Soon, the girl named Molly was brought up. When she saw Molly, Monta's eyes were as bright as light. Monta grabbed Molly's hair, and Molly looked at her boss. In her eyes, she was only frightened except frightened.

"No, it hurts..."

Molly's terrible cry came out in the room, but the man had to close the door and repent of his sins.

For a long time, there was no cry in the room, and the man had already left.


Alice rushed over in a frenzy and grabbed her fingernails on Monta's face. Monta's nose was rotten, her eyes were scratched and her face was torn.

But even in such pain, he couldn't shout out. His body was shaking.

But ye Qing didn't stop Alice, the Monta, from coming to this end. Ali, on the other hand, walked over and covered the quilt on the little corpse with a sad face. Perhaps, this scene reminds him of his sister.

"Here you are." Ye Qing took out the sword and handed it to Ali. Ye Qing knows that now it's Ali's turn to take revenge.

Ali took the saber, and her face was also extremely ferocious. At this time, Alice had stopped her crazy behavior.

Ye Qing flew another silver needle, which untied the mute point of Monta. At the moment of unlocking the acupoints, Monta screamed bitterly, but he still couldn't move, he could only scream loudly.

Ali looked at this scene, his face also showed bloodthirsty ferocity, he picked up the knife, crazy stabbing Monta, he will his anger, his sadness, his hatred, all vent on Monta.

Ali avoided the key point with every knife. He wanted to make Monta's life worse than death.

Until the end, Monta had no voice, blood flow all over the ground, and Ali, is also tired. Ali put a knife on his neck and cut off his head.

After cutting off Monta's head, Ali also gave out a crazy laugh, which was very crazy. Ali took Monta's head in one hand, and then took a sabre in the other hand, and walked staggeringly, laughing as he walked.

At the end of the day, Ali couldn't laugh or cry. So Ali stopped. Ali knelt down on his knees. He closed his eyes tightly and began to pray devoutly.

At this time, a lot of people were gathered outside. These people were all under Monta's hands. They heard Monta's scream, but when they came, Monta was dead, and Ali had cut off his head. Seeing this scene, their eyes were very complicated, but they didn't mean to start. They just stared at Ye Qing.

And Ye Qing and Alice, looking at these people's attitude, also looked at them coldly.

The two sides were deadlocked until Ali opened his eyes again, slowly stood up, glanced at the people one by one, and said a word, then the people were willing to disperse.

Ali's words are like this: "after so many years of wanton bullying by Monta, don't you want to turn over after he died? We didn't have a chance before, because we didn't dare. We were afraid that he would kill us. But now, the devil is dead and I've killed him myself. What else do you have to be afraid of a dead body without a head? "

Ali was very excited, and those people were often bullied by Monta. Although Monta had given them a little favor, they knew that Monta treated them like a dog. When you are happy, give them something to eat. When you are not happy, take it out on them.

Now that Monta is dead, they don't want to take revenge at all. What's more, Ali's words have touched their hearts, and they really wake up. So they are not around Ye Qing, but scattered separately.

When they dispersed, Ali came to Ye Qing's side, bowed respectfully, and said, "Ali has vowed to Allah, as long as you can help me revenge, then I will serve you all my life until I die. Master, please accept my worship."

"Well... You don't have to. Just treat me as your friend." When ye Qing heard what Ali said, she looked at Ali's action and said with embarrassment and embarrassment.

But Ali's face was still very serious and said, "no, I can't be disrespectful to Allah. I must abide by the oath I have made. I hope the master won't make it difficult for me. "

Looking at Ali's attitude and thinking about the religious belief here, Ye Qing can only give up. For a loyal believer, he can't betray Allah's oath in any case. Therefore, if ye Qing refuses again, it will be disrespectful to Ali's belief. That way, he estimates that Ali will commit suicide to show his ambition.

So Ye Qing from now on, also hang a host's name.

After that, on the way back to Yinhu to have a rest, Ye Qing also knows something about Ali. Ali took the initiative to talk about these, but ye Qing did not ask.

Ali tells that after Ali's sister was raped, his mother finally couldn't tolerate it and disclosed the secret to his father's old subordinates. And those old subordinates were still loyal to his father, so after hearing this, they immediately wanted to kill Monta.

After knowing the truth, namonta killed Ali's mother for the first time, and then fled with ALI and Ali's sister as hostages.

Then, they also entered the desert of habrut. In the process of marching in the desert, they encountered a severe sand storm, which led them into a desperate situation. In this case, Monta did not let Ali's sister go and insulted her in front of Ali. Then, in the absence of water and food, Monta killed Ali's sister, took her blood to make water, and ate his sister's meat.

After hearing this, Ye Qing's heart is also full of emotion. Maybe there are such scum in the world. They can't be called human beings at all, because they don't even have the basic conscience of human beings.

Alice was furious when she heard that, but Monta was dead, and she died miserably, so Alice didn't go mad again. But Alice also apologized to Ali, this is the first time, Ye Qing was surprised. You know, Alice would never apologize if she did anything wrong, even if she put a knife around her neck.

But immediately, Ye Qing also want to understand, maybe Alice in Ali's body, feel a kind of sympathy.

And then Ali and Monta found the oasis. There, they finally recovered and saved their lives. After saving their lives, they went all the way south to Gaida.