Ouyang Feng and Qiu Jian also noticed the casualties of the survivors in the western continent, but now they are also lack of skills. Fortunately, these dark bloodthirsty people seem to have been ordered by Chris to arrest, so the vast majority of the survivors are injured but do not die.

Of course, in such a chaotic battlefield, everything is not absolute, and although the dark bloodthirsty people are extremely agile and fast, their brains are not so smart. They often get hurt by mistake and kill their opponents directly.

The dark bloodthirsty man tries not to kill people, but once his opponent is killed by him, the dark bloodthirsty man will not be polite any more. He just picks up the man's body, tears off a piece at will and chews it up.

The survivors of the western continent have no formation now, and even the ten member group previously assigned to them have all been broken up, falling into a state of fighting on their own.

Fortunately, although the formation of these survivors on the western continent can no longer be constructed, they are still able to help each other and gradually become proficient.

Liana and George stand back-to-back, fighting against the attack of two dark bloodthirsty men. George is a sniper, good at guns, but now in this situation, obviously there is no way for him to play his strengths.

Because now the battlefield is in chaos. Even the other survivors received the guns or ammunition that Ouyang Feng gave them yesterday, but now no one is using thermal weapons for fear of causing accidental injury.

When George just rushed out of the underground fortress, he once thought about breaking out. If he can get rid of these dark bloodthirsty people and run to the outside, maybe his number of killing enemies will become very high, but it is obvious that in front of those dark bloodthirsty people who are far faster than him, George has no chance at all.

As his elder sister, Leanna had to stay with George and fight with him. Leanna's close combat ability is very strong, and she is also an agile and strong wind awakener.

However, because of the need to protect George, liana didn't give up. She just reluctantly resisted the attack of these dark bloodthirsty people. In fact, the other people in the war circle are almost the same now, and they are basically in a disadvantage in front of the dark bloodthirsty people. After all, the strength of the dark bloodthirsty people is higher than them.

However, because Ou Yangfeng alone contained hundreds of dark bloodthirsty people in his side of the battle circle, their number occupied some advantages in this side of the battle circle. In addition, Xiaowu and Qiu Jian kept their cover and support, and the dark bloodthirsty people did not really kill them.

Therefore, the proportion of casualties among survivors on the western continent is not very large. However, if this continues, it is likely that all survivors on the western continent will be wiped out.

Ouyang Feng was worried. At this time, he could not spare his strength to deal with the dark bloodthirsty people who might come to support him. The apocalypse in his hand was waving constantly, harvesting the lives of the dark bloodthirsty people around him. From time to time, he quickly switched the form of apocalypse and shot several ice arrows to support the battle circle there.

But there are too many dark bloodthirsty people around Ouyang Feng, and they are very fast. In a short time, Ouyang Feng can't kill all these dark bloodthirsty people to support the battle circle there.

Xiaowu, they are a little better, but they only have five people after all. It's impossible to take care of all the people in the field. Therefore, the number of casualties has been increasing at a slow but growing rate

"Be careful!" After Leanna blocks a dark bloodthirsty man's claw on her head, she peeks at George, only to find that George is in danger. Another dark bloodthirsty man, who doesn't know where, has joined the attack on him, making George face the attack of two dark bloodthirsty men at the same time.

He has just fended off the attack of a dark bloodthirsty man. Another dark bloodthirsty man's claw has caught his head. This is not to capture him, but to kill him directly. As long as he is grasped by this claw, George's head will be directly crushed like a watermelon falling from high altitude.

But at this time, liana had no time to rescue George. She could only watch her brother dying in front of her eyes.

"Drink!" At this critical moment, a majestic figure suddenly directly knocked George away, making him avoid the fatal grasp. In the next second, a thin figure also fell from the sky, a sword light flashed, and the dark bloodthirsty man who almost made George die suddenly turned into a headless body. After shaking twice, he directly fell to the ground.

