In the dark, the still water surface of the lake rippled slightly, and the thick fog rolled and stirred to completely cover the area.

A thick tentacle stretched out from the lake, and then it fell into the water and disappeared. After a few moments, there was a crash, and a figure came out from the bank.

His body was scarred, his skin was pale, his chest was shining with a faint blue light, and he was sending out powerful magic waves, with a long tentacle in his hand.

As soon as I got ashore, I couldn't wait to put it into my mouth and chew it. The tentacle was pale and smelly, but it was the only thing that could fill my stomach.

As he chewed his mouth, he could hear someone's scream and wail in his head. He nibbled with no expression on his face. For his own existence, he didn't regard himself as a normal person. He didn't have to consider any scruples. He just needed to live and kill more enemies.

Recently, five more people have come to the town. They don't seem to be chasing him. But who knows? If they find their own existence, they will not be polite.

As he ate, there was another huge pain in his abdomen. He looked down and saw that the rotten area on it was deepening and had spread from his abdomen to his chest.

It began to appear after eating the food in this area. In the past, no matter what kind of injury, he could heal automatically as long as he didn't die. Therefore, he became the most favorite experiment of the mage.

The Moonstone on his chest is a gift from the master of the mage, and it's also a nightmare. This powerful magic crystal gives him the ability to cast magic, but it also bears unimaginable pain, and he has to endure the spontaneous rejection of his body every day.

But it doesn't matter. As long as you live, you will have a chance to return to the people and show them the possibility of the giant using magic.

The black fog is like a tide into his body. There is a strange force in the fog in this area. If it is absorbed into his body, his ability can be doubled, just like a natural killing ground for him.

The killers sent by lugaoyin died here one by one. Although they became more and more powerful, they also grew up in the process of killing. Unfortunately, the decay has reached their chest, and the hope of finding the people has become increasingly dim.

He put the last tentacle into his mouth and chewed. He felt his muscles still trembling and his appetite twitched. Even when he grew up eating raw food, he still couldn't adapt to it. The wailing in his mind kept tormenting him.

Only when the fog is inhaled into the body can the feeling of fullness be separated from the feeling of nausea.

All of a sudden, he looked up at the sky suspiciously. The wind was blowing in the dark, as if a dark cloud had gone by??

There was a little doubt in his mind. He looked up and looked around. At the same time, he quickly let out the black fog, which had formed an instinctive reaction.

It has been a while since he came here, but he has never experienced climate change such as strong wind, only deep haze, and all kinds of strange phenomena.

Even now has been numb, the wind blew away his black fog, there is a moment, the heart of uneasiness to the extreme.

Until the wind goes away, everything calms down again, the thick fog covers him again, and the sense of security returns to him.


Suddenly a voice came from my side.

He turned his head stiffly. There was a human standing in the thick fog. His eyes seemed to penetrate the black fog and looked directly into his eyes.

Grolen was shocked. Such a human must be a strong man like his master. His ability had no effect in front of lugoin.

Now it was the same feeling. He was surprised and angry: "human, are you here to kill me?"

"So to speak." Lin Feng answered calmly, and noticed the pale skin on his body, and his eyes slightly stagnated.

"Come on, I grolen will never be a slave!" He roared loudly, the fog around him stirred like a vortex, and he didn't know how much energy he inhaled in an instant, but he was stunned and expanded.

A black fog like a drill suddenly appeared in front of Lin Feng, but it didn't penetrate. The human in front of him also expanded rapidly and became a young giant, his kind.

Grolen was stunned. First he was puzzled, then he was angry. "You're fooling me."

The black fog whirled and stuck on the shoulder of the young giant opposite. It had no effect. The strange force that could corrode everything was bounced away.

But he determined at least one thing. It was not an illusion, but an entity. Because he had been with the mage for many years, he still had some insight. Illusions and other things would be broken as soon as they were poked, while transfiguration and other things, no one would become a giant.

They have changed into beasts and flying dragons, but no mage has ever tried to change into giants, because in the eyes of these high-ranking mages, giants are just some uncivilized primitive people, which are synonymous with coarseness and lowliness.

"You ~ are you true?" He asked, trembling with disbelief.

Lin Feng: "you are not the only giant who can use magic."

"What do you mean, you're really a giant?" Grolen's voice couldn't help but excite. He was lonely in the darkness of despair. I don't know how long, but suddenly he met a similar person. The excitement can be imagined.

"Of course, let me show you another kind of magic." Lin Feng came over and gathered a light yellow light in his hand, which was full-bodied to the extreme. Looking at the approaching palm, grolen's vigilance kept trying to retreat and dodge, but looking at each other's look, he didn't move after all. At the moment when the energy entered his body, he felt as if his body had been activated. His whole body was trembling and cheering, as if it was raining after a long drought. Ah!!! He can't help but shout out, at the same time, the moon stone on his chest lights up like a magic lamp. Huh? Lin Feng checks the reaction in his body and finds that the Moonstone is actually embedded between his two hearts, and it is forcibly implanted into the core with the giant's powerful vitality. It was only with this vigorous vitality that grolen survived. These guys were really rough. Lin Feng shook his head and sent another stream of vitality to him. long time. Grolen knelt down and gasped, "what kind of magic is this?" It belongs to the magic of giants. I call it vitality energy. " Lin Feng shows this energy between his fingers“ The magic of giants... "Grolen murmured and felt the residual energy in his body, as if he had washed his body clean and regained his life“ When does a giant have his own magic Lin Feng: "in the northwest wasteland, there used to live a black island tribe. Later, they came out of the mountains, built their own city on the wasteland, and created their own magic. Now they are saving all the giant compatriots, and I am here for you."