Then we should start from the most likely hiding places. Some larger buildings can hide the giant's body, and there are drinking water and food sources nearby.

Lin Feng thinks and looks up at Wen aimlessly. When he turns around, his pupils suddenly contract. Willa, who just flew away, is standing behind quietly.

"Xuejie, when did you come back?"

The other side didn't make a sound, just calmly looking at him, for a long time just said: "come with me."

Without waiting for Lin Feng's permission, she jumped off the roof and stood on the empty street. She looked back and urged again, "come on!"

The voice is ethereal and quiet, as if there is only one voice left in the world in a moment. The whole thinking is full of reverberation. Come on! Come on!

People can't help but follow. Lin Feng was still suspicious. When the third sound came, people had already jumped down and followed her into the street.

The heavy darkness on both sides of the street pressed over, completely unable to see the things next to him. Only Vera's direction had a trace of light, and he quickly followed.

The faster she walked, the faster she couldn't catch up with her. Finally, her figure disappeared into a dark hole on the ground. Is it a mine?

Lin Feng automatically gave an answer in his heart. However, just as he stepped in, his feet stopped in the air. "It's not so easy to deceive me!"

Although he did not know why his mind would be affected, his subconscious clearly told him that not only the direction was wrong, but also all the distances were wrong.

Although this person is jumping around in front of him, there is such a person in his perception, but such a real person has no breathing, no heartbeat, no physiological characteristics.

He just wanted to see what tricks the other side had. He slowly pulled his feet back. He didn't know if the other side would vomit blood. Suddenly, a strong force came from his back, which was like a heavy push. Lin Feng couldn't control his body and fell in.

When he fell into the cave, he had already spread his wings and stabilized himself. Just as he was about to fly, he was pushed heavily again, and all his bodies were knocked in.

This time, he had a quick reaction. He grabbed behind him. There was nothing. His hand was empty, and his body fell down uncontrollably.

Want to pit me, dream!

His eyes red, the next moment the body suddenly expanded up, two meters of the body turned into five meters to ten meters.

100 meters~


With the appearance of Godzilla's form, the wings trembled, and the huge figure had been stabilized in the air. I didn't know how many times I was hit, but it was like being patted with my hand. It didn't have any effect.

Lin Feng floated quietly, but he didn't rush to fly out. His red pupil, like a water tank, scanned the space. There was nothing around him. It was such a small hole, but it blocked his big body.

However, it seems that the situation has reached the extreme. Suddenly, there are tentacles like things stretching out quickly, and then they are put on him. These tentacles are big and small, small as arms, big as human body.

Around his body, the top of his body even opened its tusks to bite, but his hard scales blocked the tusks, and the sharp teeth made a sharp sound like a knife point scraping glass.

These snake like things tighten up at once, and dozens or hundreds of them exert force in the same direction at the same time. Even his body can't help being pulled down.

Lin Feng had been observing, and was slowly pulled down. Although his eyesight was greatly enhanced after he changed, it was like an abyss below. These strange snakes didn't know how far they were going down. After a while, suddenly there was a strong palpitation!

This kind of vigilance will only appear when the extreme danger is enough to threaten life. It seems that there is something to rush out and we can't wait any longer.


When the two taps cast at the same time, the magic in his body poured out like a tide. At the same time, the dragon's wings blurred, and the original slow falling momentum reversed. His rapid ascent was like the moment when the parachute opened.

The smaller snakes on his body broke one after another, but there were still hundreds of them which were pulled into rubber bands. They were thin and thin, but they didn't break. Lin Feng felt that he was pulling something out.

Good. There's a door!

Below came an angry and strange art language, "??? I won't let you go! "

"Who won't let go of who!"

With the roar of Lin Feng's two taps, the whole space vibrates. Four thick red lights instantly penetrate the darkness and enter directly below. Microwave particles instantly heat the space into a dense picture.


Below came an earth shaking scream. All the snake bodies wrapped around him broke instantly, and the surrounding space began to fluctuate violently. Terrible!

Lin Feng couldn't care to see what was going on below. He speeded up again and rushed to the sky like an aircraft. The next moment, the familiar fog filled his vision. He stopped his body and looked down. A dark hole on the ground was twisting and closing.

It's very dangerous, just a little bit close to being locked in the annihilation space, the regular power of the universe, even this body, he has no confidence to resist. He looked at it and found that it wasn't exactly where the statue of the woman was. The Viper like things were just wrapped around him. So, this kind of thing has appeared before, or no one will carve it, or is it accidental? Lin Feng didn't know, but at least he knew that there were many things in the universe that he didn't know. In any small town, there were such terrible things. You know, he was the one who got the core of the void. Those void creatures shuttle through the dreams of the multiverse and have rich knowledge, but there is no record of this. What's the other line??? I don't know why he just can't think of it. The three syllables in front of the name are clearly a complete sentence. Forget it, I'd better go and see grolen. Anyway, it's dark and strange here, even if it's found out who dares to find out. As soon as Lin Feng's wings unfolded, his body swept out. This shape expanded his perception by hundreds of times, and the advantage of his body shape was reflected incisively and vividly. His expanded figure almost covered half of the town. At this time, his perception spread to a radius of ten li, and all his life could be seen at this moment. There was no breath of life in the room where they lived. Obviously, they all had their own plans. With the wings of Lin Feng, the huge wind blows across the town, and countless fine sand tiles are blown away. His figure disappears in the same place, but the things that fly out quietly appear in the original position.