Chapter 468

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
When crowdfunding first appeared, no one took it seriously.

This is not a strange thing. It is often seen in the real society, but the probability of success is very small, and even if it is successful, it is often the success of small capital. The difficulty of online crowdfunding is even greater. Even if it is an online crowdfunding involving 1000 people, it is quite a large-scale online crowdfunding.

Even if He Xi has a large number of fans, will 10000 readers participate in crowdfunding? If there is 10000, it is absolutely a miracle! And even for 10000 readers, each of them pays 100 Chinese dollars, and the final price is only 1 million yuan - and the price of the broken paintings is more than 4 million yuan.

400 It is impossible for 10000 people to pay 400 Chinese dollars each.

So before the bubble burst, no one was concerned about the crowd financing situation, so that after ten million of the bubble burst, the crowd financing made everyone ready to see jokes.

————Highest offer: 47 million - bidder: crowdfunding - confirmation Countdown: 1 hour 59 minutes

The bubble has just broken for less than ten minutes. Just before reporters and experts could figure out how to laugh, the crowd funding offer suddenly appeared in the middle of the auction website. 4.7 million, which is the highest price of the auction. Less than half an hour after the generation of crowdfunding, it has raised more than 4 million!?

"Trough, it's impossible!"

"It's too fake. What happened!"

The onlookers were surprised to run to the crowd funding interface. Unexpectedly, the amount of crowd funding shown above is 2854500, which is 2850000 in short, equivalent to half of the auction price.

After the change of auction rules, crowdfunding can quote twice the price with the collected funds, which makes other people understand the principle, but 2.85 million! This figure is still full of incredible color. No matter what you think, it is impossible for readers to raise such a huge amount of money. Is phoenix cheating itself?

The records of the participants can be found on the page, and some reporters can quickly read them. As long as Phoenix company participates in crowdfunding, they have reason to say that this crowdfunding is false.

However, after reading the records, the reporters were shocked. In just half an hour, the number of readers participating in crowd funding exceeded 1000, ranging from tens to thousands of yuan. These readers' enthusiasm for comics was beyond imagination. However, the total donation of ordinary readers was only over 100000, The problem is - it's not just these ordinary readers who participate in crowdfunding.

More than a dozen readers have donated more than five figures, most of whom are representatives of fan groups and are not stingy with the money.

But all this adds up to only a few hundred thousand. In this crowdfunding, one of the people has more money than the others, and dominates the leader - ning Qing, the president of this fashion company, has donated more than two million yuan to crowdfunding!

Why“ Is it necessary for her to do such a thing? "

The reporters couldn't understand why Ning Qing was the one who could get the paintings directly at the auction. Why did she participate in the crowdfunding? Crowdfunding can't get the painting in the actual sense, Ning Qing has no reason to do so!

Someone can't help but scold Ning Qing on Weibo, saying that she is crazy. Other people also pay attention to Ning Qing. She won't speak in the forum of he Xizhi's house, so many people @ ning Qing on Weibo and ask her why she did it.

"There's no reason. I just want to be an ordinary reader and try my best to win over teacher He Xi."

Soon, Ning Qing made a reply. She said, "I joined many fans of Teacher He Xi anonymously. Everyone was very active in this crowdfunding. The children took out their pocket money and the young people squeezed out their salaries. They wanted to work together to shoot this painting. It's worth two million yuan to me, Maybe it's not as good as the children who take out their pocket money.... "

"Besides, the paintings are bought for reading. Since they are all for reading, I think it's good to leave them on the cartoon island for more people to see!"

A paragraph of Ning Qing's reply came out, the reporter burst into an uproar, while others were boiling.

He Xi's readers, in particular, flocked to the microblog to support Ning Qing, and some even regarded her as a goddess. The number of people who followed Ning Qing suddenly increased by tens of thousands, and continued to rise. This situation is unexpected for Ning Qing. She has been famous for many years, but she has never enjoyed being praised by so many people on the Internet.

This let rather clear in the mind a burst of joy, originally planned to continue to say words also didn't say. In fact, Ning Qing has another reason to participate in crowdfunding, because he bought his own paintings and gave the money to Phoenix company. When crowdfunding is used to buy a project, the money will be used for charity. She is a charity lover. She donates tens of millions every year, and two million is nothing.

And you can leave your name on comic island. Think about it, it's more valuable than buying your own paintings. Ning Qing donated so much that her name must be at the top. In the future, tourists from manga island will be the first to see her when they go to see paintings. This reputation can't be gained by buying paintings.I have to invite others to see the paintings when I buy them. How nice it is to save this step now

"I don't know who came up with this idea, but it's really a genius idea!" Ning Qing can't help praising himself. This crowdfunding idea is excellent. It's a win-win result. Neither the buyer nor the seller will lose money. Comic island has a name. It's no less attractive to readers than painting.

Rich readers can take the opportunity to advertise for themselves, and those who have no money will actively participate in it. If they go to comic island in the future, they can say a few words with their friends: "look, I am also one of the owners of this painting."

Even the media can't complain about this crowdfunding. The only controversial point is that it's immoral for Phoenix company to let readers work together to buy paintings. But this dispute has been solved by a charity fund. The money is used for charity. What else can others say?

When it comes to charity, the media not only can't scold, but also should boast and boast hard! After a crowdfunding campaign, readers will get a sense of satisfaction. When He Xi's paintings become famous, Phoenix company will also get a good reputation. By the way, it also brings in many potential tourists. Although journalists can't say bad things, it's also news, so it's not bad for journalists.

It seems that they all win. Maybe if there is anyone dissatisfied, it's only the painters

But in fact, painters are calming down now. They can't say anything when they see crowdfunding going on and there are more and more participants.

It's not that I don't want to say it, but that I can't say it - since it's charity, if you are against it now, isn't that an excuse for others to scold you