Chapter 164

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
"He Xi's confidence - as long as I want female readers, I can also surpass Zhongxia comics!"

Looking at a news headline on the Internet, Meng Huo couldn't laugh or cry: "it's nonsense."

How can he have such self-confidence? Is it not a matter of course that he just draws girls' comics in girls' magazines?

This happened on the night of the release of "weekly girl". Meng Huo had a busy day, so he could only find time to read other people's comments on "YINGLAN university men's public relations department" on the Internet in the evening.

There are praise and derogation in the media. Generally speaking, it is appreciated. The reason for derogation seems to be only one: it is not suitable for male readers.

This view is really outstanding, and many male readers also leave messages in his personal space.

"Teacher He Xi, your mythical status in my heart has been shattered. I didn't expect that you would give up your moral integrity for those female readers!"

"I don't like" male public relations department of Yinglan University ". I feel uncomfortable when I see public relations. How do the six Gao Fu Shuai look like ducks? Mr. He Xi, you let me down."

"It's disgusting that a man should draw the harem caricature of a female master!"

"I always think that Mr. He Xi, you are different from other cartoonists, but now you are more and more popular. What's the difference between YINGLAN university male public relations department and other girls' comics? I might as well go to see Qin Ya's star, at least she is a serious and beautiful girl

The comments were sent out by male readers and then aroused the dissatisfaction of female readers.

"Do you guys take weekly girl for your family? It was originally a cartoon for us girls. If you don't like it, you can go. No one asks you to see it! "

"What's the reason that only the state officials are allowed to set fire and the people are not allowed to light lamps? Boys' novels and comics have three wives and four concubines. Why can't Girls' comics work? And "cherry orchid university male public relations department" only a word, how do you know is the harem? What if it's pure love? "

"Don't pay attention to them. I just saw several professional sprayers. I don't know where I saw the news. I didn't even read the cartoon. People who like teacher He Xi won't be blind BB here. I'm a girl, but I can see everything teacher He Xi draws. I'm going to grab weekly youth all night tonight. Did you form a team

"Add me. I'm on the night shift."

"So do I. by the way, I'm a male reader. The story of Yinglan University's men's public relations department is quite interesting. I believe Mr. He Xi will not fall into the pattern of anti harem writing and will definitely draw new ideas."

Meng Huo turned several pages of comments, although there are many derogatory, but mostly praise. The simple truth is that "weekly girl" is a place where girls' comics are serialized. Male readers can face it rationally even if they don't like it. Only a few people who are fussy will pick on it.

What's more, tomorrow is "weekly youth", and male readers are more looking forward to the launch of any new juvenile comics.

At the beginning of Yinglan University's male public relations department, there is a girl's comic style, which can also lead to a misunderstanding of going against the harem. However, the later development is still very good. The emotions of the male and female protagonists are relatively specific, and time will prove its value.

After turning off the computer, Meng Huo was satisfied: "it seems that the sales volume will not be bad."

There is such a heated discussion on the Internet, which means that it is very popular. The sales volume of weekly girl is not bad.


This time, a shopping mall, a few women in the selection of clothes.

"My mother just called me and told me that she had bought a magazine girl and asked me if I had a manuscript for the next issue. I said no, and she blamed me for being a useless editor... "

"You don't have to say that today's magazines sell very well. I have no place to sell them after work."

"Well, the quick report hasn't come out yet, but judging from today's situation, the result is not much worse. The editor in chief said that as long as the sales volume of "YINGLAN university men's public relations department" is good, the company will give us all a bonus. It's great. "

This is a group of female editors of weekly girl. When they found that the bonus was expected, they went shopping together.

A few people chatting, slowly lost some: "however, we really need to reflect on..."

"Yes, I've made an appointment with some teachers. When they arrive, they must enlighten their minds tonight!"

It's a good thing that weekly girl's sales are booming, but why does it increase instead of decreasing after cutting so many comic strips? Is it true that He Xi has supported so many people?

As usual, editors would put all the reasons on He Xi, but this time it's different.

This time, the drawing work of "male public relations department of Yinglan University" is mainly done by two female cartoonists. Such hot sales at least prove that the quality of this cartoon is guaranteed, and their drawing skills are beautiful enough.So why did Ming Ming's painting work so well, but it still ended in the end? It is a matter of story.

"Ah, we must make them use their brains more

A female editor scratched her head. When she thought of her subordinates, she felt irritable.

