Chapter 162 - Malicious Yu Xiulan

Name:Blossoming Flowers Author:Tinalynge
The woman was utterly stunned when she heard Han Qingshan's words, but she could not refute him in any way. What he said was correct; she had indeed tried to seduce him.

Without waiting for her to answer, Han Qingshan strode towards Jiang Yingyue and wrapped her up in his embrace. The sudden show of affection caught them all by surprise, but the many business tycoons had all been young once, and thus they just smiled good-naturedly while the girls who had followed him before had faces filled with ugly expressions.

Jiang Yingyue was taken by surprise. She had not seen Han Qingshan move towards her as she had her back facing him, and suddenly she felt someone wrap her in a warm embrace while she was talking with Wang Feihong.

She quickly relaxed as she recognized the scent on him, but she was not leaning into the embrace; in fact, she completely ignored Han Qingshan.

He felt his heart hurt when he noticed that she was completely ignoring him, and he turned her around so that she was facing him.

"My lady, I'm sorry," he said gently. "I will never let another woman touch me, please don't be mad at me. I promise that I will keep myself completely clear of other women, so you don't have to feel sad anymore."

Jiang Yingyue's heart melted, but she was not willing to forgive him just like that, and she glanced at his eyes where she saw the sincerity. Sighing, she knew that she had lost. When she saw that he meant every word, her eyes softened, and she nodded her head.

Many had heard the words Han Qingshan said, and they were shocked. None of them had thought that he was willing to be lorded over by a woman like this.

Although it was no longer the ancient times, many thought that there was nothing wrong with men having mistresses or having many different women. However, Han Qingshan was clearly doing everything for this one woman.

When they understood this, they all suddenly changed the way they looked at Jiang Yingyue. If she had this overwhelming control over Han Qingshan, then it would be possible to try and use her to get closer to him.

Jiang Yingyue was happy, and the smile on her lips turned brilliant, stunning everyone who saw it.

"Yingyue," someone suddenly called out her name, and everyone turned to see Zhou Yan walk towards them.

A small smile was on his lips as he looked at Jiang Yingyue, but it cooled when he saw Han Qingshan hugging her like that.

"Zhou Yan," Jiang Yingyue called out with a pleasant voice, but when she was about to take a step forward to greet him, she felt the arms that had her wrapped in an embrace tightening, and she could no longer move.

"You look stunning tonight," Zhou Yan said with his enigmatic smile, and then he turned to Han Qingshan. "Han Qingshan, you cannot let Yingyue suffer even the slightest bit of grievances, as her childhood friend I wish her only happiness."

Han Qingshan knew that Zhou Yan was speaking like this to boost Jiang Yingyue's social standing. Although many were interested in her and saw her as a person to watch out for, no one really respected her or saw her as an essential person. Without Han Qingshan, she would be nothing.

Now it seemed as if things were not as simple as they appeared. She was not only connected to Han Qingshan, but she was also linked to Zhou Yan, both of these two giants were on friendly terms with her, and it was clear that they were looking out for her.

Thinking like this, everyone's eyes widened in surprise. Who was this woman that had managed to convince the two most illustrious men of the country to be so protective of her?

Everyone suddenly looked at her with even more complex emotions. She was too outstanding tonight.

At the same time, Yu Xiulan arrived at the charity auction. There were famous people from all sectors and celebrities were also invited. They mainly came because it was very beneficial for their image to donate to charity.

The only problem was that it was no easy feat to be invited to this charity auction. It required more than just money; one had to have a specific reputation as well.

Yu Xiulan had brought a male partner with her, but her eyes were already roaming the entire hall in search of Han Qingshan from the moment she arrived.

Her eyes were quickly drawn towards the center of everyone's attention, which was Zhou Yan, Jiang Yingyue, and Han Qingshan.

Han Qingshan was still wrapping Jiang Yingyue in his embrace, and the two of them seemed to be in a pleasant conversation with Zhou Yan.

Her hands suddenly clenched as she saw how Jiang Yingyue was smiling sweetly within Han Qingshan's arms, and she suddenly swore that she would make Jiang Yingyue regret it. She would pull her wig off her in front of everyone and make her lose face.

Although she was malicious and filled with hatred, no expression had been seen on her face, and she quickly smiled at her partner. "Let us go greet CEO Han," she said. "He is, after all, our boss, so he should be the first we greet."

The partner felt that it was reasonable, and the two of them set off to meet Han Qingshan.

"CEO Han, it is an honor to work at Imperial World," the partner of Yu Xiulan was not aware of her plans, so he stood by her and offered Han Qingshan a toast.