It was Qiu Jian who killed the dark bloodthirsty man. Before the body of the dark bloodthirsty man fell to the ground, Qiu Jian's long sword had easily killed the other dark bloodthirsty man. Later, his body advanced rapidly and sent the dark bloodthirsty man who was grabbing his claws at Lina into the boundless darkness.

Because of her concern for George, Leanna, who forgets herself, turns around and looks at her. She is in a cold sweat. If it wasn't for Qiu Jian, she would be dead by this time. If she wanted to do it again, she would have to wait for her next life.However, when Liana wanted to thank Qiu Jian, she found that Qiu Jian's figure had disappeared. He was a firefighter now, the awakened people in the western continent. There were too many dangers, and he had no time to rest at all.

As a matter of fact, Qiu Jian is not very interested in these tall, blonde survivors in Xizhou, but Ou Yangfeng told him and Xiaowu last night that they should try their best to make these survivors survive. So they are all busy shuttling through the crowd, saving people and killing dark bloodthirsty people.

Liana turned to look at George, and then found that it was Harry, the old black, who had just run into George and saved his life in an emergency. At this time, Harry had pulled George up, and then pushed him to liana, saying:

"little guy! Pay attention next time. It's no fun to get your head scratched! "

"Thank you! Harry Liana quickly looked at her brother and found that he was just a little bruised, which didn't matter, so she nodded to Harry to thank him.

Liana, George and Nicholas are all white people. Generally speaking, at least before the end of the world, the relationship between black people and white people was not very harmonious, and even there were many wars. After the end of the world, although this situation has been alleviated, it is not so obvious.

Obviously, liana did not expect that Harry would sacrifice his life to save his brother George. Although Harry has not been hurt now, at that time, a person who was not careful to save others might replace the person he saved and become a corpse.

Harry grinned at Liana's thanks and showed his white teeth. Just as he was about to speak, he said, "poof!" Harry's head burst, and then the body fell to the ground, twitching.

After Harry fell down, he revealed a dark bloodthirsty man behind him. At this time, he was licking his paws and sucking the brain and blood into his mouth.

However, as soon as the dark bloodthirsty man added it, a sharp arrow flew over and directly penetrated his head, and the frost began to permeate his body from top to bottom.

"Damn it! It's a pig! " After shooting that arrow, Ouyang Feng couldn't help yelling. He found that these guys in Xizhou didn't have enough fighting experience, but they didn't have it at all!

Is the battlefield a place to chat? Is it a place to show thanks and pick up girls? In such a chaotic battlefield, there is still a mood to chat. Who will die if such a person does not die?

Harry, with a dark bloodthirsty man behind him, is still in the mood to grin at Liana. Do you really want to smile at that dark bloodthirsty man? Maybe the other party is so happy to see you smile, a good mood will not kill you.

Although Harry didn't know there was a dark bloodthirsty man behind him, and because this guy was bigger and blocked his sight, liana and George didn't find it.

But when you are in the battlefield, you have to watch and listen. What are you going to see at this time? But liana and George are even more frightened by the tragic situation of Harry's death. If Ouyang Feng hadn't seen the situation from a distance and shot a feather arrow, I'm afraid they would have followed Harry immediately.

"Poof!" Nicholas, who came here, cut off the head of the dark bloodthirsty man who was shot by Ouyang Feng, and then yelled at liana and George: "what's the matter? Fight if you don't want to die! "

Liana and George just wake up, quickly grasp their weapons, followed Nicholas.

These dark bloodthirsty people are all pseudo level 5 creatures, not as powerful as real level 5 creatures. Strictly speaking, they still belong to the category of zombies. If they lose their heads, they will be completely finished.

But even so, they are level five creatures after all, so the arrow before Ouyang Feng, even with the ice ability, can't kill him completely.

And because of this weakness, these dark bloodthirsty people are very good at protecting their heads. In addition, their speed is quite fast. Therefore, it is not easy for those survivors in western continent to kill these dark bloodthirsty people

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