"It's not easy."“ Yes, it's simple. How to use your brain... "

Other editors are helpless. Not everyone is like He Xi. For most cartoonists, it's very hard to come up with a few good stories in one's life.

"I found that using the brain is not as useful as guiding." Another female editor had a flash of inspiration: "didn't teacher He Xi give us a theme of" magic girl "before? Now it's opening up the cartoon copyright of "pet elf". The effect is very good! "

When Meng Huo handed in the magic girl, female cartoonists used their brains one after another, and theme works emerged one after another. After a few months, "magic girl" is still a hot topic for contribution, and the quality of contribution is much higher than that of other girl comics.

Last week, Meng Huo opened the copyright of the cartoon "pet elves". Several female cartoonists also came up with ideas, such as the heroine and elves participating in the gorgeous performance competition together, all of which made people shine.


The other editors looked at each other: "isn't that realistic?"

"The original comics are all about crossing the river by feeling the stone. The market is so small. We all write according to our previous experience, and the mode is fixed. All the time, we also persuade cartoonists to draw those routine articles. What else can we lead?"

"There's no way. It's not easy to be recognized by readers to write new subjects..."

"No - it used to be true, but now it's different. Every work of Teacher He Xi is a new subject, and each one is hot. If we let cartoonists go to teacher He Xi's work to look for the expectation point for originality, it's probably feasible."

An editor said, excited: "yes, yes, I found the way!"

Others are curious.

"What's the way? Tell me more about it!"

"Look for the point of expectation!" The editor excitedly explained: "for example," Detective Conan ", when I was watching it at the beginning, I always thought about how Kidd's appearance was so few, especially looking forward to his appearance again. That's the point of expectation."

"Other readers are certainly looking forward to Kidd's appearance. Suppose a teacher takes Kidd as a model and draws a cartoon, and the male owner is a mysterious and elegant rogue magician like Kidd. Isn't that meeting part of the readers' expectations?"

The eyes of other editors brightened.

"It seems so. I'm interested in listening to it."

"The point of expectation - I think it's interesting. The point of expectation can develop to many places, such as the witches, monsters and love in different time and space in Inuyasha, which can be used."

"Not only that, the cherry blossoms in" five centimeters per second "are also well painted, and can even be used as the theme! And I especially like the snowy tram. I think readers will want to see a similar story

"Teacher He Xi's works are full of gold. His comics are so charming that they will leave readers a lot of reverie. These reverie are actually the expectation points!"

The more editors think about it, the more excited they are. They have found a new road, a road that can let other cartoonists catch up with He Xi.

Other cartoonists look for what readers expect but are not satisfied with from He Xi's works, and then create stories based on these expectations. In this way, the developed cartoons are not only rich and colorful, but also very interesting, and even there will be a number of "witch", "Cherry Blossom" and other painting schools.

"Good idea, call the editor in chief quickly!"

"Don't call for the time being. Let's go to work tomorrow. The editor in chief is busy checking the dream eater."

"Yes, I forgot about it. However, the company is too biased towards "dream eater" and asked two editors in chief to do the final inspection together... "

"There's no way. Dream eater is a cartoon drawn by the chairman himself. He requires both male and female readers to adapt. The editor in chief is under great pressure."

"It's a pity that the magazine will have to overtake us again."

Dream eater is the most important cartoon of Phoenix company since Detective Conan. In fact, many female editors have read the first draft of the cartoon, and their feeling is very good, but not so amazing.

Some people even think that it can't reach the height of famous detective Conan, but Xu Jing insists on going his own way and has high hopes for it. Xu Jing has been looking for such a cartoon, "dream eater" is a cartoon that can be used as a teaching material and can influence many people, which is also a very difficult cartoon.Forty years ago, Antony influenced countless people with his detective Shylock, and the number of reasoning writers in the whole world has doubled.

Similarly, in China, the competition for novels is fierce. Several novels about novelists play a key role in the breakthrough of Longteng company. When some young people see the life of novelists and their struggle and glory in Longteng, they begin to yearn for this career.

Qin Ya is one of them. The people she symbolizes bring vitality to Longteng company and push forward the prosperity of the novel.

Xu Jing's idea is very simple. He hopes that there will also be a cartoon describing the struggle of cartoonists in the cartoon industry. If this cartoon becomes popular, it will not only make people understand and accept the cartoon better, but also have a positive impact on the development of the cartoon market in the future... Xu Jing's idea is very simple