Later, without knowing what means Monta used, he gradually expanded his power. Then Monta also took in some orphans to help him steal and get money.

After that, life is like meeting Ali at the beginning. Ali steals money, followed by two accomplices. When necessary, they beat people to rob money or extort money directly.

After solving Ali's problem, Ye Qing brings him back to Yinhu. After returning to Yinhu, Ye Qing also tells mark about it.

When Mark heard that Ali was a habrut, his first reaction was just like Ye Qing's, let alone how excited he was. Because they are short of nothing but a guide, Ali's arrival undoubtedly makes up for this.

Mark is basically sure of John's hiding place. What mark needs to do now is to let a person who knows the geographical environment around habrut as a guide, so that they can find a specific sense of direction in the desert.

Moreover, Ali once walked through the desert of habrut. Although that was a few years ago, he still had a general impression. Especially the oasis. Ali remembers it very well.

So with this living map, Mark's confidence in this plan of marching into the desert and looking for John is increased.

The next day, mark and they set out. This time, they were still disguised as caravans, and they slowly moved towards habrut. It took three to five days for them to arrive at habrut from Gaida.

Ye Qing and they are not in a hurry to go, they are now low-key, as far as possible not to reveal their whereabouts. To know that John has chosen to be here, then he is fully confident of doing a good job of preventive measures.

And three days later, Ye Qing and they arrived in the desert of habrut, but on the first day in the desert, they met with a big headache.

Mark is sick!

Mark's body is not so fragile. But this is in the desert, the temperature difference between day and night is too big, plus acclimatization, and Mark's accumulated injuries all the year round.

Under all kinds of conditions, mark was ill and critically ill.

In the past, mark resisted all the diseases in his body by virtue of his strong body. But the disease is like this. Once it breaks out, it will be like a mountain torrent, which can not be contained at all.

Mark is suddenly faint, Ye Qing immediately help him diagnosis and treatment, but this diagnosis, Ye Qing's heart instantly mentioned the throat. The reason why Ye Qing is like this is that Mark's body is too weak. It can almost be described as this. Mark's body is like a renovated second-hand car. Although it looks gorgeous, most of the machines inside have rusted.

If ye Qing is not here this time, I'm afraid Mark's life will be lost.

However, although Ye Qing has saved Mark's life, but with Mark's physical condition, he is absolutely unable to move forward with the team, otherwise, mark will surely die.

And in the premise of the scarcity of high-end personnel, mark is still missing, which is just like adding insult to injury. And Mark's role in the silver fox team is like the existence of the backbone. For Ye Qing, it's really a headache that such a big mountain suddenly falls down.

"What to do now." Alice went to Ye Qing and asked with a worried look.

Mark's sudden illness forced Ye Qing to withdraw from the desert. In order not to reveal their whereabouts, under the leadership of Ali, they chose a remote place far away from the town of habrut before they camped out.

However, under the banner of caravan, Ye Qing claimed that their purpose was to carry out trade activities in Oman through habrut. In addition, they are very low-key along the way, so they have not attracted much attention.

At this time, Ye Qing, standing in the tent, is looking at the squatting camels outside. Ye Qing's eyebrows are wrinkled. At this time, he also wears Arabic clothes, surrounds his turban, and slightly changes his face. At this time, he really looks like an Arabic. And Alice, is also walking in front of Ye Qing.

"Mark's condition is very bad. He can't follow us any more." Ye Qing sighed, looked at Alice, and said helplessly. At this time, Ye Qing's mood, bad to the extreme.

"So we're going to put mark down?" Alice asked in surprise. Ye Qing's words were obviously beyond her expectation.

In Alice's opinion, silver fox can't be without mark. Mark was an indispensable leader when Steven was in the past. If we tell other players that mark can't follow the team now, they will feel much lower.

And now Billy and they are waiting for the news anxiously outside, they are afraid to hinder Ye Qing, just stand outside. Alice is Ye Qing asked her to come in and help. Now if you tell Billy the news, it's estimated that they will be mad, even furious.

"You have to put it down." Ye Qing sighed heavily, some dejected said: "Mark's body, if you follow us into the desert, then he will die, no doubt, what he needs now is careful conditioning, and a good rest."

"How can we talk to Billy and Josh? If we do, they can't accept it. I know them too well." Said Alice anxiously.

Mark's condition, she also saw, now mark is still in a coma, and pale, even breathing is very weak. If mark is walking in the desert in such a state, he is trying to die.

But silver fox so many years, we have been used to mark, they need mark, especially at this critical time.

"No matter how hard they can't accept it, I have to say that if they can't even get through this hurdle, then they don't deserve the title of silver fox. And without mark, we can still win this time. You have to believe me Ye Qing frowned and said firmly.

Alice looked at Ye Qing. She didn't know why. Her heart was deeply touched. Maybe only Ye Qing has the charm and courage to bring hope to his teammates in a desperate situation.

"Let's go, Ye Qing. I believe you can do it. No matter how difficult the conditions are, you can take us out of the predicament." Alice said to Ye Qing with a smile. At this time, there was no anxiety and worry in Alice's eyes. There was only trust in Ye Qing and her sincere worship.

Ye Qing nodded. At this time, he had to stand up. All the humility he should have in the past should be damned. What ye Qing needs to do now is to rekindle everyone's fighting spirit.

Ye Qing and Alice came out. As soon as they came out, Billy and them gathered around, looking very anxious.

"Ye, mark, how is he?" Billy was the first one to ask. At this time, the handsome young man was not as handsome as he used to be. There was only anxiety and worry on his face.