Chapter 467

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
Time goes back half an hour ago.

The quotation on the website has not changed, and it is still in the amount of 10 million. Lotus can't sit still, and Zhou Qian has already come. As soon as they discuss it, it's no way to go on like this. There's no time for them to hesitate. They must report the auction as soon as possible, or they won't have time.

"It's my fault. Let me talk about it."

Zhou Qian took the initiative to undertake the work of the report. The auction process was made by her at the beginning. Such a big loophole was not detected in advance. She made the main mistake. When a good thing was done like this, Zhou Qian was very disappointed, but she had no choice but to go to Meng Huo's office.

After arriving at the destination, Zhou Qian took a deep breath, just wanted to say something to the Secretary at the front desk, but saw that the door of the office suddenly opened.

"Then I'll go first."

The one who opened the door was Alice. She said to the office and then closed the door. Meng Huo didn't see Zhou Qian outside.

When Alice saw Zhou Qian, she was surprised. Then she frowned, "come with me."

She took Zhou Qian's hand and pulled her to the elevator: "do you want to talk to Meng Huo about the auction? Don't go. I've tested it just now. He doesn't know about it yet... Go and solve it with me. Don't let Meng Huo know. He knows it's more troublesome. "

Alice knows Meng Huo. If he knows about the current auction situation, he is likely to take these two actions: one is to cancel the auction, the other is to buy it himself. No matter which action will have a positive impact on the situation.

Back in Hersey's office, Zhou Qian hasn't recovered. Alice has already spoken to Hersey.

"Now, make it public online and apologize."

Her astonishing words surprised Hersey and Zhou Qian.

However, Alice's identity and influence in Phoenix company are more than them. With her courage, he Xizhi forum soon released an official statement on the auction page.

The main content of the statement letter is to clarify the loopholes in the auction and admit the mistake.

"I'm sorry, there are some mistakes in this auction. When we set the process, we didn't notice such a big loophole and didn't expect such a big response. But now that this is the case, we can't just assume that the auction of others doesn't count because of the loopholes, and the auction will continue... "

"This auction has nothing to do with Mr. He Xi. It's the fault of our staff. If you have any complaints and dissatisfaction, please look at us with the blame instead of Mr. He Xi. Thank you

The announcement is equivalent to the fact that Phoenix has acquiesced in the existence of bubbles, and the media and the press are naturally excited.

"Look, look! Admit it Dong Chunqiu couldn't help but speak and said, "I just said that cartoonists' paintings are worthless. Now do you admit it?"

There was also an uproar on Weibo. The announcement of Phoenix company was really unexpected, but it didn't work, did it? Websites are still concerned about auctions, and journalists are writing new manuscripts. When the bubble breaks, everyone can go out and see what jokes are.

"What are the comics for auction? Is that embarrassing?"

"But also offended a lot of painters... This time he Xizhen was shot lying down, and he was also attracted by his fans!"

"Fans are really inhumane. What's funny this time is not only He Xi's painting, but also his fans turned into jokes."

For the first time in history, He Xi's fans have become the target of many people's ridicule because of his sarcastic remarks on painters. In fact, many He Xi's fans feel aggrieved - are He Xi's fans really the ones who ridicule painters? Of course, it is undeniable that there are such a number of people, but there are also many other netizens who follow suit.

In addition, it was the painter who first satirized He Xi, which made the fans even more dissatisfied.

"I'm so angry, but I have no money! Otherwise, I will buy teacher He Xi's painting and slap these people hard! "

"Yes, me too! Even if it is a bubble, what is the painting of Mr. Xi is a priceless treasure in my heart!

In the chat group, fans are very arrogant. Phoenix's statement seems useless, but in fact it is very useful.

Before the announcement, the story of the auction bubble has spread, and even if it is not announced, most readers will know about it. However, after the announcement, it gave readers a positive sense. The correct attitude of Phoenix company made the anger of these readers not rise to the company.

Alice's approach is very simple, whether it's the painter or the media. In fact, the biggest threat of this auction is the readers. If the readers are not angry with Phoenix company, it won't be too big.And a statement that everyone forgives Phoenix after it's spread among readers. After all, with the development of the auction, it's easy to see that Phoenix company is also a victim. Moreover, the statement also said that the target of the auction at the beginning was their readers, not the rich and influential people. The growth of the auction was beyond the expectation of the forum administrator.

