Chapter 163

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
On Wednesday, March 11, bookstores selling weekly girl in Ninghai city lined up again.

Wang Jian has not seen such a scene for a long time. He is a reporter of East China newspaper. He has reported the scene of the sale of weekly youth before, and the popularity at that time still makes his memory fresh.

However, with the birth of Zhongxia, the comic magazine of Phoenix company is no longer as popular as before. At ordinary times, the number of readers who pick up the weekly magazine in the bookshop kiosk is more than two weekly comic magazines.

There are two factors in this. One is the mass production of Zhongxia comics. Relying on the huge scale of cartoonists, it launched the daily sales model. Although this model is very fake, the daily on Tuesday and the daily on Monday focus on different points. In essence, it is a weekly. But anyway, there are new magazines coming out every day, which is a great thing for readers.

In contrast, phoenix only sells two days a week, which naturally seems to be lagging behind. In addition, the quality of "weekly youth" and "weekly girl" is uneven, which can not compare with the overall quality of "Zhongxia daily".

Under these two factors, the press generally believed that it was doomed for Phoenix company to hand over Ninghai, the comic base, to Zhongxia company, and therefore paid less attention to Phoenix.

However, Wang Jian always had an idea in his mind that Phoenix company would be defeated by Zhongxia comics. One of the important reasons was that He Xi didn't launch new works.

He Xi serialized one work in "weekly boy" and "weekly girl" respectively, and with time, the readers' freshness has disappeared, so the Zhongxia comics came out, which will produce such a big change.

This idea, today's hot scene is the best proof

"There are so many beauties in the troughs!"

He Jin, Wang Jian's partner, was the one who exclaimed. He was a photographer. At the moment, he was holding a camera and excitedly shooting the hot scene of the bookstore: "when the Zhongxia daily magazine was on sale for the first time, it didn't seem so spectacular!"

Wang Jian nodded. In the first week of the launch of Zhongxia daily, the lively scene was less than half of today's. The bookstore in front of them has two floors. On the first floor, the line in the cartoon area has reached the first floor, and the line is full of young girls. It looks like a country of daughters.

"I'm embarrassed to interview so many women." Wang Jian wry smile, but he Jin is different, eyes bright light: "afraid of what, we are reporters, we used to interview, they will not say anything."

He's a little ready to move.


Wang Jian tidied up and went to the bookstore.

"Let go, let go, let go!"

But before they walked in, a young man ran out of the bookstore. He was panting, flushed and holding a magazine in his arms. Wang Jian noticed that it was weekly girl.

"Wait, Hejin." He reached for his partner who wanted to approach the "daughter country" and then walked to the young man: "how are you, sir? We are reporters from East China newspaper. Can you accept our interview? "

Wang Jianwen came to the smell of perfume from the man. It was the perfume of the women who lined up in the bookstore. It seemed that the man was enjoying his fortune.


The man was startled and flustered: "don't interview me. I don't accept interviews. When I entered the bookstore, there were not many people. Who knew that so many women would appear behind me. This was an accident - I didn't mean to be obscene at all!"

He misunderstood that the reporter wanted to interview him in the women group. Wang Jian said with a smile, "don't worry, we're not interviewing this matter. We just want to ask this magazine..."

Wang Jian pointed to the man's weekly girl.

Man Leng Leng, and then wiped wipe sweat: "Oh, so you are investigating teacher He Xi's new work, early said..."

His face became much brighter and his career sensitivity made Wang Jian know that he was a reader who would be interviewed and answered. He found a good partner today.

"Sir, weekly youth will be on sale tomorrow. Why do you come to buy weekly girl today?"

Wang Jian picked up the paper and pen, ready to record.

"I'm a fan of Teacher He Xi. I've been looking forward to his new work for a long time. It's true that today is a girl cartoon, but I still don't want to miss it." The man touched his head and said with a smile, "and didn't you cut a lot of comics this week《 It's 12 yuan. It's too cheap. There's no pressure to buy one. "

"Yes, indeed."

Wang Jian nodded as he wrote. This week, Phoenix company carried out an unprecedented large-scale beheading. Although some readers were dissatisfied, in the past, one magazine could buy two magazines, and the price reduction was also favored by other readers."Is there any other reason?"

Wang Jian continued.

