Chapter 508 Do You Feel Sorry For Me

Name:Billionaire's Gift Author:Rabbit
During that time, Mandy's face was as pale as paper. She was so lifeless that she had looked like a puppet being forced to live.

Colin had mixed feelings of taking her out. All he ever wanted was to save Mandy from that home as well as to save her from herself. He was afraid that if she stayed there longer, she might go crazy.

Back then, she had felt so much despair as if she was carrying the entire weight of the sky.

When Mandy told him that she wanted to leave Nathan, Colin felt like jumping up in the air with joy. All he wanted was for her to be free.

The bus accident three years back all went along with Colin's sophisticated plan. He hired a group of extras to set up an accident. They all got off the bus before it fell off the cliff, and they had to cause the injuries on purpose. The actors all cooperated with Colin, and they all got a hundred thousand dollars of hush money. They kept their mouths shut right after as if they really did suffer a tragic accident.

Colin went abroad a month later. During that month, he managed to pay the hushed money by using all of his savings. When he found that he didn't have enough, he asked his father for five million, which he gave quite readily.

Bringing the alcohol deterrents, Mandy walked into Colin's room.

Hearing the footsteps, he quickly closed his eyes, pretending to be asleep.

"Wake up, Colin. Take some of these pills before you go to sleep. You know you have a bad stomach, so why are you drinking so much? Do you want to die early?" Mandy demanded angrily. It was not until she got married to him that she realized that Colin's stomach had been quite damaged after drinking a lot during the years. His doct

and went out to get a cup of coffee.

When she returned, her office phone rang. In a hurry, Mandy ran to the phone and answered.

"Do you hate me so much that I have to call the office to get to you?" Nathan's cold voice sounded from the other end.

Mandy rolled her eyes. "Hello, Mr. Jin. What can I do for you?"

"I just wanted to call and remind you of the trial next month on the twentieth." After saying this, he hung up.

"Are you crazy? What court date?" Mandy questioned. She slammed the phone on the desk, scanning the room. It was then that she noticed the parcel.

Nathan had said that the trial would begin on the twentieth of next month? Did he really want to sue her?

Was he really that offended that she committed bigamy? She clenched her fists.

Mandy picked up a pair of scissors and tore open the package. Her face paled when she saw the documents. They were summons from the court. From the looks of it, she was the defendant, and Nathan was the plaintiff.

Her hands trembled.

She gritted her teeth. If he wanted to go this route, then fine. It would be easier for her to divorce him then.