Chapter 15 - The brother's awakening: conclusion

Heyo, there's a discord server too, join the bro club my dudes. (DISCORD)



Wisp breathed in and out while looking at his brother, in the inside he was calm but on the outside he looked like a beast ready to rip apart anything. He felt stronger... No, he felt more resistant, as if he could finally use the entirety of his body at one hundred per cent power without breaking and without needing his Shikai. He could finally use this monstrous strenght and fight with no restrains, Wisp looked at his brother and bowed his head while genuinely smiling.

"We've known each other for so long now and you always show me something new about myself, I though I couldn't find anything else hidden about my powers but you still show there is still something more." I didn't receive a response but we were truly happy with my awakening. The intensity of the fight and the crushing power of Ken forced my body to evolve into the next stage and awaken.

Wisp jumped towards Ken, the ground bursting from the force of the leap, Ken didn't move and simply waited. Wisp spun in mid air and kicked out with all his might into Ken's guts, Ken flew backwards coughing blood.

The hit was monstrously strong, the world went still and silent until Ken's laugh slowly rang out. They both laughed in pride, excitement and joy.

Wisp rushed forward and threw a left hook into Ken's face, then a kick to the knee and a round house to the face, this wasn't the end as Wisp rained blows upon blows on Ken's body. Ken stumbled back and Wisp told Ken come at him with his hand, his brother got up and lifted his leg up high in the air and brought it down with Herculean strenght, Wisp blocked the hit and winced, he then kicked the back of Ken's knee making him fall to his level.

Wisp uppercuted Ken with explosive power and sent him flying him into the sky, Ken's giant body then landed onto the ground, kicking up a dust cloud.

Wisp stood there basking into this incredible feeling of freedom, like his body was finally his after so long. Ken pushed up the ground and sprung into the air, the spirit landed on the ground and looked at his brother. Again, no words were spoken and they both unleashed their power.

The air around them distorded and Bloodlust, reiatsu, sword energy, Corruption, Energy, everything became one, a single aura that represented it all, the primal power of the Wolf brothers. Primal energy was born.

An energy that had the properties of reiatsu, the sharpness of a blade, the intimidation of Bloodlust, the power of the Corruption the energy of War, and finally all the Energy (basic electrical energy). All into one but there is a huge drawback, it drains stamina incredibly quickly and it cannot leave the body, as in, it cannot be used in a long range attack.

The land which has been repaired in this brief moment, had been reinforced beyond belief but alas it will get destroyed again.

Their hair stood on end, and beneath the skin of their arms and legs, red and purple lighting like veins appeared while their aura was a red colour. Their aura seeped back into themselves and they charged at each other at blinding speeds.

He then spun around and kicked toward Wisp's face, Wisp back flipped over it and landed a punch on his face, he then got back handed by Ken, he broke through the air and impacted with the ground making a crater, he quickly got up from the crater and snarled at his brother.

They once again charged each other and began exchanging multiple earth shaking blows, bones broke, blood flew into the air and shockwaves tore the ground they stood on apart. Ken kicked Wisp's leg and swept him of his feet, while in mid air Wisp heel kicked Ken. Ken blocked the hit by grabbing his ankle, he began slamming Wisp on the ground all around him, crater appeared and Wisp's injuries piled up even through his improved defence, Ken was just stronger, when Ken was done he threw his brother with all his might, Wisp landed on the ground and slid back on all fours.

Wisp ran back towards Ken and charged his fists up with a influx of constant Primal Energy, they were... smiling? snarling? At this point nobody could tell but them, their excitement only served to make them try harder. Their heavy fists flew and collided on each other's body, extremely powerful and heavy blows rained on each other. They were going blow for blow and disregarded any defence, this was a full on brawl.

Ken punched Wisp back towards the ground but Wisp used his momentum to jump up to Ken's level and high kick him. They separated for a minute heavily breathing, spitting or blowing the blood out of their noses and mouths, they looked in each others eyes with unyielding determination.

"You have awoken your power, time to awaken mine. Let me show you." Said Ken while he began grunting and transforming into a three meter giant, his wolf features got enhanced even further, metal claws bursted out of the tips of his fingers, metal coated the elbows, knees and spine.

