"Sir, if we have any discomfort, we'll get on the ship first, and then we'll treat it slowly. I also have a hospital dedicated to treating your disease. We'll give you free treatment and free ward at that time. Don't talk nonsense!"

200 eras? I'm afraid there were no creatures except Yinuo who survived in the last era. Fang jueyu directly attributed the old monk to the ranks of mental patients.

As for how he knows his name, why is it difficult? Now he uses his true colors. With his popularity and influence on the earth, no one should not know him?

"Host, this old man is unusual!" Xiao Yi reminded, "although he doesn't have any cosmic source force, judging from his life energy, I'm afraid he's much older than you!"

"How is that possible?" Fang jueyu was surprised that although the earth has developed to this extent, the life cycle of ordinary humans is only about 250 years. An ordinary person can live to 300 years old!

Fang jueyu is now more than 8000 years old, unless the old man takes drugs! However, if you take the medicine to increase your life, there will be a unique energy in your body, and this old man obviously doesn't have such energy.

"Hehe, you have always been a cynic. I don't know why it was you!" The old monk didn't feel any strange about Fang jueyu's way of speaking. On the contrary, he appreciated Fang jueyu's expression.

"Me? What is me? " Fang jueyu frowned. The old man sounded as if he knew him well.

"Teacher Fu, do you know me?"

"More than recognition? I know you even better than yourself and your parents! "

"Impossible!" Fang jueyu didn't believe it at all.

"Before you came here, you went to the cosmic tomb, alias' Lin Zhengying ', and picked up a group of transcendents there, right?" The old man looked at Fang jueyu and smiled.

"This... If you are from Mingjiao and super Seminary, you should know that I did it. You know this, it's not strange."

"That's good!" The old man smiled confidently, "in the center of your eyebrows, there once lived a strong soul will from the root universe. I'm afraid no one knows!"

"Shua!" A cold coolness hit my heart. I'm afraid no one knows about it except a few non-human creatures such as Xiao Yi, er Gouzi and ino!

"I even know that this soul has completely disappeared there!"

"If you don't believe it, I'll say something more," the old monk began to say eloquently.

"When you were three years old, you shit in your crotch and were beaten by your father Fang Huai."

"When you were six years old, who did you secretly kiss in the kindergarten? The little girl named Ding Xinwen next to you."

"Shit! You know that! " If it hadn't been mentioned now, Fang jueyu would have forgotten such a long time ago.

"Your first time * * * was in your third grade of junior high school. Your favorite teachers were taonaimu and Caimei. When you were single, the frequency of DIY was three times a week. You..."

"Stop, stop! Enough, enough! " Fang jueyu's face is red. If the old man goes on, his pants will be stripped off, okay? Can you give people some basic privacy.

But Fang jueyu now believes that the old monk really knows himself very well, even runs through his life like a monitor, and even knows things he has forgotten or not noticed.

"Not only that, but I even know that this time you return to the earth to find the fragment of the last divine core."

"Who the hell are you?" Fang jueyu's eyes became dangerous. If the old man had ulterior motives, he must be a very dangerous man.

"I said, I've been waiting for you for 200 centuries!" The old man said, "if you insist on knowing my name, you can call me 'Nirvana'. In my time, people like to call me a prophet!"

"The prophet?" Fang jueyu smiled. "If you don't become a monk and become a divine stick, you will make a lot of money!"

Hearing Fang jueyu's bright ridicule, the old man was not angry. He still said in an ordinary tone, "don't you think there is an invisible pusher behind everything you have experienced?"

Fang jueyu's heart clicked. This sentence directly spoke to his heart. This feeling has been in his heart for a long time. Is it all the arrangement of the old man? But how is that possible? This is unreasonable!

"Are you interested in listening to me now?" The old monk looked at Fang jueyu with a smile.

"You said." Fang jueyu's tone became more respectful and even used a honorific title.

"Of course, who can live 200 eras? Except the little guy on your shoulder, no one can escape the rolling of the reincarnation market. Of course, such luck can't be copied."

"Then you..."

"What I'm talking to you now is not the master of this body. I'm borrowing his body to talk to you from 200 eras ago!"

The old man suddenly closed his eyes, but when he opened his eyes again, an unspeakable force seemed to pull him into another world at once. Fang jueyu even felt his consciousness and went back to the past through countless years.

Suddenly, the space was frozen, and a prosperous palace appeared in front of Fang jueyu. There were countless strong people here. In the center of an altar like building, there sat an old man whose clothes were incompatible with the times.

At that moment, the two eyes met. The old man looked into Fang jueyu's eyes and showed a meaningful smile at the corners of his mouth.

"Shua!" Fang jueyu's consciousness returned to the original place again. He actually felt his feet tremble slightly and even a little unstable.

"How could such a thing happen?" Fang jueyu still doesn't believe it. It's incredible.

"Of course, it's very difficult to do such a thing. I waited for 200 centuries and finally found a person with the same constitution as me."

"You mean the old monk?"

"That's right!" The old man continued, "I was born with the ability to see the past and the future. In my time, I led my civilization to the peak of the whole universe, but when I looked at our future through my ability, I saw destruction!"

"Niu PI! If I had this ability, I would know the lottery password of each issue! " Fang jueyu murmured.

"This is not a happy ability," said the old man. "If you can see your future, the future of your civilization, and the end is very sad, will you still feel happy about this ability?"

"Forget it. I still choose to be a fool who doesn't know anything."

"That's it," the old man continued, "so I began to explore the future and the past, finally found the secret of the cosmic reincarnation, and began to find ways to prevent destruction, but we can't stop the entropy increase, because that means that everything needs to be suspended, even life!"

"Unless there is any power that can constantly inject new power into the universe, but this is not what human beings can do. We define them as gods!"

"God..." seems to be silently reciting this word. Unexpectedly, this word, which is well known in the region but full of awe, actually existed more than 200 centuries ago!