Chapter 154 - Second Encounter

Name:Blossoming Flowers Author:Tinalynge
After eating the food, Han Qingshan once more went to the university while Jiang Yingyue was busy cleaning at home. She had initially planned on reading a bit, but after a few moments, she lost her focus and felt restless. As a result, she ended up cleaning the entire flat, making it sparkle.

Jiang Yingyue was so busy cleaning that she forgot the time, and it was not before it was late into the afternoon that she realized she had not eaten anything for lunch yet.

She would usually have cooked some food. However, things were different this time. It was already so late, and if she was going to prepare the food now, it would become very late before she could eat.

Sighing dejectedly to herself, Jiang Yingyue left the condo and started moving down the road, going towards a small market that had a wide variety of food stalls.

Although the food could be considered unsanitary, Jiang Yingyue had eaten it quite often and had turned entirely immune to the bad stomach aches one could get from eating this kind of food.

Jiang Yingyue was very straightforward when it came to what kind of street food she would buy. If it looked good and smelled good, then she would buy it. If it tasted good, she would eat it. If it was, in fact, lousy tasting, she would spit it out right away and never again buy from that stall.

This was her trick for not getting food poisoning, and it was incredibly accurate. There had been a scandal about some places using recycled gutter oil at below market value, and other scandals about stalls which sold rat meat.

Jiang Yingyue was quite reasonable. She did not care if it was rat meat as long as it tasted good, but she was quite worried about the gutter oil, and thus she was always alert when she ate street food for the first time at a new stall.

When she finally reached a market, she found a few stalls that sold food which made her mouth water.

She was torn between having jianbing or fried rice, but eventually the jianbing won, and she found a place where she could sit down and consume the food she had bought.

First, she took a small bite to ensure it was good, when she had taste it and realized it was delicious, she did not hold back at all as she began eating it all.

When she was done eating, it was already four in the afternoon. She felt it would be too late to go back to the condo, especially considering that when Han Qingshan was done at university, then she would have to go to Imperial World to work.

Jiang Yingyue found her phone in the small purse she had with her and sent a text to Han Qingshan saying that she would wait for him outside the university.

After that, she started moving towards the university. She could have taken public transport to shorten the distance, but she did not expect Han Qingshan to finish for a few hours, and thus, she decided to walk there.

As she was walking, she suddenly felt someone grab her hand from behind and pulled her back. Taken by surprise, Jiang Yingyue withdrew her hand fast and turned around to see who had dared to grab her, her eyes lighting with anger.

Behind her was a man she had seen once before. He was the manager who had tried to poach her back then, and his eyes were shining lasciviously while glancing at Jiang Yingyue.

"Pretty lady, I can make you famous," he said with a sleazy smile on his lips.

"Sorry, I am not interested," Jiang Yingyue answered before she turned her back at him and started walking away.

"Don't rush like this," the man said as he suddenly bypassed her and blocked the road in front of her.

Jiang Yingyue frowned. They were on a busy street, and many had already started looking at them, but no one had stepped forward to save her just yet.

"Sorry, I am sure I am not interested in becoming famous," she said gravely. But the man continued to push forward, forcing her to take a few steps backward to avoid him touching her.

"A fine lady like you must have all the riches you want," he said with a nod of his head, "but what I can give you is much more than that. I can make the world adore you. I can make you the queen in every man's mind and the role model for any woman."

"I already have a boyfriend, and as long as I am his queen, I do not need others," Jiang Yingyue said. "As for women, why would I want to be their role model? Please leave me alone."

The man's face turned sinister the more that he was rejected, and he reached out to grab her once more. Jiang Yingyue retreated while she suddenly yelled as loudly as she could, "Pervert! Someone is trying to molest me!"

Many had observed what was going on but hadn't heard what the words were, and yet many had been moving on without really caring. However, when such a charming voice sounded out, everyone suddenly stopped to look at them.

What greeted their eyes was precisely the view of the man trying to capture her, his face filled with menace and his eyes sinister.

"Leave her alone." A few people finally stood up for Jiang Yingyue, and under the disdain and hate-filled gazes of the crowd, the manager could do nothing else than to grit his teeth.. Staring once more at Jiang Yingyue, he turned around, leaving in defeat once again.