He looked down on his brother, now making him look like a normal person in terms of size. Wisp was actually intimidated by his new form, his instincts told him to back out and run but his pride as the Alpha didn't allow it, his body actually shook out of a mix between excitement and fear. Until he felt familiar warmth, the warmth felt like it came from everywhere and Wisp knew what this was. The image of a slender hand landed on his shoulder, Wisp also put a hand on it. 'Wait for me, Soi Fon.' He whispered in his heart.

"Now Wisp, prove that you are strong enough to call my true name, prove that you can conquer this demonic blade!" Ken opened his arms wide as if the invite Wisp.

Both brother looked at each other and charged forward one final time, their fists collided and flattened the ground under them, the clouds dispersed revealing the night sky and the red sun placed high in it.

Wisp growled as his fist broke but he held on and kept on swinging, not taking a step back no matter the cost, he had to advance no. Matter. What. He had to persevere.

Wisp continued hitting Ken with all his strenght, his bones broke and his skin ripped but he continued nonetheless, his healing was slowly coming back to him but it wasn't enough to make a difference. He though about how to win this fight, the one who will take a step back will lose.

Wisp put an arm up and blocked most hits with his body, he put his other arm behind him and began to charge it until it would explode from the strain, the more the energy went in it the stronger the strain, his arms blood vessels bursted and his arm became bruised but he pushed through, Ken slashed at Wisp shoulder and face making his guard drop has well as cutting an eye.

Then Ken prepared the strongest hit he could in the form of a straight punch, this was it, they moment the winner will be decided. They both laughed their fist and they collided, with a roar they pushed on until one finally got send back.

Wisp fell on ground, his arm broken and mangled, half of it missing, his body was broken, slashed, and bruised but he had won! Ken was sent back around ten meters before stopping, his hand was broken and so was his forearm, he looked stunned but then laughed loudly shaking my already broken body.

"YES! THAT'S IT! Now call my name ! And unleash our full might" Ken boomed, pride in his eyes.

Wisp slowly got up and focused on us true name, he took out the red blade and called upon his true name.

"BANKAI : MURAMASA, RYŪKETSU NO AKUMA!" Then a red cloud of Primal Energy exploded out of me as he shifted into my new form, the now fully healed Wisp grew enormously and was now as tall as Ken, he also had the same changes as him and the blade dissapeared, but it felt like it was still with him, it felt like my body fused with the blade, he also had the two dark red devil horns on his forehead.

Overhaul he felt five, No, ten times stronger than he ever was before.

Wisp walked up to Ken with earth shaking foot steps, they looked at each with pride and joy. When only a meter separated them they pulled each other into a bro hug, laughing like maniacs.

"Although there are major drawbacks, the aftereffects are as bad as the "all-cutting technique" so be careful, and when you go into Bankai your instincts become stronger and you risk losing reason." Ken explained their new Bankai.

Wisp nodded and separated the bro hug, "So... are we going to test this new form or what?" They both smiled toothily at each other and fought to their heart's content.

Wisp pov.

I woke up and just laid there, I looked at the rooms ceiling. Feeling something moving next me I looked to my right and saw Soi Fon's beautiful sleeping face. She had a strand of hair in her mouth, so I pulled her hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead.

I slowly got up trying to not wake her up but failed, ninja training and all, she opened her eyes groggily and muttered my name, she looked up to me and squinted towards me. After a second she got up from the bed and jumped up to me, wrapping her arms around my neck, she whispered in my hear.

"You gave me quite the scare back there, what was that about?" Her words were a bit slurred.

"Oh, my body rejected a new energy, then Ken brought me inside my inner world to "awaken" me." I explained.

"Oh~ does this have something to do with your new look?" She purred.

"New loo-? OH that. Yeah my wolf side got huh stronger, I guess ?" I blushed a little from the tone she used.

"Soi Fon, I don't think you're fully aware about you're doing, I mean you just woke up-" I tried to reason with her by alas she cut me off with a kiss silencing all objection I had.

She pulled me down towards the bed while continuing the kiss, her beautiful black eyes kept looking into mine as she hungrily kissed my mouth. I, of course, kissed back just like her, she then pinned me on the bed while she continued to kiss me. She stopped kissing me and whispered in my ear.

"Lets have some fun shall we?" She was not fully awake yet but right now neither of them cared anymore.

Oh boy.