Chapter 104 - Young Master's Possessiveness

Name:Blossoming Flowers Author:Tinalynge
Jiang Yingyue said nothing as she followed behind Han Qingshan out of the night club. She had not been looking forward to clubbing anyway, and she had mixed emotions about meeting Zhou Yan and Lin Qiang.

She felt happy to have reunited with her two friends, and even quite relieved that they had recognized her and promised to keep her secret, but at the same time, she was also saddened.

She was reminded of life as it was when Jiang Fengmian had still been alive, and her heart ached. At the same time, she was also realizing that she was, in fact, keeping a great secret from Han Qingshan and that this could not go on.

She felt an intense pain in her heart whenever she was reminded of what she was keeping from him, and she could not help but feel guilty and depressed.

Han Qingshan was aware of her emotions. She did everything in her power to try and hide them, but the air around her was gloomy and depressed.

Seeing her so listless, Han Qingshan was also rather upset. He was regretting taking the phone call from before and not being there when Jiang Yingyue had been talking with Zhou Yan. He did not know what they had spoken about, but he knew it had left an everlasting impression on Jiang Yingyue, and the thought of her thinking of another man was enough to drive him insane.

He wanted nothing more than to ensure that everything she was thinking about was him, he wanted to press his lips over her soft thin lips and make her filled with his breath, he wanted to touch her, to make her forget all the things that made her sad, and at the same time also make her know who she belonged to.

That's right. Han Qingshan felt that she belonged to him. He was not willing to let her go, he would fight to keep her by his side, and Zhou Yan's interference made him even more certain about this.

But Han Qingshan held himself back. He knew better than to suddenly kiss her, touch her, and claim her for himself. Although there was nothing he wanted more, he had to accept that she was not ready. Just touching her slightly would make her head red as a tomato, he dared not think about what her reaction would be if he truly kissed her.

Thinking like this, he sighed, reached out his hand, and grasped Jiang Yingyue's in his own before he walked slowly towards the hotel.

Jiang Yingyue felt her heart warm up from the touch, and she couldn't help but tighten her grip on his hand slightly, holding on to him, feeling that he was her safe haven.

Neither spoke as they made their way to the hotel, and they just kept holding hands as they entered the elevator, went to the hotel room, and closed the door behind them.

"Go wash up," Han Qingshan said as he raised his hand and caressed her head. "I will order some light snacks for you when you finish."

Jiang Yingyue nodded her head, but before she could enter, she suddenly felt Han Qingshan pulling on her arm and dragging her into his embrace.

He buried his head in her hair and closed his eyes as he greedily inhaled her personal scent of flowers.

It was never enough for him, and he wanted nothing more than to mold Jiang Yingyue into his own body. He finally realized that what he truly wished for was to spend the rest of his life together with Jiang Yingyue, and he could only sigh slightly as he accepted his fate. He would rather be gay than give up on Jiang Yingyue.

Having come to terms with his emotions, he knew that he had to somehow make Jiang Yingyue need him as much as he needed her.

He would spend all the power in his hands to keep her by his side, and he would not allow for Zhou Yan to steal her away.

He could not help but chuckle slightly. It was quite shocking that both he and the Zhou family heir had fallen in love with the same person. And in Han Qingshan's mind, this person was a man, so it was quite depressing and would cause havoc to both families.

Han Qingshan had closed his eyes as he felt the woman in his arms tremble slightly, and he understood that he might have overdone it slightly. She was not doing anything to move away from his embrace, but when he opened his eyes again, he saw that her ears were so red that they could be dripping blood.

Chuckling, Han Qingshan released her, and Jiang Yingyue darted into the bathroom, no longer looking at him, not daring to face him with her flushed face; feeling as embarrassed as she did right then.

She entered the bathroom, made sure to lock the door, and started undressing. It was only when she had already taken the bandages off that she remembered that she was no longer at home; there were no extra bandages in the bathroom!

Feeling slightly scared, she wondered what she should do. She could not use the bandages she had just taken off. They were dirty, and the wound needed a clean fabric to protect it from becoming infected.

The bandages around her chest could be reused, but she did not have enough to cover both her chest and her wound, and she was wondering what to do.