Ouyang Feng's decision to go out from the main entrance was made after consulting with Nicholas after asking Xiaowu about the situation outside. In fact, Ouyang Feng's original intention was to close the main entrance and only open the other six entrances and exits.

However, through Xiaowu, Ouyang Feng knows the number of dark bloodthirsty people outside now. It may be because this is only the first night after they came here. Crisgan was not able to dispatch his subordinates, so even after one night, there are only about 3000 dark bloodthirsty people outside now.

Although more than 3000 dark bloodthirsty people are a drop in the bucket compared with the total number of dark bloodthirsty people under Chris, there are still too many for Ouyang Feng and the survivors behind him.

After all, Ouyang Feng originally planned to go step by step. At least in the first battle, it would be better to reduce the number of dark bloodthirsty people. A thousand or so is the most suitable number.

And in addition to the number of dark bloodthirsty people, Xiaowu also told Ouyang Feng a bad news, that is, today is cloudy, although there is no rain, but the sun is still not through the clouds, shining on the earth.

This means that today's dark bloodthirsty people don't have any scruples, but also make their crazy vent like smash yesterday meaningless.

Ouyang Feng began to think about whether or not he should not attack today and just hide below. However, he thought that there might be survivors from other places. If he did not go out, those new comers might become the prey of the dark bloodthirsty.

While Ouyang Feng was talking to Xiaowu, the survivors around Ouyang Feng also heard the situation outside. However, to Ouyang Feng's surprise, although he knew there was no sunshine now, the news didn't seem to scare the survivors.

In Smith's words, it doesn't matter whether he has sunshine or not. Anyway, we go out to kill the dark bloodthirsty people, and we don't go out to bask in the sun, which has nothing to do with us.

Smith's words were unanimously approved by the survivors on the scene, so finally, Ouyang Feng decided to take them to attack, but the location of the attack needed to be changed.

Before, Ouyang Feng planned to take these survivors from the western continent to fight against the dark bloodthirsty for the first time. Therefore, we should try our best to reduce casualties so as to give these survivors the courage to continue to fight against the dark bloodthirsty.

If the first battle is a heavy loss, then how many people dare to follow him next time, Ouyang Feng will not dare to say, so Ouyang Feng only wants to open a secondary entrance and carry out a small-scale battle.

After standing firm outside, we should expand our attack positions bit by bit to let more survivors from Xizhou take part in the attack. After all, Ouyang Feng has only six of them. They can't take care of a large area in the battlefield.

But today's weather has shattered Ouyang Feng's original idea. Because there is no sunshine, now all the 3000 dark bloodthirsty people gather above the underground fortress. Although there is some distance between them, with their speed, once Ouyang Feng appears, they can all arrive within ten seconds and surround them.

Moreover, ouyangfeng must close the entrance and exit immediately after they go out, because there are so many people sleeping in the underground fortress now. If they are mixed in by those guys, it will be a big trouble.

If the secondary entrance is opened and only a small number of people go out, Ouyang Feng estimates that they will be surrounded by the overwhelming dark bloodthirsty people. At the end of the battle, those who go out may die or be captured by the dark bloodthirsty people, except Ouyang Feng and other six people.

After Ouyang Feng clearly stated the situation outside and the danger they would face after going out, he gave the decision to the survivors of the western continent.

However, Ouyang Feng also added that since there is no sunshine today, even if they choose not to fight, Ouyang Feng will never have any opinions.

However, it seems that it was because it was really cool to smash the glass in the daytime last night, or the barbecue at night made them feel that it was better to eat this under the stars, so the survivors on the scene agreed that they must go out and give some color to those dark bloodthirsty people.

So after thinking about it for a long time, Ouyang Feng finally decided to open the main entrance, and after opening it, everyone rushed out together. According to the team assigned later last night, he first formed a defensive formation, and then began to kill after he got a firm foothold outside.

Moreover, Ouyang Feng specially told these people that if they heard him call out to retreat, the main entrance would be opened. No matter what the situation is, they should evacuate immediately and enter the main entrance.

Because Ouyang Feng is worried that there will be no sunshine today. Maybe he doesn't know when there will be a large number of dark bloodthirsty people. If that happens, they must evacuate immediately. Otherwise, the whole army will be destroyed.

