Chapter 155 - You Will Be Held Accountable

Name:Blossoming Flowers Author:Tinalynge
Jiang Yingyue was puzzled as she thanked the people who had stood up for her.

She glanced at the direction where the manager had vanished as she frowned. She had met him twice now, and he had used the same forceful way to try and compel her into becoming a celebrity.

If he was this forceful, would he manage to convince anyone to pledge their loyalty to him? His stars were likely to have abandoned him when they managed to start tasting the stardom that the entertainment circle could offer.

Jiang Yingyue could guess that this man was so forceful because he was desperate. He had likely been a manager for a big name in the entertainment industry, and that person had left him, causing him to be desperate to find new young talent to nurture.

Shaking her head, she decided not to bother with it anymore and continued towards the university.

As she reached it, she stood outside and waited patiently for her boyfriend to emerge.

Many who came by looked at her with surprise, and a few guys were taking glances at her, before whispering to their friends.

The guys decided not to leave right away, but instead, they stayed, wanting to know who could make such a stunning and beautiful woman wait for them.

None of them dared to hit on her. They all felt that she was part of the upper class. She was so elegant, and the clothes she was wearing were also quite upscale. She did not look like a simple person at all.

Jiang Yingyue was fiddling with the phone in her hands, texting Han Qingshan to let him know that she had arrived. It took half an hour, and during this time, more and more people had gathered at the entrance before Han Qingshan emerged.

Everyone was looking at Jiang Yingyue, and when they saw the brilliant smile that lit up her face, they all followed her gaze and saw that the one she was looking at was Han Qingshan.

Everyone had seen the video of the virtuous maiden and evil witch online, the video of Han Qingshan's girlfriend and He Yuyan. Unfortunately, no one had been able to really see her face, as the video quality was rather poor. When they saw the smile that had spread on the beautiful woman's face, they all understood instantly. This woman was the rumored girlfriend of Han Qingshan.

Although rumors had it that she was a commoner, she had a bearing that in no way lost out to the young women from affluent families. She was as poised and elegant as the noble-born women. She was simply a joy to look at, and many men were observing her with feverish gazes.

Han Qingshan quickly saw the gazes that these men were giving her, and he felt slightly uncomfortable as he walked towards her. He possessively placed an arm around her shoulder and dragged her into his embrace, hugging her close to show the people present that this woman belonged to him.

He glanced at all the people who were present, which made all of them bow their heads and quickly move away.

Seeing them moving away like this, Han Qingshan was pleased. He leaned down and kissed Jiang Yingyue on the top of her head. He then released her, took her hand into his, and the two of them moved towards the car.

"How was your day?" Jiang Yingyue asked gently, a slight blush on her face.

"It was normal," Han Qingshan answered, his heart sweet from hearing her ask about his day. This was the best; having a wife like this, who cared so much about him, was a feeling that was impossible to beat.

Jiang Yingyue nodded her head and asked nothing else. They reached the car, and suddenly they noticed that a young man was waiting for them. He had his head down as he looked at his phone. This was the young man that Han Qingshan had almost crashed into before, the one who had copied Jiang Yingyue, and he looked upset as he was standing next to the car.

Seeing him, Han Qingshan frowned, but the moment the young man saw Han Qingshan, a brilliant smile appeared on his lips, and he instantly moved towards them.

The man was utterly ignoring Jiang Yingyue; his eyes were solely on Han Qingshan.

"Young Master Shan," the man said as he looked at Han Qingshan who was moving towards them.

Seeing that he was speaking to them, Han Qingshan nodded his head, but his face was expressionless.

"I am sorry about last time, but I need to speak with you about something important," the young man said as he glanced at Jiang Yingyue. "It is about your young girlfriend. I am sure you would like to hear it."

Hearing his words, Han Qingshan frowned. Was this man threatening him? He was curious as to what the young man had to say, but at the same time, he also felt repulsed by this person.

"I'll be fine," Jiang Yingyue said as she smiled at him and patted his hand. "I will wait here, just go talk to him."

After a final glance at Jiang Yingyue, Han Qingshan unlocked the car and gestured for her to go in. He then followed the young man to another side of the parking lot to hear what he had to say.

"Young Master Shan, I am not one who usually gossips, but I have to tell you about this," the young man sighed as he looked at Jiang Yingyue who was seated in the car not too far away from them. His eyes flickered with a mysterious light, and he was about to resume talking when Han Qingshan stopped him.

"I don't know who is behind you," he began, "but I have no interest in what you have to say. Yingyue is with me, and I know everything about her. I do not need someone to come with bad rumors or try to get between us. I am here to warn you.. If I hear any rumors about Yingyue spreading, I will make sure that you will be held accountable."