Chapter 386 It Will Only Be A Burden On You

Name:Billionaire's Gift Author:Rabbit
Once Mandy left the office, Colin rushed after her.

"Would you like to have a cup of coffee?" Colin strutted forward, trying to keep up with Mandy's pace.

"Okay." Mandy nodded with a smile.

She hadn't seen Colin since the anniversary. Nathan had thrashed him that day. Nathan and Colin shared a long history of animosity and couldn't stand the sight of each other.

They were greeted by the aroma of coffee wafting in the air when they arrived at a quiet coffee shop.

"What would you like to drink? I remember that Coffee Mocha has always been your favorite." Colin smiled as he passed the menu to Mandy.

"Umm ... I don't feel like having coffee today. I'd like to just have a cup of milk." Mandy had always been a coffee aficionado, but she had decided to stop drinking coffee when she thought about the little baby growing in her belly. Although she was not entirely sure about it, all symptoms seemed to increase the probability of her being pregnant. So she thought that it was better if she quit drinking coffee as it was not good for the baby.

"Why don't you want to have coffee? Haven't you always been a coffee lover?" Colin eyed Mandy curiously as he took the menu back from her and waved at the waiter.

"Ah, I'm afraid that it will become difficult for me to sleep if I drink coffee. I haven't been sleeping well lately," Mandy lied. She did not want to reveal her pregnancy unless she was sure about it.

"Ah, I see. You need to take care of yourself, Mand." Colin lifted his head and ordered an Americano before he turned to look at Mandy.

"So, how have you been? How is work?" Mandy asked. Colin was Mandy's old friend. She did not have many trustworthy friends, so Mandy considered Colin to be one of her good friends.

"I have been busy lately. Work is exhausting, and I only get to sleep for a couple of hours a day." Colin rubbed his temples and sighed loudly.

Colin had been busy investigating the case of Justin's death. The case seemed to have hit a dead-end, and they would close the case if there was no progress by the end of the month.

He was aware that Nathan was involved in Justin's death. The accident had occurred in a remote

t him." Colin rubbed his face with his hands and sighed loudly. He shook his head, looking defeated.

Mandy knitted her eyebrows and fell silent. She was unfortunate to have the two important men in her life to be rivals. She wondered why Colin couldn't spare Nathan as he had not taken the lives of innocent people. Why couldn't he leave him alone?

The waiter returned with a cup of coffee and a glass of milk. Both of them drank in silence as their minds were buzzing with thoughts. Mandy checked her watch. She was running late, so she left after bidding goodbye to Colin.

Mandy went to a hospital nearby to check if she was pregnant. Everyone at the JR Hospital knew her, and she preferred to have her privacy.

Mandy was fidgeting nervously as she was sitting on the chair in the waiting room. A lot of pregnant women were waiting along with her. Most of them were having huge baby bumps and were accompanied by their husbands. They were gushing and talking happily, which made Mandy think of Nathan. Would he also do the same for her? The thought of it brought a smile to her face.

"Next one, Mandy," the nurse called loudly, poking her head out.

Mandy picked up her bag and walked into the ultrasound B-room.

After a series of routine checks, Mandy took the picture of the ultrasound to the outpatient room.

She was greeted by a female doctor in her early forties. Her hair was braided tightly, and she smiled warmly at Mandy.