If there are too many dark bloodthirsty people, some of them will fall down even among ouyangfeng's six, so ouyangfeng has to guard against them and let these survivors prepare in advance.After the main entrance is opened, ouyangfeng rushes out first. Qiu Jian and others originally stand in a horizontal row with ouyangfeng, and they also start to move together. When they sweep outside, they will kill some dark bloodthirsty people who want to rush in after the main entrance is opened.

Because there were six of them, and the dark bloodthirsty people had not yet gathered here, ouyangfeng rushed out smoothly. When they got outside, they quickly dispersed and occupied several positions around.

Xiaowu and the three of them were outside. When they saw that the main entrance had just opened, they began to attack those dark bloodthirsty people, attracting the attention of a large number of dark bloodthirsty people.

After they went out, all the awakened people inside rushed out with the fastest speed, and then formed a defensive formation outside the main entrance according to the pre divided groups.

However, because the cooperation between them was not so tacit, after rushing out, these people were confused for a while, and they did not really complete the whole defensive formation according to the previous drill.

This also creates opportunities for the dark bloodthirsty people. When the survivors of the western continent are in chaos, the dark bloodthirsty people rush into the crowd one after another. Then, many survivors are seriously injured by them, and then they are thrown out of the crowd, and then they are caught by other dark bloodthirsty people. After catching the survivors, the dark bloodthirsty people do not stop for a moment, and they go to work directly Flee to the distance.

Seeing this, Ouyang Feng was furious, and the Apocalypse blade in his hand instantly changed shape. Then, the sky full of arrow rain appeared and attacked those dark bloodthirsty people.

With a series of "poop poop!" The voice of the cold, those dark bloodthirsty people who are holding the survivors of the west continent, one by one at least two arrows appear on their bodies, and the white ice energy begins to spread on their bodies.

Due to the improvement of his strength, Ouyang Feng's ice arrow now has a more obvious deceleration effect. The speed of those dark bloodthirsty people who were running towards the distance was slowed down almost in an instant. Some of them even fell to the ground because of the sudden deceleration, and the survivors were also thrown out by them.

After shooting the ice arrow, Ouyang Feng directly switched the Apocalypse back to the Apocalypse blade state. At the same time, Ouyang Feng also launched a strong wind to kill those dark bloodthirsty people who were hit by the arrow. Because all those dark bloodthirsty people were hit by the arrow to slow down, they had no ability to resist Ouyang Feng's attack.

In less than a minute, nearly 100 dark bloodthirsty people outside were killed by Ouyang Feng, and even the corpses were put into the Apocalypse space by him.

It seems that they feel the threat of Ouyang wind. The dark bloodthirsty people who surround the survivors also draw out some of them and kill Ouyang wind. It seems that they are ready to kill the guy who seems to be the strongest first.

The action of the dark bloodthirsty people was just what Ouyang Feng wanted. While the dark bloodthirsty people surrounded themselves and launched attacks, Ouyang Feng launched the cold ice field. The white frost instantly covered the two meters of Ouyang Feng's body. All the dark bloodthirsty people who entered this range were slowed down, and then they were harvested by the apocalypse.

As this ice field, once it is used, it will not distinguish between the enemy and ourselves. That is to say, whether it is the dark bloodthirsty or the survivors of the west continent, even including Xiaowu and Qiu Jian, as long as they enter the field, they will be affected by this ice energy.

So Ouyang Feng has only started to use the cold ice field until now. Although the effect of the cold ice field is good, with apocalypse, killing the dark bloodthirsty people is like chopping vegetables and melons, but it also consumes a lot of physical strength.

Therefore, Ouyang Feng did not continue to open the cold ice field, but opened it for those dark bloodthirsty people who burst into his side. After adding the cold ice state, he folded up the field and opened it again after a few seconds.

This can not only save physical strength, but also has the same effect as continuous use.

However, the number of dark bloodthirsty people is still too much. Although Ouyang Feng has restrained some of them, Xiaowu, Qiu Jian and others are constantly helping the survivors who have been attacked.

But on the survivors' side, due to the problem of cooperation, the defense formation has not been well arranged. In addition, the dark bloodthirsty people have just burst into their middle, so now there are casualties among the survivors in Xizhou

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