This gives readers a message: the auction was originally a small-scale surprise for ordinary fans, but it expanded rapidly with the intervention of intentional people, and it has reached the present level. In fact, this is what Zhou Qian thought at the beginning. There are too many reasons to prove this.

For example, there is no pre advertisement before the auction, and the auction time is midnight... It's a small auction, which only senior fans can know.

Early in the morning, it became so well known that it was not the original intention of Phoenix company, let alone He Xi.

With the slow transition, there is only fifteen minutes left and the ten million bubble will burst. After the bubble burst, it is likely that the chain will burst. No one knows whether the CEO will continue to increase the price. This makes the readers feel anxious. The reason for their anxiety is not the collapse of the bubble. But

"Don't let teacher He Xi be laughed at by those asshole painters!"

"Yes, I don't want to see the newspaper laughing at teacher He Xi!"

"Ten million, I think this painting is worth ten million! Others don't believe it has, we believe it! Everyone, for the sake of Teacher He Xi and "magic girl Xiaoyuan", let's raise money together! Let's buy this painting together, and then let Phoenix company put it on cartoon Island, and write down our name! "

After the fermentation of the event, a girl suddenly stood up and launched crowdfunding in the he Xizhi Family Forum. The purpose of this crowdfunding is to gather the strength of all people, and then buy the painting, and let Phoenix company take the painting in comics Island, display it, and write down the name of each reader participating in the crowdfunding.

A very simple idea has won the support of many hot-blooded readers in an instant, but it is difficult to implement.

First of all, there is the problem of funds. The goal of crowdfunding is 10 million. But even if 1000 people participate in crowdfunding, the average person needs 10000, which is almost impossible to achieve. However, after discussion, crowdfunding takes 10 million as its ultimate goal. In fact, readers can count how much they can raise and buy the painting as much as possible... If it fails, all the money from crowdfunding will be returned to you.

This is a big problem. Although we don't have much confidence, we finally got the consent of the vast majority of people. Then it's the most important thing. With such a huge amount of crowdfunding, no one can trust to give the money to others, which requires the active help of Phoenix company.

The response of Phoenix company was very quick. In fact, Alice sent someone behind the scenes to initiate the event. When the popularity of crowdfunding was almost rising, she asked Hersey to set up a crowdfunding page. This page, like the auction page, can freely donate money as long as the total amount exceeds the maximum amount of the auction and lasts for two hours, Crowdfunding is a success.

After the success, the painting will be displayed on comic Island, and people who participate in crowd funding will leave their names. Of course, Phoenix will not take the money, but turn it into an open and transparent Charity Fund

"When I went to see Meng Huo today, I heard him say that his charity fund was about to be built. I just took this opportunity, I can improve its popularity... "

Alice explained in Hersey's office that if this crowdfunding is successful, there will be too many benefits. First of all, Menghuo's charity fund can be noticed before its birth, which is equivalent to free advertising. At the same time, this painting is placed on the cartoon Island, which can become a viewing place, which is also very good for the development of the cartoon island.

"The readers who participate in crowdfunding know that their names have been left in comic Island, so why don't they come and have a look... Maybe we can build a comic exhibition hall, which will sell better in tourism and surrounding areas in the future..."

Alice said to Zhou Qian with a smile, "and the worst result is just the failure of the auction, I believe that with the cohesion of Meng Huo's fans and the support of the two fan groups, this event will certainly attract attention. At least it is more than enough to make up for the reputation loss caused by the auction error... "

Alice has the pro guard card in her hand, and Zhou Qian has the big sister League in her hand. Even if crowdfunding is unsuccessful, it can be vigorous!

"The first fan crowdfunding campaign in history" and "He Xi's fan cohesiveness has gone against the sky"

As long as there is similar news, fans' activities can offset the losses caused by the auction mistakes.

After listening to Alice's plan, Zhou Qian and Jose are speechless: they can turn disaster into opportunity, and turn disaster into a good thing that will win no matter what -- Alice, how terrible this woman is!

In this way, when the two hour clock ended and the ten million bubble broke, crowd financing made everyone ready to see jokes.