Chapter 150 - Dinner Time

Name:Blossoming Flowers Author:Tinalynge
After having reported what he had to report, Song Liwei instantly left the office again.

He was not willing to stay around and be fed dog food, nor did he want to be a third wheel for Han Qingshan.

Jiang Yingyue smiled slightly when she saw him leaving that fast, but she said nothing and buried her face in the book once more.

She was unaware that Han Qingshan was staring at her with a bit of longing in his eyes.

When she looked up, her eyes were locked with his, and she suddenly felt breathless. She felt stunned and dizzy, as if her soul was being sucked out of her body, her entire being turned numb.

Seeing her being so ditzy and dazed from looking at him, Han Qingshan was quite pleased. He was delighted that his looks could entrance her like this.

There was nothing he wanted more than to make her his own, but he understood that it had to be done correctly. She was a young girl, and he had to cherish her first time. He could not allow her to ever have regrets or fears, so he did not act on his impulses.

He did not even dare to kiss her, fearing that the beast within his heart would jump out and devour her. So all he could do was wait until they got home, but as his eyes locked onto her lips, the gaze in his eyes turned fiery and passionate.

Jiang Yingyue could not help but blush as she felt the gaze that had locked onto her.

She quickly buried her face into the book and pretended to focus on reading. However, she was too flustered and could not concentrate at all.

Seeing her, this flustered, Han Qingshan felt as if a cat had pawed his heart. He was trying his hardest not to chuckle from her adorable expression, but he could not help it.

"You are laughing at me," Jiang Yingyue said as she pouted, burying her face even further down the book so that he could not see her red face, yet the red ears were still visible.

"You are very adorable," Han Qingshan answered thoughtfully. He found her a bit silly, a bit childish, and a bit ditzy, but most of all, he found her behavior incredibly endearing.

Still, he had a lot of work to catch up on. He had been absent for a few days, and it was now time for him to return to being the CEO of Imperial World fully.

He had responsibilities here, and a duty to work hard for the company. Many shareholders were expecting that he would do his utmost for their benefits, so he could not just slack and fool around with Jiang Yingyue.

And truthfully, although he wanted to, he knew that the office was not the right place to do so. He would embarrass her immensely.

Since this was the case, he could only turn his unvented frustrations towards the work in his hand, and he started putting all his focus on the papers, signing and reading through them at a rapid pace.

A few hours went by like this. Jiang Yingyue glanced at the time, only to realize that it was rapidly approaching dinner time.

She had eaten lunch together with Yan Meilin, and it had been a scrumptious meal, so she was not hungry. But Han Qingshan had been at university for lunch, so his meal was, at most, from the cafeteria.

If he skipped dinner, his stomach would likely start to hurt. She was uncomfortable thinking about this, and without a second thought, she put the book down on the sofa and stood up.

Han Qingshan was so busy with a specific contract that he was unaware of her suddenly standing up. He was fully buried in his work, and with a tender glance at him, Jiang Yingyue left the office.

Outside, Song Liwei had set up another desk for himself and was also working seriously on some paperwork, forgetting about dinner time. Even the secretary was immensely busy.

Seeing this, Jiang Yingyue could only shake her head as she went to the elevator and left the building.

Not long after, she returned with four servings of takeout food. It was nothing special, but it would be able to fill one's stomach.

When she reached the top floor, she placed a box in front of Song Liwei, another in front of the secretary, and entered the office without looking back.

The scent of the food had awakened both the secretary and Song Liwei, and they paused what they had been doing and sent a grateful look at Jiang Yingyue. However, she had already closed the door to Han Qingshan's office.

Inside, Han Qingshan was standing next to the floor-to-ceiling windows, one hand was in his pocket, the other was holding the phone to his ear, and a string of foreign words was being spoken.

It was clear that he was speaking with someone from another country, but things did not seem to be going as he wanted. A frown was evident on his handsome face, and his eyes were dark and filled with annoyance.

Seeing this, Jiang Yingyue felt her heart ache. She had only seen him when he was in complete control, but now he was experiencing troubles, and she could do nothing to assist him.

Sighing, she placed the two servings of food on the table and walked towards Han Qingshan.. She gently stood behind him, and wrapped her arms around his waist, holding him tight and trying to impart her warmth and faith into him.