Jiang Yingyue felt completely confused.

Then a thought hit her, and she looked at Han Qingshan with narrowed eyes. "Have you seen any of these before?" she asked, but Han Qingshan shook his head.

"Is Imperial World not heavily invested in many of them?" she continued, but her question just made Han Qingshan laugh. "Although we are sponsoring them, I do not watch them."

After looking a bit closer at the posters, Jiang Yingyue frowned. "The romance movie is out of the question," she concluded as she continued to watch the other advertisements.

Curious as to why she had made this decision, Han Qingshan looked at the romance poster and chuckled. The lead actress was Yu Xiulan.

Quickly determining that the romance movie was out of the running, they observed the other ones, and eventually, Jiang Yingyue picked a historical drama known as Overthrowing Fate.

It was a fantasy and historical drama inspired by a webnovel with the same name; a typical Chinese fantasy novel. Although Jiang Yingyue had not read many of these kinds of stories, she had still read a few and found them enjoyable.

"Are you sure you want to watch this one?" Han Qingshan was somewhat surprised when he heard Jiang Yingyue's choice, but he was not against it. He had not seen many fantasy movies during his life.

"I am sure," she said, her eyes shining with excitement and her hand grasping Han Qingshan's by reflex.

Noticing how she was holding his hand, a softness flashed in his eyes, and he quickly pulled her to the ticket booth to buy tickets.

They quickly bought the tickets and entered the cinema. "What would you like to eat?" he asked gently. He knew that when one went to the cinema, one should have snacks with them, snacks and drinks.

"Popcorn!" Jiang Yingyue was like a small child filled with happiness and anticipation. This was her first time in the cinema, and although she knew how they worked and had an idea of what they looked like, it was nevertheless different from experiencing it herself.

Hearing what she wanted, Han Qingshan looked around and found the queue where one could buy snacks.

"Want to come with me to queue, or do you want to move towards the hall alone?" he asked softly, unsure of what Jiang Yingyue preferred.

After thinking for a short moment, Jiang Yingyue decided to stay with him. She wanted to experience the whole thing, and their seats were not running anywhere.

Seeing her big eyes filled with wonder and how she was observing everything that was happening around them, Han Qingshan reached out and caressed her head; a gentle smile was on his lips as he did so.

It was the evening, and also the weekend, so the cinema was filled with couples, friends, and families who had come to watch movies.

Many of them were stunned when they looked at Han Qingshan and Jiang Yingyue. The two of them were simply stunning as they stood next to each other, even the surroundings turned picturesque as if it was a painting.

Seeing them together, many started feeling inferior and not good enough. The men were jealous of Han Qingshan, wanting to be the one next to Jiang Yingyue, while the women were envious of Jiang Yingyue, wanting to be showered with care and love by Han Qingshan.

The families that were there were not envious of the two handsome and beautiful figures. Instead, they were reminded of their youthful days when looking at the apparent love that was within their eyes, and they too could not pull their focus away from them.

Han Qingshan was feeling utterly unaffected by the many people who were observing them. As a member of the Han family, he was used to being watched no matter where he went. However, it was different from Jiang Yingyue.

Sensing how everyone present was looking at her, she felt slightly uncomfortable, but she was not willing to let it show. She knew that after entering Han Qingshan's world, she had to deal with situations such as this, so she held her head high and her back straight.

She was not going to become the soft underbelly of Han Qingshan; she would become the person he could confide in, the person he could trust, and the person who would stand by his side through thick and thin.