Chapter 400 Have You Found Out

Name:Billionaire's Gift Author:Rabbit
Nathan's heart sank when he saw Colin with Mandy.

He had come earlier before Nathan and got to spend time with Mandy.

Jealousy rose from the pit of his stomach, and he became furious when he thought of everything Colin could have told Mandy. Colin had always been a great talker. He was involved in many complicated cases during his stint as a prosecutor. Many criminals refused to accept their crimes, but Colin, being the eloquent speaker that he was, persuaded many of them to admit their crimes.

Colin snapped his head around to look at Nathan. He knew that Nathan did not like him spending time with Mandy, so he stood up and was ready to leave.

"OK, Mand, rest well. Take care. It's time for me to leave." Colin cleared the table and turned around to leave.

"Bye, Colin." Mandy smiled. The tight look Nathan's face made her nervous, but she tried to suppress it. Moreover, Mandy and Colin were nothing more than friends, and there was no need for her to worry about anything.

Colin walked up to Nathan and thought of greeting him, but he decided against it when he saw the angry look on his face. "See you later, Mr. Jin," he mumbled before leaving.

"Take care," Nathan smirked.

Mandy was upset to see the two men shooting cold glances at each other. She wondered if they would be foes forever.

"So? Did you eat?" Nathan frowned as he placed the bowl of porridge on the table.

"Umm... Yeah, I ate a little when Colin was here. But that's okay. I can eat more." Mandy shifted on the bed uncomfortably and rubbed her bloated stomach. She did not want to upset Nathan and decided to eat for him.

However, a loud burp escaped from Mandy's mouth. She quickly clamped her mouth to stifle it, but another burp followed. Her body was shaking, and she was feeling uneasy.

Nathan shook

he give up for now or continue searching for them?

Her mind wandered to the woman she had seen at the mall. She was the spitting image of her best friend who had died in the car accident. What was going on? Her mind was a complete mess.

"Nathan, do you believe in doppelgangers?" Mandy frowned. She felt that two people could not look like each other except for twins.

Mandy knew that Sharon was the only child in her family. She did not have any siblings, let alone a twin.

"Umm ... I don't know. But I have heard researchers say that there are possibilities for people to look just like you. It was proven to be true actually." Nathan was curious too.

He had also been investigating about Sharon. It looked like there was something that he did not know about. He wanted to know who Jennifer was. He couldn't trace her past. If Jennifer was Sharon, then what was she doing pretending to be someone else? And if Jennifer was not his ex-girlfriend, Sharon, then what was she doing at JS International?

"Yeah, I mean, people tend to resemble others. But I feel only twins can look exactly the same as each other. Even twins look different at times.

Perhaps you made a mistake?" said Nathan.