"What else? There is teacher He Xi's girl cartoon is also very good! Last time, my colleagues and I read Inuyasha as a juvenile cartoon The man laughed: "we think the girl cartoon this time must be the same as last time, so I went to work today... Several colleagues helped me to do my work, and I rushed out to buy magazines."

"Ah, yes." The man turned his head to He Jin, who was going to take photos, and said, "don't take photos. My boss is not here today. If you put me in the newspaper, he will scold me to death tomorrow!"


He Jin put down his camera. He took so many pictures a day that few people could report to the police, so it was the same whether he took pictures or not. Today's main interviewers are girls. Tomorrow, of course, beautiful girls will be put in the newspaper.

"You don't have to worry. We rarely publish people who are not willing to report. Even if we want to put you up, we will pretend that others can't see you..."

Wang Jian thinks that it's also a very interesting publicity for a man whose face has been masked to appear in the newspaper, but he really can't say it, So he continued: "are you satisfied with teacher He Xi's new cartoon? Is it the same type as Inuyasha

"No, it's not the same..."

The man shook his head and looked disappointed: "the new cartoon is a typical girl's cartoon. Originally, I wanted to buy some back, but now I can take one back to hand in."

"A typical girl cartoon?"

Wang Jian quickly wrote it down. He was surprised. No wonder there were no male readers in the bookstore. It turns out that He Xi's new cartoon is a typical girl's cartoon. He wondered, why did He Xi give up the previous style of killing men and women?

At the end of the interview, Wang Jian and he Jin went into the bookstore. This time, they had a clear goal. They interviewed different types of female readers, and the answers were surprisingly similar.

Those female readers who have read the sample are full of praise, praise He Xi's new work is very good. And the girls who didn't see the sample were also very excited. They knew he Xi had produced a girl's cartoon from other channels, and they came over happily.

"Teacher He Xi has always been biased towards male readers. Even girls' comics like" five centimeters per second "use the male protagonist's perspective. Although they are all great, I always expect him to write a cartoon suitable for girls!"

"But this" YINGLAN university men's public relations department "is very good. I think it's better than Qin Ya's" star. "

"This is an orthodox girl cartoon. I like it very much, which proves that teacher He Xi is willing to listen to everyone's voice. But after reading, I found that teacher He Xi is really good at everything and can draw well! I hope he can draw more types of comics and not limit himself. "

Wang Jian also saw some women at home who came to buy weekly girl, and the answer was very interesting.

"I like idol love dramas. After watching the first words of" YINGLAN university male public relations department ", I feel like I'm telling the story of Cinderella becoming a princess... Although it's a little tacky, none of the girls has such a dream. I like this cartoon very much."

"My daughter asked me to buy it, but after looking at the sample, I think I can watch it with my daughter. The handsome guy in it looks good... What are you laughing at? No one stipulates that middle-aged women can't see handsome guys?"

"I think he Xi will soon become the topic of square dance and mahjong Hall..."

After the investigation, Wang Jian basically confirmed the effect of he Xixin's cartoon: it's a work against the harem that makes women crazy and men don't like

He felt that He Xi had taken the road of conforming to the market, But in the end, when interviewing the bookstore owner, Wang Jian had a surprise.

"I'm very satisfied with Mr. He Xi's new work, that is," male public relations department of Yinglan University. "

The middle-aged male store manager replied with a smile: "when teacher He Xi launched Inuyasha, the sales volume of our bookstore was also very hot, but there were too many male customers, which was a big problem."

"Weekly girl and weekly boy used to be magazines with completely different readers. I think if teacher He Xi continues to launch the cartoon of" eat all men and women "in weekly girl, the positioning of weekly girl and weekly boy may be confused or even homogenized. I think that's very dangerous."

"Teacher He Xi may not matter, but Phoenix company as a professional comic company, its magazine classification must have a clear positioning, cultivate readers, which is also good for promoting the development of comics. If all are confused, cartoonists can't write minority works, everyone will write neutral comics."

The bookstore manager's reply made Wang Jian understand that He Xi was repositioning the two magazines of Phoenix company. He could eat both men and women, but other cartoonists didn't have the ability."In this case, is He Xi binding himself?"

Wang Jian always thinks that this is not a good thing, especially for He Xi.

"I don't think so..." but the bookstore manager didn't think so. He shook his head and said with a smile, "Teacher He Xi has a strong will to do this. If he had to worry about the readers of both men and women and maximize the readers of a cartoon before, now he might have confidence."

"He can create sales miracle only by female readers!"