Chapter 183 - Need Evidence

Name:Blossoming Flowers Author:Tinalynge
"Miss Yu, we have evidence that indicates that you have hired a bartender to drug Young Master Shan," one of the officers said as he looked at Yu Xiulan with a complicated look in his eyes.

He was not too old, only thirty years old, and he often watched TV with his wife. He had seen Yu Xiulan in movies and TV-shows, and she had been a dazzling star that many looked up to, and many men and women viewed her as a goddess.

However, after considering her actions, he could not help but feel a bit of disgust towards her. To have done such a vile thing was simply out of line, and she had even pretended she had done nothing when they had proof that showed otherwise.

"I have done nothing," Yu Xiulan was stubborn and refused to acknowledge her involvement. "It was that slut Jiang Yingyue! She has been using a fake ID all this time; she pretended to be a man! If you have to investigate someone, investigate her!"

Yu Xiulan was going mad from thinking that she might be put in jail, and she no longer cared about the consequences. If she was going down, then Jiang Yingyue was going down with her.

"Where is your proof?" The police officer looked annoyed at Yu Xiulan. He did not care about this matter; even if it was true, it was not his problem.

First of all, because Han Qingshan was protecting her, secondly, they had no proof. There was no proof that Jiang Yingyue and Jiang Fengmian were the same person.

"She admitted it to my face!" Yu Xiulan said, her voice was high-pitched and filled with menace. "I am the witness, she said it to me, I am the proof!"

"Miss Yu, you are aware that you are currently arrested and going to court for having drugged Young Master Shan. Anything you say about his companions will be viewed as invalid due to your bias behavior."

"That slut cannot go free!" Yu Xiulan had shed all sense of being a small white lotus, and she was more and more like a shrew. She was yelling profanities, and her eyes were almost popping out of her head. She was filled with hatred; even her hair was disheveled, and her clothes messy.

"Miss Yu, if you have any concrete evidence, we would look into it, but you do not so we can only work on the cases where we do have evidence, such as the case against you.

"You will be put into detention and presented in court. The judge will determine if the information presented supports the charge by looking at the evidence and present a verdict accordingly."

Yu Xiulan slumped into her chair. Her eyes turned listless, and her body was on the verge of breaking down.

"Let me make a phone call," she suddenly said. "I need to make a phone call."

The police officer narrowed his eyes. "You can not be bailed out," he said seriously. "This case is too serious, so while you might be allowed to contact someone, do not dare to dream of getting out of here."

Yu Xiulan had not heard his voice, and all she could think about was to call someone. She was allowed to make a phone call, and she dialed a number she knew by heart but had never really dialed before.

"Yes?" A deep and mature voice sounded at the other end of the phone, and when she heard it, her entire body shuddered in disgust.

"Mister Gou, it is me, Yu Xiulan," she said through gritted teeth.

"Oh, little Xiulan, what do you want?" The voice was tinged with a bit of laughter, and there was some intimacy in the voice, causing the small hairs to stand on Yu Xiulan's body.

"I need your help," she finally managed to say it, after calming herself a bit. She felt the utmost disgust towards this man, but being in her current predicament, he would be the only one with enough power who could be willing to save her.

"What have you been doing?" he lightly asked as if he was completely unaware of what was going on.

"Don't act as if you don't know!" she exclaimed angrily, unable to keep her cool. "I know what you want, and I'll give it to you as long as you get me out of here. Oh, and I want revenge against Jiang Yingyue. I want her to suffer a fate worse than death!"

Hearing her hate-filled words, Mister Gou laughed out loud on the other end of the phone, and he paused for a moment, considering if it was worth helping the woman.

"I do want you," he admitted. "But getting you out will be immensely hard," he continued. "You have insulted Han Qingshan, and you even drugged him. Who do you think can handle his revenge?"

"Can you do it or not?!" Yu Xiulan did not want to waste any more time speaking with him. She wanted to be saved and was even willing to give up her body as a token of appreciation, but even then, he had paused.

"I can help you, but it will take a few days," he said while laughing lightly. "Don't forget to make me pleased afterward, or you will end up where you are now, without a way of escaping."

Yu Xiulan gritted her teeth and said her thanks before she hung up the phone.

She moved back to her cell, where she was seated on a small hard bed, her eyes ablaze with anger and hatred; her entire body trembling from the feelings she could no longer suppress.. She had to get her revenge on Jiang Yingyue, and then she had to get rid of Gou Chen.